Russia brings the fight to ISIS in Syria!!!

Probably the most honest and comprehensive assessment of Putin's venture in Syria, its most plausible outcomes, and how the West/US should perceive it that I've encountered thus far. The author admits that, even though Putin's failure there is nearly inevitable, it isn't necessarily cause for celebration either.

Why Putin is doomed to fail in Syria - Vox

Doomed to fail, huh?! Like the US and coalition fight against ISIS? Where over a year of airtrikes and the funding and training of "good" terrorist to combat them, have only strengthened their power in both Iraq and Syria?

The media bombardment and smear war against Russia yesterday after the bombings is an obvious sign
the US is paranoid of their obvious lies being exposed by the Russians. And day by day they will get exposed. Its amazing how easy it's been for Putin to habitually exploit what a bunch of incompetent, war mongoring imbeciles we have..

Only a fool would think we are over there to bomb ISIS..
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Doomed to fail, huh?! Like the US and coalition fight against ISIS? Where over a year of airtrikes and the funding and training of "good" terrorist to combat them, have only strengthened their power in both Iraq and Syria?

The media bombardment and smear war against Russia yesterday after the bombings is an obvious sign
the US is paranoid of their obvious lies being exposed by the Russians. And day by day they will get exposed. Its amazing how easy it's been for Putin to habitually exploit what a bunch of incompetent, war mongoring imbeciles we have..

Only a fool would think we are over there to bomb ISIS..

Nice job on addressing the content of the article.
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Nice job on addressing the content of the article.

His tricolors are showing again.

I have a Russian student this semester, and not even he kisses Kremlin rear like those two. Beats all I've ever seen.
Doomed to fail, huh?! Like the US and coalition fight against ISIS? Where over a year of airtrikes and the funding and training of "good" terrorist to combat them, have only strengthened their power in both Iraq and Syria?

The media bombardment and smear war against Russia yesterday after the bombings is an obvious sign
the US is paranoid of their obvious lies being exposed by the Russians. And day by day they will get exposed. Its amazing how easy it's been for Putin to habitually exploit what a bunch of incompetent, war mongoring imbeciles we have..

Only a fool would think we are over there to bomb ISIS..

Too incoherent to comprehend.
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So, are the Russians bombing actual ISIS targets, or are they bombing anybody Assad wants them to, including the "moderate" opposition groups Assad tried to annihilate with chemical weapons?
So, are the Russians bombing actual ISIS targets, or are they bombing anybody Assad wants them to, including the "moderate" opposition groups Assad tried to annihilate with chemical weapons?

Who knows for certain, but, as far as we know based from the areas they've targeted and how (goes back to my analysis in a post on the last page about how sloppy their targeting appears), it seems most likely that they are not currently targeting ISIS positions. The areas they've targeted thus far are in far western Syria, mostly around Homs, which has no appreciable (if even any) ISIS presence.

From what I've heard, most initial reports (US granted) suggest the majority of the bombings have targeted the Free Syrian Army, and I have even heard that one of their best commanders (and one vetted/funded by the US) was killed in one of the strikes.

Despite what the Kremlin and their human soundbites present on this board say, constructing the conflict as a grand polarized struggle between the forces of good (Assad) and the forces of evil (terrorists/opposition - same thing), the FSA is a moderate and fairly legitimate indigenous opposition force inside Syria. Like any group, I'm sure it has its share of bad apples, but it's about as good as you're going to get if we're talking Assad, al-Nusra, and ISIS as the other alternatives.
So, are the Russians bombing actual ISIS targets, or are they bombing anybody Assad wants them to, including the "moderate" opposition groups Assad tried to annihilate with chemical weapons?

Assad didn't gas anyone. The government quit playing this lie a long time ago. It was yet another fabrication in order to bomb Syria, much like the wmd's with Saddam and Iraq.

The UN reports shows that there was evidence of 4 chemical attacks in Syria. In 3 of these attacks, Syrian army soldiers were affected by the deadly gas. The fourth, civilians were. Not a single one of the confirmed chemical attacks was against "rebel" soldiers.

We invaded Iraq illegally and even after UN reports contrary to the rumors of wmd's. The world saw this. There was and is no legitimate reason to invade syria, so we created one. See the "chemical weapon" trend without the proof? Why do people continually keep falling for these outrageous lies our govt force feeds?
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"The Russians have made a serious mistake": how Putin's Syria gambit will backfire - Vox

It would be easy to get the impression from media coverage that Putin's decision to intervene militarily in Syria is some kind of genius strategic move — a bold and brilliant gambit that will weaken the US in the Middle East, or at least dramatically limit its influence in the region. Headlines this week have blared that Putin has "blindsided" Obama, that Putin is now "controlling the game" in Syria, and that Obama is "humiliated" as Putin "resets the Middle East."

But as Jeremy Shapiro, a senior fellow in the Brookings Institution's Project on International Order and Strategy, explained to me, the truth is far different. If Russia did manage to "blindside" the Obama administration, he argues, that's only because the Russian intervention is so incredibly stupid that it took the US by surprise that Putin would actually do it. And while Putin's actions may be bold, that doesn't mean they'll be effective, much less worth their costs.

In fact, Shapiro argues, if the US is going to take a cue on its Syria policy from a despotic foreign leader, it shouldn't be Putin, but Napoleon, who once famously warned, "When your enemy is making a mistake, do not interrupt him."

Refreshing interview after the asinine international (and particularly here in the US) hullabaloo following Putin's UNGA speech and the beginning of Russian airstrikes yesterday.
Assad didn't gas anyone. The government quit playing this lie a long time ago. It was yet another fabrication in order to bomb Syria, much like the wmd's with Saddam and Iraq.

The UN reports shows that there was evidence of 4 chemical attacks in Syria. In 3 of these attacks, Syrian army soldiers were affected by the deadly gas. The fourth, civilians were. Not a single one of the confirmed chemical attacks was against "rebel" soldiers.

We invaded Iraq illegally and even after UN reports contrary to the rumors of wmd's. The world saw this. There was and is no legitimate reason to invade syria, so we created one. See the "chemical weapon" trend without the proof? Why do people continually keep falling for these outrageous lies our govt force feeds?

Bashar al-Assad is just misunderstood.

Half of Syria doesn't understand what a great guy he truly is, and the US-led coalition refuses to admit it as well.
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So, are the Russians bombing actual ISIS targets, or are they bombing anybody Assad wants them to, including the "moderate" opposition groups Assad tried to annihilate with chemical weapons?

Wow... Assad used chemical weapons? Link?
Wow... Assad used chemical weapons? Link?

You and Pacer must routinely compare talking points since neither of you addressed the pertinent part of my question. Which is: Is Russia actually bombing ISIS targets? I mean, I look at the thread title and it says nothing about Russia bringing the fight to the FSA or any other Syrian opposition group.
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You and Pacer must routinely compare talking points since neither of you addressed the pertinent part of my question. Which is: Is Russia actually bombing ISIS targets? I mean, I look at the thread title and it says nothing about Russia bringing the fight to the FSA or any other Syrian opposition group.

You must be drinking what McCain is drinking...

McCain: Russian airstrikes target CIA-backed rebels -

Sen. John McCain said Thursday that he has confirmed that some of Russian airstrikes in Syria were aimed not at ISIS, but instead at CIA-backed fighters taking on the Assad regime.

Again, the CIA is backing ISIS and the FSA. Meanwhile, this fool wants to start WWIII. He told Neal Cavuto yesterday that we should are the FSA to shoot down Russian planes.
You and Pacer must routinely compare talking points since neither of you addressed the pertinent part of my question. Which is: Is Russia actually bombing ISIS targets? I mean, I look at the thread title and it says nothing about Russia bringing the fight to the FSA or any other Syrian opposition group.

You must be drinking what McCain is drinking...

McCain: Russian airstrikes target CIA-backed rebels -

Sen. John McCain said Thursday that he has confirmed that some of Russian airstrikes in Syria were aimed not at ISIS, but instead at CIA-backed fighters taking on the Assad regime.

Again, the CIA is backing ISIS and the FSA. Meanwhile, this fool wants to start WWIII. He told Neal Cavuto yesterday that we should arm the FSA to shoot down Russian planes.
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Russia is going to make friend and leap America in becoming the world leader. Obama doesn't mind this because he believes America is the evil country of the world. he's fine with this.
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Russia is going to make friend and leap America in becoming the world leader. Obama doesn't mind this because he believes America is the evil country of the world. he's fine with this.

It's rather obvious the Russia and the US are headed in opposite directions.

The difference being leadeship, with the gap being extensive..
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Insult to our intelligence: New information war against Russia — RT Op-Edge

[Then there’s the question of why Putin is intervening.

Russia, we are told is launching air strikes in Syria not because it genuinely wants to beat ISIS, but because it has “selfish interests” in the region. Of course, western motives for destabilizing Syria and backing violent ‘rebels’ to kill Syrian soldiers and overthrow the Syrian government are never selfish, but only benign and humanitarian. When the US and its allies bomb Syria, it‘s to be lauded, when Russia does it – then it’s a sign of the Bear’s sinister attempt to increase its influence in the region. Russia having an ally in the Middle East – why it’s appalling! – only the US is allowed to have allies in an area where there is so much oil!

It shouldn’t need to be said after the blatant lies we were told about Iraq, Libya and Syria up to now, but we need to take negative western claims about Russian actions in Syria, not with a pinch of salt, but with a huge barrow-load of the white stuff.
Its amazing that you have 'Muricans complaining about alleged Russian collateral damage...

They've used that card relentlessly against us since Bosnia/Kosovo, while defending/abetting Serbian war crimes, killing Russian citizens in Chechnya not once but twice, killing Georgians, bombing Russians in order to stir fears about Chechens, and have defended/abetted Assad's crimes in Syria which they are now apparently gleefully contributing to.

Why can't we criticize their asses?

It's almost like you have a double standard or something.

P.S. Your knowledge about Putin and Russia is really weak.
You and Pacer must routinely compare talking points since neither of you addressed the pertinent part of my question. Which is: Is Russia actually bombing ISIS targets? I mean, I look at the thread title and it says nothing about Russia bringing the fight to the FSA or any other Syrian opposition group.

While your question is most worthy, you make a fundamental mistake in its asking.

See, for Ras, there is no distinction between ISIS/terrorists and any of the Syrian opposition. They're all one-in-the-same, and they're all on the American payroll. There can be no legitimate opposition unless its supported by Russia. So, for instance, eastern Ukrainian opposition: completely legitimate. Syrian opposition: not legitimate.

For Ras, there's only two good forces in this conflict: Russia and Assad. And there's only one truly good force in the world, and that's Putin's Russia.

Let that sink in for a moment. Okay, now that you've either stopped laughing uncontrollably or stopped horrifically weeping for what this world is coming to when people think the way he does about things, get up and pour yourself a drink of Tennessee whiskey. And say a toast to humanity and to UT football.
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