So is Mississippi State talented enough to “compete” with USC or…

Y’all make fun of WC for his power rankings but y’all place 1st and 2nd and just call everyone else trash…

So can the trash compete now or? Auburn was a fluke?

USC losing for 36 mins a fluke to a team with 3 SEC losses?
It’s looking like Auburn win vs LSU was indeed a fluke. As for S.C. being behind for most of the game AT LSU, that was no fluke, LSU starting 5 is as good as any top 10 team
I’m keeping an eye on aTm also, they have 7 conference games left instead of 6 like most teams and outside of the game vs LSU, you could make a case they might go on a run. The game at UT is huge for them but for the LV’s also, and if aTm pulled that game off it’s not out of the question they finish the remaining games 6-1. That would give them 10 SEC wins. I don’t believe they will do that, but it’s worth watching to see if they start to get it put together.
This is the projection I came up with just taking the favorites or the home team for the rest of the games.

SC 16 and 0
LSU 13 and 3
Ole Miss 12 and 4
Tennessee 10 and 6 plus tiebreaker over Miss St
Miss St 10 and 6 They play at Ole Miss
Alabama 9 and 7 LSU coming up and they have SC and they have to play at Miss St
Texas A&M 8 and 8
Florida 7 and 9 3 and 6 now but have two games left with Georgia
Auburn 7 and 9
Arkansas 7 and 9
Vandy 7 and 9

NCAA teams

SC 1 seed overall 1
LSU 3 seed
Ole Miss 5 seed
Miss St 7 seed
Tennessee 9 seed
Alabama 10 seed
Texas A&M 11 seed

Certainly changes some with the tourney but six teams would be in regardless and A&M at 8 and 8 would need to win one probably.

SEC would get seven teams projected for nine right now. For Tennessee this means winning versus Arkansas, Texas A&M, and Vanderbilt. Losing to LSU and SC twice.

Opening day SEC tourney

Vandy vs Georgia
Kentucky vs Missouri

Day Two

Miss St vs Vandy Ga winner
Alabama vs Kentucky vs Missouri winner
Texas A&M vs Arkansas
Florida vs Auburn

Day Three

SC vs Florida vs Auburn winner
Tn vs Miss St Vandy Ga winner

LSU vs Texas A&M Arkansas winner
Ole Miss vs Alabama Kentucky Missouri winner


SC Florida Auburn winner
Tenn Miss St Vandy Ga winner

LSU Texas A&M Arkansas winner
Ole Miss Alabama Kentucky Missouri winnwe


Two winners out of the Semifinals
This is the projection I came up with just taking the favorites or the home team for the rest of the games.

SC 16 and 0
LSU 13 and 3
Ole Miss 12 and 4
Tennessee 10 and 6 plus tiebreaker over Miss St
Miss St 10 and 6 They play at Ole Miss
Alabama 9 and 7 LSU coming up and they have SC and they have to play at Miss St
Texas A&M 8 and 8
Florida 7 and 9 3 and 6 now but have two games left with Georgia
Auburn 7 and 9
Arkansas 7 and 9
Vandy 7 and 9

NCAA teams

SC 1 seed overall 1
LSU 3 seed
Ole Miss 5 seed
Miss St 7 seed
Tennessee 9 seed
Alabama 10 seed
Texas A&M 11 seed

Certainly changes some with the tourney but six teams would be in regardless and A&M at 8 and 8 would need to win one probably.

SEC would get seven teams projected for nine right now. For Tennessee this means winning versus Arkansas, Texas A&M, and Vanderbilt. Losing to LSU and SC twice.

Opening day SEC tourney

Vandy vs Georgia
Kentucky vs Missouri

Day Two

Miss St vs Vandy Ga winner
Alabama vs Kentucky vs Missouri winner
Texas A&M vs Arkansas
Florida vs Auburn

Day Three

SC vs Florida vs Auburn winner
Tn vs Miss St Vandy Ga winner

LSU vs Texas A&M Arkansas winner
Ole Miss vs Alabama Kentucky Missouri winner


SC Florida Auburn winner
Tenn Miss St Vandy Ga winner

LSU Texas A&M Arkansas winner
Ole Miss Alabama Kentucky Missouri winnwe


Two winners out of the Semifinals
Thx for that legwork, interesting. There are some who say Mulkey places little emphasis on conf tournies, instead favoring getting her teams rested and ready for NCAA’s. I don‘t know if there is truth in that, but with her short bench this year it might be a thought she has. The best part of the season is just beginning.
I'm conceding #1 to SC, and most likely #2 to LSU. For these purposes, I'm penciling us in at 10-6, assuming we go 2-2 the rest of the way. The scramble will be between Ole Miss, Miss St, Alabama and us for the other two byes in the SEC tourney.

Ole Miss looks like a good bet for 3rd. They're 7-4 and have the tiebreak over us, would have to lose 3 of their remaining games for us at 10-6 to pass them. They have Miss St and GA at home, and at Missouri, KY, and Arky. Don't see them losing 3 of those.

Alabama is 6-5 and also has the tie break over us. So for us to pass them at 10-6 they'd have to lose 2 or their remaining games. They have Auburn, So Car, Miss St, Fla at home and at TAM. It's highly likely they lose at least 2 of those.

Miss St is 7-4 and we have the tiebreak over them, so if we're 10-6 we'd need them to lose two of their remaining games to pass them. They have KY and Missouri at home and are at Ole Miss, Alabama, and Auburn. Good chance they lose 2 of those.

Looks to me like if we go 10-6 there's a good chance we could be seeded 4th. But that means 1 game and then So Car for the 3rd time in 3 weeks. 5th seed would also bring that fate.

Very likely that would put us up for the NCAA at 18-11. Or, if we beat LSU, 19-10 with a major win. Oh man, that would be sweet and bump us up a couple of seeding spots.
I'm conceding #1 to SC, and most likely #2 to LSU. For these purposes, I'm penciling us in at 10-6, assuming we go 2-2 the rest of the way. The scramble will be between Ole Miss, Miss St, Alabama and us for the other two byes in the SEC tourney.

Ole Miss looks like a good bet for 3rd. They're 7-4 and have the tiebreak over us, would have to lose 3 of their remaining games for us at 10-6 to pass them. They have Miss St and GA at home, and at Missouri, KY, and Arky. Don't see them losing 3 of those.

Alabama is 6-5 and also has the tie break over us. So for us to pass them at 10-6 they'd have to lose 2 or their remaining games. They have Auburn, So Car, Miss St, Fla at home and at TAM. It's highly likely they lose at least 2 of those.

Miss St is 7-4 and we have the tiebreak over them, so if we're 10-6 we'd need them to lose two of their remaining games to pass them. They have KY and Missouri at home and are at Ole Miss, Alabama, and Auburn. Good chance they lose 2 of those.

Looks to me like if we go 10-6 there's a good chance we could be seeded 4th. But that means 1 game and then So Car for the 3rd time in 3 weeks. 5th seed would also bring that fate.

Very likely that would put us up for the NCAA at 18-11. Or, if we beat LSU, 19-10 with a major win. Oh man, that would be sweet and bump us up a couple of seeding spots.
Well to me no one looking stable OM v Florida was wild and almost helped us so much…

But I wouldn’t pencil in any game for anyone else so far.

11-5 could get us a 2 seed with tie break over LSU. That game is huge to avoid USC. Obv have to win the others for it to matter but hey a little help from other teams would be nice.
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11-5 could get us a 2 seed with tie break over LSU
LSU is 8-3, would have to lose to us and one other game for us to have tiebreak over them if we go 11-5. They have TAM, us, Auburn, GA, and KY left. TAM could do us a huge solid by beating them in College Station Monday night, but I don't see it.

If that does happen, it's most likely Ole Miss would take second seed and us third, but either way it keeps us out of SC's bracket.

That said, the set up for us against LSU couldn't be better. They have the Monday night game in the travel hell of College Station, then the late game against Auburn, who's already beat them, Thursday night. Then their here next Sunday. Meanwhile, we take that short bus ride home fm Nashville early tomorrow evening and are off ALL FREAKIN WEEK.

For any of it to matter though, we MUST beat Vandy tomorrow.
Well to me no one looking stable OM v Florida was wild and almost helped us so much…

But I wouldn’t pencil in any game for anyone else so far.

11-5 could get us a 2 seed with tie break over LSU. That game is huge to avoid USC. Obv have to win the others for it to matter but hey a little help from other teams would be nice.
If we beat A&M, Sc and Vandy I’ll be good with that
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We need Alabama to lose to SC tonight, which shouldn't be a problem. Then we need them to lose one more game since they have the tiebreak over us.

We also need Miss St to lose again, but they don't play tonight.
We need Alabama to lose to SC tonight, which shouldn't be a problem. Then we need them to lose one more game since they have the tiebreak over us.

We also need Miss St to lose again, but they don't play tonight.
What happens if we win out and there’s a 3 way tie with us, LSU and Ole Miss, who gets the 2 seed?
What happens if we win out and there’s a 3 way tie with us, LSU and Ole Miss, who gets the 2 seed?
That's a great question. If all 3 of us, Lsu, and OM end up tied w four losses, we have the tiebreak over LSU, LSU has it over OM, and OM has it over us. Not sure how that gets settled.

I appreciate your optimism about us winning at SC, but that probably won't happen. We'll most likely finish either 11-5 or 12-6 and battling Alabama for the 4th bye in the SEC tourney. Most likely to finish either 4th or 5th, both of which put us against SC freakin again in the semis. Cora said on the podcast I posted today we're really best off 6th, but given KJH bad luck we'll beat LSU only to have that lock us into 4th or 5th.

Finishing 5th might be better, would give us an extra "winnable" game in the tourney in case we need that for NCAA seeding.
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That's a great question. If all 3 of us, Lsu, and OM end up tied w four losses, we have the tiebreak over LSU, LSU has it over OM, and OM has it over us. Not sure how that gets settled.

I appreciate your optimism about us winning at SC, but that probably won't happen. We'll most likely finish either 11-5 or 12-6 and battling Alabama for the 4th bye in the SEC tourney. Most likely to finish either 4th or 5th, both of which put us against SC freakin again in the semis. Cora said on the podcast I posted today we're really best off 6th, but given KJH bad luck we'll beat LSU only to have that lock us into 4th or 5th.

Finishing 5th might be better, would give us an extra "winnable" game in the tourney in case we need that for NCAA seeding.
That would be interesting but it all depends on the LSU game first, I really think we can beat Sc, I’ll give my thoughts about how I feel about them at a later date. One game at a time and see how it plays out.
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That would be interesting but it all depends on the LSU game first, I really think we can beat Sc, I’ll give my thoughts about how I feel about them at a later date. One game at a time and see how it plays out.
For sure, Sunday is a big enough hurdle. I'm trying to stay chill about it so I don't have a coronary this week. It's such an opportunity for the program to score a big win.
LOL, that's an easy call wo the odds and buttons. We been saying that for a couple of weeks.
A couple of weeks? My my glv does love him some hyperbole. In any event, the predicted order of finish for the ENTIRE conference and likely SEC tourney matchups as of TODAY is worth a look. Oh yeah, show me the link from 2 weeks ago where you said Bama was a lock for 4th place, I’ll hang up and listen…..but won’t be holding my breath of course. “lol”.
A couple of weeks? My my glv does love him some hyperbole. In any event, the predicted order of finish for the ENTIRE conference and likely SEC tourney matchups as of TODAY is worth a look. Oh yeah, show me the link from 2 weeks ago where you said Bama was a lock for 4th place, I’ll hang up and listen…..but won’t be holding my breath of course. “lol”.


I think we want Ole Miss to beat Miss St, and they're doing it 25-20 right now. We are unlikely to catch Ole Miss for 3rd since they have the tiebreak. A loss by Miss St, esp combined w a Bama loss, helps our shot at 4th.
Here's one from about 10 days ago conceding 3rd to OM and saying we need help fm Bama to have a shot at 4th. There was one before that where I laid out the remaining sched of everyone in contention for 4th and said Bama was highly likely to get it. Not going to hunt it up to prove a point. Soon as I saw the remaining sched, I knew we had little chance to catch Bama, and once they beat Miss St it was over. LOL I didn't say 'lock' cause there were games to be played. Still are, but Bama would have to lose to both FLA and TAM for us to catch them. Not happening.

Didn't mean to diss your post, it is worth a look to see which bottom feeder we're likely to play first. Looks like GA or FLA and we'll be in the afternoon bracket, which is always good in a tourney. Trying to find something to love here.

BTW, not getting bye in the SEC tourney is one more club with which to batter KJH. It does feel like slipage, though an extra win before we become SC fodder for the 3rd time might help.
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Here's one from about 10 days ago conceding 3rd to OM and saying we need help fm Bama to have a shot at 4th. There was one where I laid everyone's remaining sched out that was in contention for 4th and said Bama was likely to get it. Not going to hunt it up to prove a point. Soon as I saw the remaining sched, I knew we had little chance to catch Bama, and once they beat Miss St it was over. LOL I didn't say 'lock' cause there were games to be played. Still are, but Bama would have to lose to both FLA and TAM for us to catch them. Not happening.

Didn't mean to diss your post, it is worth a look to see which bottom feeder we're likely to play first.

BTW, not getting bye in the SEC tourney is one more club with which to batter KJH. It does feel like slipage, though an extra win before we become SC fodder for the 3rd time might help.
Just two things need to happen we beat A&M and they lose to A&M and were fourth otherwise were fifth locked in there.
Just two things need to happen we beat A&M and they lose to A&M and were fourth otherwise were fifth locked in there.
You're right, I was thinking Bama only had 5 losses. We're both likely to end 10-6 and they have the tiebreak. They're not losing to TAM. FLA may have a better chance, but I still don't think it's happening . But if they do fine, it doesn't make a huge amount of difference except the bye looks better. I still say the extra game (if we win it) in the SEC tourney might not be the worst thing in the world. We're going out in the semis either way.
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