Saban is against the 2 minute offense


Pump Guy

If Steve Spurrier was my neighbor, I would move.
Aug 16, 2011
Well, he didn't say that exactly, but if you believe that a defense should be allowed to substitute, for more than 7 seconds, then you can't make an exception at the end of the game - you know with "player safety" the concern.

Nick Saban Wants Rule Change That Offsets High Tempo Offenses | Rocky Top Insider

“The way it used to be, the [official] would spot the ball and you couldn’t snap the ball [immediately],” Saban told Dellenger. “When a team can snap the ball within seven seconds of the [play] clock, is that really good for player safety? I’m just asking the question. When you are on the defensive side, you can’t even change personnel.”
As the article points out, Saban has been arguing for rules to limit the effect of quick tempo offenses on and off over the past decade.

It reminds me of General Neyland arguing against the changes that came with two-platoon football.

When a coach resists adapting to the changing sport, he is edging toward the exit.

Go Vols!
This new rule is going to play into CJH’s hands and Nicky realizes this. I have come to realize that the CJH offense is not just about running plays fast it is more about creating Mismatches and Nicky realizes this. If you go back to the Alabama game, they were caught off guard so many times due to wrong personnel or mismatches in assignments. Multiple times this year, Hooker ran to line looked quickly at defense then looked to sideline for play. Several times the play was changed due to the defense in place thereby creating a mismatch. Many times, the vols used almost the whole play clock changing plays at line but because they were at line and the D could not change or else hooker would have snapped during the change. Therefore, it is so important for them to hustle to line then they group. Not group and then hustle to line. I believe the mismatches are more what CJH is about then speed of play.

The defensive minds want to run different personnel/schemes based on the situation. CJH wants some specialists on offense but he basically wants Swiss army knifes on offense so he can take whatever the defensive mismatch is going to give him and take it without changing personnel.

The faster the clock runs, the less defensive personnel changes to fit the situations and the more mismatches will be created.

Nicky realizes that he will be forced to sub less moving forward. It is not about injuries. With the clock constantly moving the Vols competitors will be forced to now run quicker than they want and CJH will have the ball more moving forward.

Buy up your stock of mustard or your stock in a mustard company!

This rule will help UT and will usher in a lot more fake injuries and will slow the game down even more. I see more fan revolt coming…..
Vol Mustard2.jpg
He’s pissed that he can’t dictate terms to the offenses that run faster than he wants to run, and he’s pissed he can’t trot five star substitutes in and out at his leisure. Uptempo negates his five star second string rotation and closes the gap.
He’s pissed that he can’t dictate terms to the offenses that run faster than he wants to run, and he’s pissed he can’t trot five star substitutes in and out at his leisure. Uptempo negates his five star second string rotation and closes the gap.

We better hope that Sanky & Co. don't bow to their money-maker school and give Sazban what he wants.
We better hope that Sanky & Co. don't bow to their money-maker school and give Sazban what he wants.
Up tempo offenses are fun to watch and bring in a lot of viewers and thus money. Saban has maybe a few more years of even being in the conference. I doubt the conference screws themselves just to make Saban happy. Kirby seemed to not have an issue slowing Tennessee down; maybe the game is passing old Nick by a bit?
Definitely. Especially with that BS “player safety” nonsense he’s running his mouth about.
Safety gets attention faster than anything. Saban has used that in a lot of instances up to and including the crap about his players being in fear for their safety when one hit a girl last season. He’s a great football coach but any respect anyone had for him as a human being should’ve went out the window then.
Up tempo offenses are fun to watch and bring in a lot of viewers and thus money. Saban has maybe a few more years of even being in the conference. I doubt the conference screws themselves just to make Saban happy. Kirby seemed to not have an issue slowing Tennessee down; maybe the game is passing old Nick by a bit?

It may well be that Saban is becoming Fulmerized. The game passed our great pumpkin by also.
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Saban: “I can’t figure out how to defend it. So if I can’t figure it out, we need to change the rules to accommodate me”

Look, offense is fun, viewers like offense.

Poor Saban would have gone nuts when the forward pass became popular.

Times change, strategies change. You either adapt or get left behind. You do. Or try to change rules to keep the old ways the only ways.
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I'm not going to go so far as to say Saban doesn't give a s*** about player safety...but I am absolutely certain it's not the primary, secondary or even tertiary reason he wants to see these rule changes...

He really has come off as a petulant little brat's not as easy to win as it was before so now he essentially wants to take his ball and go home...but he can't so he's pretty much asking Mom and Dad to step in and make the bad boys stop picking in him
Im amazed the whiny little bastard hasnt come out against kick returns in the last seconds.

I specifically recall Kiffin's first trip back to Knoxville, I think it was 2014, and Alabama got the opening KO. The ball was placed at the 20 then and Alabama offense came out with 10 players in the huddle. Amari Cooper came on the field late and alabama snapped the ball and hit him with a quick swing pass that went 80 yds cause Tennessee hadnt recognized the late substitution. I guess Nick the bitch had no problem with that play. Alabama has played their share of 'fast pace offense.
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Let’s change the rules to just benefit me…

It’s the only way he knows. He came to Bama with conditions that few, if any. were allowed…and most still aren’t…Total control, exceptional owner/GM power that allowed him to be king. Budget, under the table influence and superior talent allowed him to rule the world of college football….not his X’s and O’s.

A dictator’s last days..
Well, he didn't say that exactly, but if you believe that a defense should be allowed to substitute, for more than 7 seconds, then you can't make an exception at the end of the game - you know with "player safety" the concern.

Nick Saban Wants Rule Change That Offsets High Tempo Offenses | Rocky Top Insider

“The way it used to be, the [official] would spot the ball and you couldn’t snap the ball [immediately],” Saban told Dellenger. “When a team can snap the ball within seven seconds of the [play] clock, is that really good for player safety? I’m just asking the question. When you are on the defensive side, you can’t even change personnel.”
deal with it like everyone else,cry baby because tn beat your team

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