Recruiting forum off topic thread (merged)

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A. I was born, bred, and bleed Orange. B. Memphis football won their conference this year. Proud of them for that like I would be proud of a little brother. C. Memphis is historically better than UT in basketball, and the Grizz are on fire, and I know there are a fair amount of Grizz fans here. D. BBQ National Championships and Rondezvous, helloo?! E. Home of the Blues, B.B. King and Beale Street. F. Memphis produces great athletes year in and year out in. G. FedEx makes Memphis the most economically profitable city (along with being the largest) in the state of Tennessee. SO if you want to keep on hating on the city I am proud of, where I was born and raised, on both sides of the poverty line, instead of rooting for the city to be better, which, by the way, it already has after 20 years under the WORST mayor EVER, who has finally been replaced by someone at least half competent, go ahead. Memphis isn't perfect, but Tennessee is a better state with a better Memphis, and would be a better team if we could tap into and keep the talent that comes out of there on a regular basis. It doesn't help the school when our fans come to the city and scoff and turn their noses up at it. Like it or not, the suburbs of Memphis are some of the fastest growing in the nation, and the city is only growing. It's not going anywhere. So get over yourselves. Be a fountain, not a drain.

I don't believe you changed the minds of one single person. Memphis still sucks. Been there 1 time and will never go back. Dirty, Nasty, Scary city.
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Lol. The only reason schools like Arkansas, Bama, Ole Miss, and Miss State took hold as you say is they paid for several athletes out of Memphis over the past several years. UT disassociated itself with one of their prominent boosters because he was linked to paying and pipelining so many Memphis recruits straight to UT.

This... Every year people say oh you got to take hold of Memphis or this is the guy to finally grab a hold of Memphis.... Lol it has never happened and it's not going to happen for the very reason you state... The majority of HS coaches or people around these kids have their hand out or want you to owe them something. They are looking for that edge to use against you.
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Lol. The only reason schools like Arkansas, Bama, Ole Miss, and Miss State took hold as you say is they paid for several athletes out of Memphis over the past several years. UT disassociated itself with one of their prominent boosters because he was linked to paying and pipelining so many Memphis recruits straight to UT.

Devinner, or whatever his name is, is a poison in the athletics of the Memphis area, and needs his head kicked in, because he is taking advantage of people and selling them off while pretending to be their buddy, acts like their mentor, and then when they get to the next level he ditches them. He hasn't helped things for UT at all. But you must know everything about Memphis. You must of grown up there, right? Cause I was born, raised, graduated, and enlisted out of Memphis. I'm all the way in Italy and all I want to do is be back home in Memphis with my family and have some Memphis BBQ and have a night out on Beale street after a Grizz win. But you can keep talking about it like it's a cesspool and act like I shouldn't get pissed off, it's cool.
Devinner, or whatever his name is, is a poison in the athletics of the Memphis area, and needs his head kicked in, because he is taking advantage of people and selling them off while pretending to be their buddy, acts like their mentor, and then when they get to the next level he ditches them. He hasn't helped things for UT at all. But you must know everything about Memphis. You must of grown up there, right? Cause I was born, raised, graduated, and enlisted out of Memphis. I'm all the way in Italy and all I want to do is be back home in Memphis with my family and have some Memphis BBQ and have a night out on Beale street after a Grizz win. But you can keep talking about it like it's a cesspool and act like I shouldn't get pissed off, it's cool.

Memphis BBQ is better than Knoxville BBQ..... but I haven't been to Dead End yet
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I don't believe you changed the minds of one single person. Memphis still sucks. Been there 1 time and will never go back. Dirty, Nasty, Scary city.

No offense, brother Vol fan, but if you said that to my face, I'd knock you on the floor where you stood. And I'm actually a really even-tempered and intelligent guy. That's my home, the place where I spent my childhood, the place I would fight and die for that you are pissing on. So yea, I take offense when people like you who only went "1 time" call my city a cesspool. We have our share of issues, but there are good people who live in and love this city, on both sides of the poverty line. Do well to remember that. Cause you won't catch me saying stuff like that about any other city except Gainesville, and that is only because it is home of UF, and I hate everything Gator related as matter of principle.
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No offense, brother Vol fan, but if you said that to my face, I'd knock you on the floor where you stood. And I'm actually a really even-tempered and intelligent guy. That's my home, the place where I spent my childhood, the place I would fight and die for that you are pissing on. So yea, I take offense when people like you who only went "1 time" call my city a cesspool. We have our share of issues, but there are good people who live in and love this city, on both sides of the poverty line. Do well to remember that. Cause you won't catch me saying stuff like that about any other city except Gainesville, and that is only because it is home of UF, and I hate everything Gator related as matter of principle.

"How dare you call my city dangerous, nasty and scary! I'll knock you out for saying that!"

Stopped reading there.
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No offense, brother Vol fan, but if you said that to my face, I'd knock you on the floor where you stood. And I'm actually a really even-tempered and intelligent guy. That's my home, the place where I spent my childhood, the place I would fight and die for that you are pissing on. So yea, I take offense when people like you who only went "1 time" call my city a cesspool. We have our share of issues, but there are good people who live in and love this city, on both sides of the poverty line. Do well to remember that. Cause you won't catch me saying stuff like that about any other city except Gainesville, and that is only because it is home of UF, and I hate everything Gator related as matter of principle.

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No offense, brother Vol fan, but if you said that to my face, I'd knock you on the floor where you stood. And I'm actually a really even-tempered and intelligent guy. That's my home, the place where I spent my childhood, the place I would fight and die for that you are pissing on. So yea, I take offense when people like you who only went "1 time" call my city a cesspool. We have our share of issues, but there are good people who live in and love this city, on both sides of the poverty line. Do well to remember that. Cause you won't catch me saying stuff like that about any other city except Gainesville, and that is only because it is home of UF, and I hate everything Gator related as matter of principle.
You call yourself even tempered and intelligent but would resort to violence over someones opinion of a city? Lol ok guy. No one gives a damn if you grew up there. It doesnt change their perception or experiences. Get over it.

Ive been to Memphis once and it was an exaggerated version of Jacksonville to my eye. Big deal. Who cares? You like it and thats fine.
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A. I was born, bred, and bleed Orange. B. Memphis football won their conference this year. Proud of them for that like I would be proud of a little brother. C. Memphis is historically better than UT in basketball, and the Grizz are on fire, and I know there are a fair amount of Grizz fans here. D. BBQ National Championships and Rondezvous, helloo?! E. Home of the Blues, B.B. King and Beale Street. F. Memphis produces great athletes year in and year out in. G. FedEx makes Memphis the most economically profitable city (along with being the largest) in the state of Tennessee. SO if you want to keep on hating on the city I am proud of, where I was born and raised, on both sides of the poverty line, instead of rooting for the city to be better, which, by the way, it already has after 20 years under the WORST mayor EVER, who has finally been replaced by someone at least half competent, go ahead. Memphis isn't perfect, but Tennessee is a better state with a better Memphis, and would be a better team if we could tap into and keep the talent that comes out of there on a regular basis. It doesn't help the school when our fans come to the city and scoff and turn their noses up at it. Like it or not, the suburbs of Memphis are some of the fastest growing in the nation, and the city is only growing. It's not going anywhere. So get over yourselves. Be a fountain, not a drain.

You're right about one thing. A better Memphis makes Tennessee better, and the best Memphis is one that is rezoned to MS or AR. I'll sign that petition whenever it comes online.
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I stay out of Memphis when ever possible. No offense to anyone from there but the place just has a horrible reputation, that it has earned. Watch the news out there, it's always violet, and always has huge racial undertones.
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Devinner, or whatever his name is, is a poison in the athletics of the Memphis area, and needs his head kicked in, because he is taking advantage of people and selling them off while pretending to be their buddy, acts like their mentor, and then when they get to the next level he ditches them. He hasn't helped things for UT at all. But you must know everything about Memphis. You must of grown up there, right? Cause I was born, raised, graduated, and enlisted out of Memphis. I'm all the way in Italy and all I want to do is be back home in Memphis with my family and have some Memphis BBQ and have a night out on Beale street after a Grizz win. But you can keep talking about it like it's a cesspool and act like I shouldn't get pissed off, it's cool.
Devinner isn't who I'm speaking of. I'm sure you're a cool guy, I respect that you're serving our country, and hope you get home safe. Roy Adams is the booster I was speaking of that had association with UT athletics and I don't know everything but I could go into plenty of detail about things that would make some people's anus pucker into a knot. Memphis is a dirty recruiting ground and it always has been. UT hasn't always been exactly on the side of angels there but we've pretty much moved away from most of that. You can find plenty of instances of this crap in football going back several years, Jovon Robinson, Will Redmond were just some of the more recent "known" ones. You could also look at Logan Young in the Albert Means recruitment.

As far as Memphis as a city, well you can love it but you have to understand there is a reason others hate the place. I won't go into that crap because we've been down that path and neither of us are likely to convince the other.
You're right about one thing. A better Memphis makes Tennessee better, and the best Memphis is one that is rezoned to MS or AR. I'll sign that petition whenever it comes online.

It also doesn't help when our fans get the **** kicked of them, robbed, and left damn near naked all bc he was wearing Orange. We don't get the Memphis recruits bc of geography and it's that simple.
I stay out of Memphis when ever possible. No offense to anyone from there but the place just has a horrible reputation, that it has earned. Watch the news out there, it's always violet, and always has huge racial undertones.

It's pretty scary when you aren't safe pumping gas or buying groceries. Hopefully they get control of that mob of teenagers causing havoc jumping people for no reason. Then the 9 yr old that was just trying to trick or treat and gets shot for the heck of it. That is what is scary is that there is no rhyme or reason to the crimes in that city. It's not gang in gang crime it's gang on citizen crime for giggles. That equals scary
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Rondevous is better imo

I like the Rondezvous, but its not my favorite BBQ (even in Memphis).
I have my favorite beer, but I can also enjoy others.

so, does this Richmond guy still play football?

Its been a long time since any update.............
Devinner isn't who I'm speaking of. I'm sure you're a cool guy, I respect that you're serving our country, and hope you get home safe. Roy Adams is the booster I was speaking of that had association with UT athletics and I don't know everything but I could go into plenty of detail about things that would make some people's anus pucker into a knot. Memphis is a dirty recruiting ground and it always has been. UT hasn't always been exactly on the side of angels there but we've pretty much moved away from most of that. You can find plenty of instances of this crap in football going back several years, Jovon Robinson, Will Redmond were just some of the more recent "known" ones. You could also look at Logan Young in the Albert Means recruitment.

As far as Memphis as a city, well you can love it but you have to understand there is a reason others hate the place. I won't go into that crap because we've been down that path and neither of us are likely to convince the other.

This I can respect. I have a lot of pride in my city, and what it can be, because it was not always like what it is today. The crime rate and the amount of gang activity disgusts me, and the education system is broken, and the county wants nothing to do with fixing the problem, but it is my home. And, obviously, I am fiercely protective of my home. All I want is for people to respect my home, which is and always will be a part of our great state, whether they would sign a petition or not. Because you respect people's homes. At least that's how I was raised in my trashy city. And no, this is not something I will stop being offended by. I can take jokes. I can take conversation about the corrupt leadership and slimy characters that are in control of key parts of the city. But do not attack my home. Because I don't attack yours.
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Lol. The only reason schools like Arkansas, Bama, Ole Miss, and Miss State took hold as you say is they paid for several athletes out of Memphis over the past several years. UT disassociated itself with one of their prominent boosters because he was linked to paying and pipelining so many Memphis recruits straight to UT.

Why I said MUS = Ole Miss
If you ask any kid in the MUS football program, they all say "Ole Miss" is a favorite.
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Just joking with you man. It's a message board and everyone has their own opinion about things. Don't get worked up over it dude. :hi:

I loved the joke, really. It got me to calm down a bit. I get really protective about my home. I don't understand why other people wouldn't be.
You call yourself even tempered and intelligent but would resort to violence over someones opinion of a city? Lol ok guy. No one gives a damn if you grew up there. It doesnt change their perception or experiences. Get over it.

Ive been to Memphis once and it was an exaggerated version of Jacksonville to my eye. Big deal. Who cares? You like it and thats fine.

I will give this a measured response. If someone blatantly talks trash about my city, I would first ask them to please be more respectful of it whilst in my company. If they continue, yes, I would lose my temper. Memphis is a soft spot for me, and that will never change. Literally, bash anything else you like, I don't care, but my home is my soft spot, ad that probably has something to do with being overseas and away from it for over a year now. As to your "people have differences of opinion" thing you have, that's fine. I will gladly have an intelligent conversation on the multitude of problems that plague my city. Blatantly call my city a dirty nasty cesspool, and I will get pissed off. See the difference?
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