Sex assaults in Cologne on New Year's Eve

A 17-Year-Old Girl Fought Off a Rapist. Now She’s Being Charged With a Crime. | Tribunist

A 17-year-old girl managed to escape being raped by fighting off her attacker as he ripped off her clothing. Now police say she will be charged with a crime for defending herself.

The teenager was attacked around 10p.m. by a dark-skinned man in central Sønderborg, Denmark.

She told police her attacker struck her, threw her to the ground and began forcibly removing her clothes.

Using a canister of pepper spray, the 17-year-old was able to fight him off and escape the attack.

Now that tool of self defense is going to leave her as the only person charged with a crime in the incident.

“It is illegal to possess and use pepper spray, so she will likely be charged for that,” local police spokesman Knud Kirsten said, as cited by TV Syd.

Irony being what it is, the girl only began carrying pepper spray because the local police have failed to curtail a wave of sexual attacks by asylum seekers and refugees.

Attacks in the city have grown so bad that nightclubs have been forced to ban people based on what languages they speak.

“We must say that a large number of the male guests who come from the local asylum center have a very hard time respecting the opposite sex. In my eyes, it is harassment when one or more men continue to touch a young woman after she has said ‘stop,’” Glenn Hollender, from the Sonderborg club Den Flyvende Hollænder, told TV Syd earlier in January.

Note to self... never visit Denmark.
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Remember when I said Sweden was turning into a 3rd world country due to muslims? Guess they figured that out.

Sweden To Deport 80,000 Muslim Refugees Over Migrant-Linked Violence

Liberal policies. Absorb all the sh!t you can in an attempt to appear progressive and get accolades from fellow idiot bleeding hearts. Then eventually down the road you realize what a terrible mistake you have made and the damage you have done to your country so you are forced to remove people.
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Water is wet...

Do I think the term "federal building" is misleading? Sure. Because the way it was originally reported I thought it was something serious. Until I found out for myself it was pretty much a damn shack and people were making a mountain out of a molehill.

On the other hand, deporting 80,000 people means, well, deporting 80,000 people that couldn't qualify for the visa. It means exactly that. Not instigating anything, just the fact that a whole butt-ton of people were going to be sent away.

Apples, oranges.

I had more respect for you prior to this exchange. As I've said you're a smart guy and you understand the issue and you won't admit you're wrong. Look at your statement. I could flip it and substitute federal building and it's the same argument. It's not apples to oranges and you know it.
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I had more respect for you prior to this exchange. As I've said you're a smart guy and you understand the issue and you won't admit you're wrong. Look at your statement. I could flip it and substitute federal building and it's the same argument. It's not apples to oranges and you know it.

I'm pretty sure I'm not going to lose sleep tonight over your respect or lack thereof.

You won't admit the fact the word deportation is perfectly accurate and not misleading at all. A fact I pointed out several times and even put it into context. But you want to continue on this path about the federal building?

"Armed militia storms federal building."

"Sweden to deport up to 80,000 asylum seekers."

Which one is more misleading and inflammatory? Both are accurate, but which one dredges up fears of anti-government militias storming into a building filled with people and taking hostages? And that's exactly what others want you to believe by click baiting an article with that title. You're smart enough to realize one is going to get way more attention than the other because of a misleading title.
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I'm pretty sure I'm not going to lose sleep tonight over your respect or lack thereof.

You won't admit the fact the word deportation is perfectly accurate and not misleading at all. A fact I pointed out several times and even put it into context. But you want to continue on this path about the federal building?

"Armed militia storms federal building."

"Sweden to deport up to 80,000 asylum seekers."

Which one is more misleading and inflammatory? Both are accurate, but which one dredges up fears of anti-government militias storming into a building filled with people and taking hostages? And that's exactly what others want you to believe by click baiting an article with that title. You're smart enough to realize one is going to get way more attention than the other because of a misleading title.

Serious question. Did they actually 'storm' the building, or walk into a basically empty building carrying guns?

Storm: (n) (of troops) suddenly attack and capture (a building or other place) by means of force.
Serious question. Did they actually 'storm' the building, or walk into a basically empty building carrying guns?

Storm: (n) (of troops) suddenly attack and capture (a building or other place) by means of force.

Be careful OC, you're kind of proving my point.
I'm pretty sure I'm not going to lose sleep tonight over your respect or lack thereof.

You won't admit the fact the word deportation is perfectly accurate and not misleading at all. A fact I pointed out several times and even put it into context. But you want to continue on this path about the federal building?

"Armed militia storms federal building."

"Sweden to deport up to 80,000 asylum seekers."

Which one is more misleading and inflammatory? Both are accurate, but which one dredges up fears of anti-government militias storming into a building filled with people and taking hostages? And that's exactly what others want you to believe by click baiting an article with that title. You're smart enough to realize one is going to get way more attention than the other because of a misleading title.

Armed Militia takes over Federal Building is perfectly accurate, but the connotations may not accurately reflect the situation.

"Sweden to deport up to 80,000 refugees" is accurate, but has a different connotation than "Sweden to reject 80,000 asylum seekers." One title leads the reader to believe that 80,000 people did something wrong and are being deported as a consequence.
Armed Militia takes over Federal Building is perfectly accurate, but the connotations may not accurately reflect the situation.

"Sweden to deport up to 80,000 refugees" is accurate, but has a different connotation than "Sweden to reject 80,000 asylum seekers." One title leads the reader to believe that 80,000 people did something wrong and are being deported as a consequence.

I still do not understand why you care.
Armed Militia takes over Federal Building is perfectly accurate, but the connotations may not accurately reflect the situation.

"Sweden to deport up to 80,000 refugees" is accurate, but has a different connotation than "Sweden to reject 80,000 asylum seekers." One title leads the reader to believe that 80,000 people did something wrong and are being deported as a consequence.

Actually, the second title would lead me to believe they had done something wrong. Rejected has negative connotations. The first question on my mind would be "what did they do in order to get rejected?" The word "deported" doesn't dredge up negative opinions on the matter like "what did they do wrong" rather the question is "why are they getting deported?"
Actually, the second title would lead me to believe they had done something wrong. Rejected has negative connotations. The first question on my mind would be "what did they do in order to get rejected?" The word "deported" doesn't dredge up negative opinions on the matter like "what did they do wrong" rather the question is "why are they getting deported?"

Just shows you're smarter than the average attorney.
Just shows you're smarter than the average attorney.

He is somewhat correct in the terminology used. It's hard to put a happy face on the deporting of up to 80,000 people. But his original objection was the article was inflammatory and inaccurate. To which I challenged him to come up with another word that would accurately describe the situation.

"Please describe what's going on in Sweden."

"They are not allowing a number of refugees to stay in that nation."

"Are they deporting them?"

"That's not entirely accurate."

"So what's a one word answer to describe a rejection of those refugees and sending them back to wherever they came from?"

He is somewhat correct in the terminology used. It's hard to put a happy face on the deporting of up to 80,000 people. But his original objection was the article was inflammatory and inaccurate. To which I challenged him to come up with another word that would accurately describe the situation.

"Please describe what's going on in Sweden."

"They are not allowing a number of refugees to stay in that nation."

"Are they deporting them?"

"That's not entirely accurate."

"So what's a one word answer to describe a rejection of those refugees and sending them back to wherever they came from?"




He is somewhat correct in the terminology used. It's hard to put a happy face on the deporting of up to 80,000 people. But his original objection was the article was inflammatory and inaccurate. To which I challenged him to come up with another word that would accurately describe the situation.

"Please describe what's going on in Sweden."

"They are not allowing a number of refugees to stay in that nation."

"Are they deporting them?"

"That's not entirely accurate."

"So what's a one word answer to describe a rejection of those refugees and sending them back to wherever they came from?"


rejected their applications is what I've said. Deported brings to mind that these people did something wrong after arriving.
Thus Hilliary Clinton is still a viable candidate for the most important job in the world. Complicit is a word that comes to mind here.

Quite frankly, I do not how she has maintained any numbers throughout this mess. It is the reason Bloomberg is considering a run. Bernie is absolutely unelectable (if that's a word)
Rejected their applications and removing them from the country they are currently in.


Agree to disagree on the issue. You're fun to argue with. :) Safe to say that several pages of simply repeating the same arguments without movement by either of us has not been productive.
Agree to disagree on the issue. You're fun to argue with. :) Safe to say that several pages of simply repeating the same arguments without movement by either of us has not been productive.

Stop being stubborn. You can't charge a client for arguing with me.

Or at least I hope you don't.
rejected their applications is what I've said. Deported brings to mind that these people did something wrong after arriving.

An incorrect inference does not make the word in question incorrect. In fact I (you may disagree) find deported more benign than, say, exile/expel/banish etc.

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