Recruiting Forum Football Talk XXIV

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How did UT become the poster school for sexual assault? After digging as hard as humanely possible, the plantiffs dredged up 10 sexual assault complaints in 20 years against a school with 30,000 students and not a single case-- NOT A SINGLE ONE-- has resulted in a criminal conviction. And the media is treating Peyton Manning like Jerry Sandusky. WTH.

It's the PC Social Media Terrorists era. Find one person to destroy and find everything you can and keep on picking at them until they cave. It's the era where killing and robbing people is more socially accepted than arresting them. It's the era where mooning and tea bagging is worse than rape. Its the era of writing a letter to a QB for dancing in the end zone and claiming it teaches sexual behavior. It's the era of overreact to every thing you can.
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Yeah this would make more sense if we were in the middle of a current scandal but we're not.

I feel like you could find 10 of these type of complaints at most state universities all over the country. It's baffling that Tennessee is getting singled out here.

The vitriol being aimed toward UT and Peyton Manning is definitely baffling. I get the lawsuit-- opportunists are just looking for a payday. But the escalating backlash against UT with no evidence of wrongdoing...?
I would not; but had that happened to me, I'd've taken matters into my own hands :) and, ummm, Peyton might've called omaha in a much higher voice for a while...

Edit: I'm a Peyton fan - that foolish prank doesn't change all of the good he's done

If you read my previous post I said I am a Peyton fan 100% and I hate that this is being rehashed at this point in time. But some posters want to deny any wrong doing by him because they drink the orange kool aid. He made a mistake and we can just admit that and stop giving this more attention that it should receive given the time that has passed.
I would guess that a larger portion of the people on VN than not (hell, probably pretty much anywhere you want to look) did something just as bad, if not worse, than what some people on here are trying to make out of that Peyton 19.

I'll be the first to raise my hand.

Since then, I have raised two kids, am raising two more, have two grand kids, retired from the military, and did such a horrible job of raising my older kids, that one of them followed me into the Marine Corps and is now a Disabled Vet.

When I was 19, if you got drunk and passed out at a party, it was a given that there would be some kind of picture (not just someone saying it) floating around of someone, whether it was a guy or a girl, with someone nutsack laying on their forehead....or your pants pulled down and a picture taken of you mooning.....or crude comments written all over your head and face in permanent ink.....or worse.
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I would guess that a larger portion of the people on VN than not (hell, probably pretty much anywhere you want to look) did something just as bad, if not worse, than what some people on here are trying to make out of that Peyton 19.

I'll be the first to raise my hand.

Since then, I have raised two kids, am raising two more, have two grand kids, retired from the military, and did such a horrible job of raising my older kids, that one of them followed me into the Marine Corps and is now a Disabled Vet.

When I was 19, if you got drunk and passed out at a party, it was a given that there would be some kind of picture (not just someone saying it) floating around of someone, whether it was a guy or a girl, with someone nutsack laying on their forehead....or your pants pulled down and a picture taken of you mooning.....or crude comments written all over your head and face in permanent ink.....or worse.

Pretty much. now if you draw a penis on someone's face you get the death penalty.
If you read my previous post I said I am a Peyton fan 100% and I hate that this is being rehashed at this point in time. But some posters want to deny any wrong doing by him because they drink the orange kool aid. He made a mistake and we can just admit that and stop giving this more attention that it should receive given the time that has passed.

You are the one who said he "tea bagged" her based on her account. That's what people are taking issue with. Nobody is denying any wrong doing.

If you are going to backpedal into your current stance that he simply did something wrong and inappropriate, then I'm sure pretty much all of us would agree.
The original incident is the mistake of a kid. Bad judgement. Take blame, say you're sorry, do your punishment, and move on. It's a maturity issue. The aspect that concerns me is the systematic attempts to destroy the victim's reputation and career. If the details in the article are correct, there is a substantial character issue with the Mannings. And why would they feel the need to even address her in the book. This part has got me rethinking the whole situation. I have always been a Peyton fan so this is really troubling.
The original incident is the mistake of a kid. Bad judgement. Take blame, say you're sorry, do your punishment, and move on. It's a maturity issue. The aspect that concerns me is the systematic attempts to destroy the victim's reputation and career. If the details in the article are correct, there is a substantial character issue with the Mannings. And why would they feel the need to even address her in the book. This part has got me rethinking the whole situation. I have always been a Peyton fan so this is really troubling.

Based on all these other things coming out she probably is blaming others for her own mistakes that ruined her reputation and career. Seriously nobody has that many lawsuits against different famous people and runs Into 30 incidents at a place without seeking that attention or really asking for it. As viewed by her Facebook post to some lady she has a very hot temper and goes after people.

I trust the guy that has done a lot of great things in every community he has been apart of over a crazy chick
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Based on all these other things coming out she probably is blaming others for her own mistakes that ruined her reputation and career. Seriously nobody has that many lawsuits against different famous people and runs Into 30 incidents at a place without seeking that attention or really asking for it. As viewed by her Facebook post to some lady she has a very hot temper and goes after people.

I trust the guy that has done a lot of great things in every community he has been apart of over a crazy chick

Here here. :good!:
I just think it's lame that one mistake, even one that happened 20 years ago, is enough to character assassinate someone--and that so many people lap it up.

The world is full of bitter, vindictive people who love nothing more than to watch successful people fail. That's the only way to explain the amount of traction that stories like this get.

By all accounts, Peyton is and has been an excellent role model throughout his time in the NFL. Donates countless time and money to charity and goes out of his way to help people and respond to fans. But one incident in his past makes him a total scumbag who should be erased from history, apparently.
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The original incident is the mistake of a kid. Bad judgement. Take blame, say you're sorry, do your punishment, and move on. It's a maturity issue. The aspect that concerns me is the systematic attempts to destroy the victim's reputation and career. If the details in the article are correct, there is a substantial character issue with the Mannings. And why would they feel the need to even address her in the book. This part has got me rethinking the whole situation. I have always been a Peyton fan so this is really troubling.

What did PM book say to destroy the victims rep?
Here is the excerpt from Basilio's blog I was referencing. Not saying I totally agree with all of it. But there is some interesting stuff going on for sure.

...yeah, any opinion that includes the phrase 'Bama Dave' goes in my mental trash heap almost immediately. I have no strong feelings about the man in either direction, but by using that moniker, I automatically conclude that the user has no ability to view him logically.

That aside, add me to the people confused that UT is the target of all of this. This has a University of Missouri feel to it - a dubious grievance thrown into the media echo chamber until it becomes a much larger than it actually is.
Here is the excerpt from Basilio's blog I was referencing. Not saying I totally agree with all of it. But there is some interesting stuff going on for sure.

For those of us not in the loop, what the hell is all this talke about Dave Hart's war against women? What did he do to the Lady Vols? What happened to women in the athletic department? Did "Bama Dave" personally woman bash all these women? Why is he the scapegoat?
You are the one who said he "tea bagged" her based on her account. That's what people are taking issue with. Nobody is denying any wrong doing.

If you are going to backpedal into your current stance that he simply did something wrong and inappropriate, then I'm sure pretty much all of us would agree.

You know what teabagging is, right? You know what mooning is I imagine. You acknowledge that these are two very different things? The report says that he made physical contact with her with his genitals? One act is considered harmless fun while the other can be construed as sexual assault (bs or not). Just give it a rest.
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You know what teabagging is, right? You know what mooning is I imagine. You acknowledge that these are two very different things? The report says that he made physical contact with her with his genitals? One act is considered harmless fun while the other can be construed as sexual assault (bs or not). Just give it a rest.

Yeah, I'm just calling BS without the other side of the story. You stated it as fact. That's all.
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Yeah, I'm just calling BS without the other side of the story. You stated it as fact. That's all.

Why wouldn't Peyton have fought it in court if all he really had done was mooned the girl? Counter-sued for defamation? It doesn't really matter at this point. I think more signs point to him doing it than not, but he's paid his dues literally and figuratively.
Why wouldn't Peyton have fought it in court if all he really had done was mooned the girl? Counter-sued for defamation? It doesn't really matter at this point. I think more signs point to him doing it than not, but he's paid his dues literally and figuratively.

Because it might have cost him more to fight in court than to just settle.
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Why wouldn't Peyton have fought it in court if all he really had done was mooned the girl? Counter-sued for defamation? It doesn't really matter at this point. I think more signs point to him doing it than not, but he's paid his dues literally and figuratively.

Cost more in legal fees than the settlement. Makes sense to just move on. That's why big money almost always settles.
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