Scotty Hopson is just...



Oct 12, 2009
Entertaining. Yeah...he played lights out, and is finally looking like we hoped he would last year...but he's just simply entertaining to watch after he scores. His funky run, walk, goofy thing today was typical Hopson, and you can't miss his dunk yell/holler. You always know when he's out there playing.

Hopson is playing great this year. I would love to see him maintain this level of play... It would be incredible to see him escalate his play. Go Vols!
When I watched him in the McD High School Game...
I saw him with a run away dunk that he stuffed and then quietly ran back to the other end to defend.

..........none of the other kids were of the mind that they had "been there before" he seemed more mature.

He reminds me of Dale Ellis in his demeaner. (more this year than previous)

It's only been 7 games, but he is playing like an All American. If he can keep playing this hard, we will be great.
I just hope he can stack the flat top about five to six inches more so that we can tout a seven footer on our team.

(wish we had a flat top smiley!)
Reminds me of another dude with a variation of Scott for a first name who had a flat top. Not because they're all that similar, but because his name is Scotty and he has a flat top...
Bruce has some interesting comments about Scotty in his post game show. He said this group of seniors is strong defensively but they have let it be known they want Scotty to be the offensive leader and he has embraced that role. He also said that Pitt started guarding Scotty differently the 2nd half which enabled Bruce to call different plays they practice regularly but rarely get to use. This let other players have an opportunity to score. He praised Scotty for being unselfish and a team player. Scotty has been truly impressive and a joy to watch this year.
A lot of people have been disappointed in him since he arrived, but I have a different perspective. I think it took him until this season to really understand his role on the team and embrace it. Sure, his handles have been undeniably suspect throughout his career, but the expectations on Bruce's "first McD AA" were undoubtably waaaay too high. A lot of our fans expected him to score like C-Lo and carry our team offensively when that wasn't what he was asked to do. His role has expanded each year, and I believe that CBP has done an excellent job putting Scotty in a place that has given our team the best chance to win regardless of what his individual stats showed.

He has gone from averaging just over 9 pts per game as a freshman to a tad below 14pts per game as a sophomore to 17 pts per game heading into the Pitt game. That is a good progression with someone who came in extremely raw IMO. Sure, his talent was off the charts, but he was about as unpolished as he could have been. His shot had to be retooled, and his dribble drive had a lot of work that was needed as well. He has really come on this season and not only are his numbers good, but he is doing an excellent job of playing within his means. His floater is a thing of art, and his outside shot is so pretty when it drops in. His mid-range game is hands down the biggest area of improvement shown and he is taking it to the rim with authority. THIS IS WHY HE WAS A MCD AA, AND THIS IS WHAT MAKES CBP A GREAT COACH!!!

His defense has vastly improved as well. Scotty has gone from solely looking comfortable at shooting the 3 as a freshman to one of the most complete players to come through UT since AH. If he can maintain this level of play, we have a legitimate shot at facing the dookies in the NC game and having a 2-4 loss season.

Go Vols!!!

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