"Rigged" Democratic Debates

The problem isn't the party, it's the same ole sh!t getting kicked down the road. Nothing has changed since Pelosi left, nothing since Repubes took over the house and senate. It's the same ole sh!t. The mfckers say one thing like, we aren't gonna fund Obamacare and turn their backs and fund it. That's just one example, and to think they want Ryan as SOH is a fkn joke. He's one of the worst ones, that's why Barry wants him in there. Frankly my dear, I'm fkn sick of the BS. F*** 'em ALL.
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The problem isn't the party, it's the same ole sh!t getting kicked down the road. Nothing has changed since Pelosi left, nothing since Repubes took over the house and senate. It's the same ole sh!t. The mfckers say one thing like, we aren't gonna fund Obamacare and turn their backs and fund it. That's just one example, and to think they want Ryan as SOH is a fkn joke. He's one of the worst ones, that's why Barry wants him in there. Frankly my dear, I'm fkn sick of the BS. F*** 'em ALL.

Can you dig it?
The democrat "debate" was the most stupid Sham that I have ever witnessed.

The DNC says they pride themselves on diversity & they have none. No Hispanics? No Blacks? No Asian-American to run for the Office of President? All they can do is trot out a bunch of old white people w/no new ideas. Just take from the rich & give out free stuff to the poor as usual. The Democrats are very vanilla & not trustworthy to lead the Nation back to being a World Power & to solve the problems we face at home because of their far-left leaning domestic policies that don't work and it's deemed a failure.
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The democrat "debate" was the most stupid Sham that I have ever witnessed.

It doesn't take much ingenuity or political courage to get up on a stage and talk about a bunch of programs you are going to create without even being questioned one iota about where the funding for all this is going to come from. Instead every question is subsided by squeezing a "tax the rich" phrase in there.

And Bernie's stupid rants about how banks are too big are ignorant. What banks are these? We have community banks, investment banks, commercial banks, etc etc. Which ones Bernie? Tell us specifically. And does anyone think that banks are not severely regulated by the government as it is?
"Line of attack"?

Or observation of the reality.

The numbers do not lie. The top 1/10th of one percent own as much wealth as the bottom 90 percent.
So what? Maybe the bottom 90% should work harder.

That is just not sustainable.
Oh but taking the money of the top 10% and giving it to the bottom 50% is such an awesome plan. That is much more sustainable.

There is always gonna be a "top 1%". Your party's disdain for them is truly disgusting. What is even more disgusting is the fact that you are openly championing the class warfare mantra. And yeah, it IS a line of attack. I'll make you a deal: If you get your grubby paws out of my wallet, I will stay out of your bedroom and you can **** all the goats you want. Deal?
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So what? Maybe the bottom 90% should work harder.

Oh but taking the money of the top 10% and giving it to the bottom 50% is such an awesome plan. That is much more sustainable.

There is always gonna be a "top 1%". Your party's disdain for them is truly disgusting. What is even more disgusting is the fact that you are openly championing the class warfare mantra. And yeah, it IS a line of attack. I'll make you a deal: If you get your grubby paws out of my wallet, I will stay out of your bedroom and you can **** all the goats you want. Deal?

The problem is that at least some part of the wealth of the top 1/10 of 1 percent is not being derived by merit, or hard work, or any other form of legitimate value. It is being obtained and perpetuated by bribery and corruption of the government.

We can debate until the cows come home where the right line is for government to regulate or control. the point it, breaks and concessions to perpetuate wealth should not be bought and paid for, which it is at least in some instances.
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You are making the classic straw man argument that the GOP always makes.

I am saying that the economy should not be rigged to shield the wealth of, and promote growth of the wealth of, the tiniest fraction at the expense of everyone else, where the playing field is not fair.

That is absolutely the case now, as the tax structure and other rules have been manipulated by the very people it benefits, precisely in order to maintain an unfair playing field.

You then take that, and convert it into "don't give people something they do not deserve," implying that the point is simply to transfer wealth.

No. The point is to make the playing field fair. If that is done, then the distribution of wealth will become more fair, and those that deserve based on merit will naturally do better as a result of that, rather than as the result of having rigged that system.
And now that some of us are about to break a little more into the investment class, your ***** wants to change the rules. Take away the Cap Gains rates which won't hurt Warren Buffet one teeny little bit, but rather keep those in the middle class down even longer. Thanks.
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The problem is that at least some part of the wealth of the top 1/10 of 1 percent is not being derived by merit, or hard work, or any other form of legitimate value. It is being obtained and perpetuated by bribery and corruption of the government.

We can debate until the cows come home where the right line is for government to regulate or control. the point it, breaks and concessions to perpetuate wealth should not be bought and paid for, which it is at least in some instances.
I don't give a **** about how they get it. I am far more concerned about the collateral damage that your moronic ideas will have for the rest of us in your attempts to "get" the rich guys. It's idiotic and infuriating.
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The problem is that at least some part of the wealth of the top 1/10 of 1 percent is not being derived by merit, or hard work, or any other form of legitimate value. It is being obtained and perpetuated by bribery and corruption of the government.

We can debate until the cows come home where the right line is for government to regulate or control. the point it, breaks and concessions to perpetuate wealth should not be bought and paid for, which it is at least in some instances.

Just ask the Clintons!
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The problem is that at least some part of the wealth of the top 1/10 of 1 percent is not being derived by merit, or hard work, or any other form of legitimate value. It is being obtained and perpetuated by bribery and corruption of the government.

We can debate until the cows come home where the right line is for government to regulate or control. the point it, breaks and concessions to perpetuate wealth should not be bought and paid for, which it is at least in some instances.

You can not honestly expect me to believe this.
The problem is that at least some part of the wealth of the top 1/10 of 1 percent is not being derived by merit, or hard work, or any other form of legitimate value. It is being obtained and perpetuated by bribery and corruption of the government.

We can debate until the cows come home where the right line is for government to regulate or control. the point it, breaks and concessions to perpetuate wealth should not be bought and paid for, which it is at least in some instances.

First, I agree that crony capitalism must go. I've never believed there is a bank too big to fail or an auto manufacturer too big to fail. While we're at it, entities like Freddy and Fannie shouldn't be allowed to prop up phoney housing markets, either. Get them out of the lending picture. These two entities made a lot of people rich, LG, at the expense of the tax payer.

All of that is good. But those of us who watched the debate know that getting rid of crony capitalism is not what was being discussed on that stage this week. Promising free **** and telling everyone that millionaires and billionaires will pay for it was.

Remember when Obama was going to get rid of crony capitalism? He wasn't going to have any lobbyist in the White House? He was going to really stick it to Wall Street? :eek:lol:

Your answer misses the point and is just an attempt to rationalize your party's lurch to the left by telling us how some rich people are crooks.
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I've mentioned this before but I'll repeat it here. This election will be about class warfare. Last night was the Democrat's coming out party as the new socialist party.

The next election will be built around class warfare, what people deserve, and how the wealthier will pay for it.

This is sad but absolutely dead on.

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