Recruiting Forum Football Talk [RIP 9.3.2019]

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Ocean is fine in DR. Although its super close to deep shelf dropoff. Nothing to break up big storms, waves or rip current.

The alcohol is fine. There's plenty of it.

Why would anyone pay for a resort then leave? 🤦🏼‍♂️ You're asking for issues.

Depends on the island. We left the resort in St. Lucia, and it was perfectly fine. Went to a street festival and went on a half day catamaran trip with a stop. There are others that are fine, too. Caymans are fun, and that was the best beach I have ever been to.

I was really making a joke. But, the DR would not be high on my list. There are many others I would go to.
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Depends on the island. We left the resort in St. Lucia, and it was perfectly fine. Went to a street festival and went on a half day catamaran trip with a stop. There are others that are fine, too.

I was really making a joke. But, the DR would not be high on my list. There are many others I would go to.

There's a reason DR is so cheap. It's less desirable due to location. Obviously the dropoff lends to large predatory fish with big eyes that look ☝🏻 at baitfish using the ledge as defilade, the protect from said billfish. My pt is normal folks just like the shallow water beaches to relax.

Guy ahead of us on last trip to PC netted 15 striped marlin.

Most gringos want to catch Bone's Permit or Tarpon.

Some want the redneck slam consisting of..

Flounder, Redfish, Sea Trout

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Damn every time I see one of the Vol Summer Long videos or basically any of the media the football team is putting out these days, it makes me really wish I was 18 again, and really athletic, and attending the University of Tennessee under a football scholarship.

It all just looks amazing - like they (players) genuinely love each other and the coaching staff. And of course the facilities and backdrop is all so gorgeous.

Feels good man. Really think we're about to witness greatness in the coming years.
Damn every time I see one of the Vol Summer Long videos or basically any of the media the football team is putting out these days, it makes me really wish I was 18 again, and really athletic, and attending the University of Tennessee under a football scholarship.

It all just looks amazing - like they (players) genuinely love each other and the coaching staff. And of course the facilities and backdrop is all so gorgeous.

Feels good man. Really think we're about to witness greatness in the coming years.

Tfw you’re not 6’4” and in the 99.9th percentile of athleticism for your height, weight, and age.
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Hardy...come on down....
Lawrence....come on down....
Mays....come on down.......
Baron...come on down.....
People still act like that's a bunch of scrubs. Those are all really good players.
Some people are just plain ole dumb. Scrubs do not make it to the NBA or any professional sport. Let the kids play though because they have to say something negative about everything :rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:
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It’s the same SITUATION tho. Calling the timeout they didn’t have 100% ended the game.

I'll go ahead and say it, it was a blown call and a moot point. It shouldn't have been a technical because Green didn't have control and if you don't have control you can't call a timeout. So time should've run out anyway.
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