Revenue sharing will impact Tennessee football salary cap, NIL

We are so blessed to have Danny White as our AD at this time. He is made for this. I couldn't imagine if we had Fulmer as our AD in a time when all of these changes are happening. I fully expect Tennessee to be light years ahead of other programs due to our leadership. Thank you Donde for going out and getting DW when you did. What an exciting time to be a Vol!
We are so blessed to have Danny White as our AD at this time. He is made for this. I couldn't imagine if we had Fulmer as our AD in a time when all of these changes are happening. I fully expect Tennessee to be light years ahead of other programs due to our leadership. Thank you Donde for going out and getting DW when you did. What an exciting time to be a Vol!
Fulmer was not qualified to be AD before NIL, he would really be lost in the NIL world.
There's a lot of let's-get-player-cost-under-control language in that article.

Yes, wait until they unionize and begin collective bargaining. Remember, this is what we all wanted, players to be paid because a free education, world class training and development and around the clock nutritionists is not enough for an 18 year old. I mean, before NIL they couldn’t even go to the movies with some buddies.
Yes, wait until they unionize and begin collective bargaining. Remember, this is what we all wanted, players to be paid because a free education, world class training and development and around the clock nutritionists is not enough for an 18 year old. I mean, before NIL they couldn’t even go to the movies with some buddies.
It isn't. Not compared to the many millions of dollars they bring in every year.
You do realize the vast majority of Americans make other people large sums of money and do not get a portion of it.
You do realize that unlike college athletes, those people get fair market value for their labor. They can change jobs whenever they wish. They don't have to take full academic workloads in addition to practice, workouts, and games.

The athletes don't get paid at all for their labor. They are prevented from working a second job, unlike most Americans. They could get suspended for accepting a free cheeseburger.

"Nowhere else in America can businesses get away with agreeing not to pay their workers a fair market rate on the theory that their product is defined by not paying their workers a fair market rate
Under ordinary principles of antitrust law, it is not evident why college sports should be any different."

"The NCAA is not above the law."

SCOTUS Justice Brett Kavanaugh
Concurring opinion
NCAA vs Alston

To your point...apples, meet oranges.
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While I agree with some, basing your argument on what someone else makes is not an acceptable debate. What my employer pays me versus how much he or she makes is irrelevant. The problem is people wanting to know what others are making and then not being happy with their origional agreement. Most athletes wouldn’t mind getting all the fringe benefits and free tuition if they didn’t know what the school was making. I just have a sore spot with people always wanting to know what I make or what another employee makes If you want to make what the schools do, build your own team and brand and then make it, otherwise agree to something your happy with and shut up
While I agree with some, basing your argument on what someone else makes is not an acceptable debate. What my employer pays me versus how much he or she makes is irrelevant. The problem is people wanting to know what others are making and then not being happy with their origional agreement. Most athletes wouldn’t mind getting all the fringe benefits and free tuition if they didn’t know what the school was making. I just have a sore spot with people always wanting to know what I make or what another employee makes If you want to make what the schools do, build your own team and brand and then make it, otherwise agree to something your happy with and shut up
It's not about what someone else makes.
It's about the schools and the NCAA making hundreds of millions while the athletes couldn't make a penny. That's just dead wrong, and it's not legal under federal law. It's exploitation. It's a good thing that it's ending.
It's not about what someone else makes.
It's about the schools and the NCAA making hundreds of millions while the athletes couldn't make a penny. That's just dead wrong, and it's not legal under federal law. It's exploitation. It's a good thing that it's ending.
It’s all about what someone else makes you even state it in your argument. We didn’t have this problem in the 30s40s 50s etc. kids were happy to play given a scholarship and the pride to play for their school. Not exploitation. What is exploitation is the tax payer having to pay to watch it while paying taxes while making others rich. I think the kids should have to pay the coaches and nutritionist and physical trainers and facility out of their newly acquired funds if they want to be paid. They wouldn’t have the opportunity if it weren’t for all those things. UT would still have players play and be around long after any of these kids are gone. The product may not be as good, but a fan would still watch kids represent their school.
It’s all about what someone else makes you even state it in your argument. We didn’t have this problem in the 30s40s 50s etc. kids were happy to play given a scholarship and the pride to play for their school. Not exploitation. What is exploitation is the tax payer having to pay to watch it while paying taxes while making others rich. I think the kids should have to pay the coaches and nutritionist and physical trainers and facility out of their newly acquired funds if they want to be paid. They wouldn’t have the opportunity if it weren’t for all those things. UT would still have players play and be around long after any of these kids are gone. The product may not be as good, but a fan would still watch kids represent their school

Not even. The schools and the NCAA are organizations/groups, not individuals. Ergo, not "someone".
It’s all about what someone else makes you even state it in your argument. We didn’t have this problem in the 30s40s 50s etc. kids were happy to play given a scholarship and the pride to play for their school. Not exploitation. What is exploitation is the tax payer having to pay to watch it while paying taxes while making others rich. I think the kids should have to pay the coaches and nutritionist and physical trainers and facility out of their newly acquired funds if they want to be paid. They wouldn’t have the opportunity if it weren’t for all those things. UT would still have players play and be around long after any of these kids are gone. The product may not be as good, but a fan would still watch kids represent their school.

Just because it happened, doesn't make it right.

Workers in the Great Depression weren't concerned with things like safety or fair pair either. They were happy just to have a job when 20+% of Americans didn't. That doesn't mean it was ok for companies to exploit them. And that's why Roosevelt put in place labor laws to prevent that very thing from happening.

College athletes deserve to be properly compensated for their value.
It’s all about what someone else makes you even state it in your argument. We didn’t have this problem in the 30s40s 50s etc. kids were happy to play given a scholarship and the pride to play for their school. Not exploitation. What is exploitation is the tax payer having to pay to watch it while paying taxes while making others rich. I think the kids should have to pay the coaches and nutritionist and physical trainers and facility out of their newly acquired funds if they want to be paid. They wouldn’t have the opportunity if it weren’t for all those things. UT would still have players play and be around long after any of these kids are gone. The product may not be as good, but a fan would still watch kids represent their school.
Are you for real? Your argument is a love story with the decades of illegal exploitation that the athletes suffered.

The taxpayers don't pay a debt to make any college student rich. The taxpayers that buy tickets, team merch, cable TV, actually are the ones that support the coaches and schools getting rich while the athletes couldn't even accept a free cheeseburger.

The 1930s???

Tell me that you are completely out of touch without using the words.

UT would't have anyone watching, because no decent players would play for the explorative model you espouse, especially given your 90 year old example.
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It’s all about what someone else makes you even state it in your argument. We didn’t have this problem in the 30s40s 50s etc. kids were happy to play given a scholarship and the pride to play for their school. Not exploitation. What is exploitation is the tax payer having to pay to watch it while paying taxes while making others rich. I think the kids should have to pay the coaches and nutritionist and physical trainers and facility out of their newly acquired funds if they want to be paid. They wouldn’t have the opportunity if it weren’t for all those things. UT would still have players play and be around long after any of these kids are gone. The product may not be as good, but a fan would still watch kids represent their school.
As for your argument, let's apply it to academic scholarships. UT gives many times more academic scholarships than athletic scholarships. Those are a financial drain on the taxpayers. Yet, I don't hear you whining about that. Why is that? Double standards, perhaps?
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It’s all about what someone else makes you even state it in your argument. We didn’t have this problem in the 30s40s 50s etc. kids were happy to play given a scholarship and the pride to play for their school. Not exploitation. What is exploitation is the tax payer having to pay to watch it while paying taxes while making others rich. I think the kids should have to pay the coaches and nutritionist and physical trainers and facility out of their newly acquired funds if they want to be paid. They wouldn’t have the opportunity if it weren’t for all those things. UT would still have players play and be around long after any of these kids are gone. The product may not be as good, but a fan would still watch kids represent their school.
You're romanticizing a time that didn't exist. People always romantacize a time that is long gone and dead and wasn't all that great but for a few. It's assanine that you're upset because players are being compensated.
I wonder how sustainable paying players is. Certainly for the major programs, it is, but I question whether most programs can make it work. Scholarships, NIL and now salaries. Ultimately, fans and boosters will pick up the tab.
I wonder how sustainable paying players is. Certainly for the major programs, it is, but I question whether most programs can make it work. Scholarships, NIL and now salaries. Ultimately, fans and boosters will pick up the tab.
It's sustainable, but not at the level the big schools will fund.

That's going to cut back some schools' Olympic sports and probably drop some schools back to the FCS level.
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It is working fine right now. This all about the corrupt NCAA getting their power back. Unfortunately the NCAA and their pet programs always permitted to cheat with impunity have taught the little people to demand it.
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If this has been posted already, Freak, kill this thread.

they still have to determine ways to generate revenue.. Anxious to see that develop.

2022-23 fiscal year saw UT athletics generate the largest revenue stream in their history, $202,097,305. Its a good thing the just agreed on payment structure was not in place because they would not have had the money to pay players. The expenses for that year was $191,032,519.

Something is going to have to give somewhere. Expect all operating cost (expenses) to continue to rise along with adding player payment to the expense ledger. Get your checkbooks ready boys and girls, UT needs your help.
Yes, wait until they unionize and begin collective bargaining. Remember, this is what we all wanted, players to be paid because a free education, world class training and development and around the clock nutritionists is not enough for an 18 year old. I mean, before NIL they couldn’t even go to the movies with some buddies.
Agreed. This is what the players deserve. Think of all the things they have paid for, for our city, revenue brought to Knoxville, which is likely in the billions over the decades. Them getting their fair share is long overdue.

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