Recruiting Forum Football Talk [RIP 9.3.2019]

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Mom can't remember she ate immediately after we've eaten. She can't remember anything 2 minutes removed from it. Her short term is completely gone. She can't sit still. If she's out she wants to go home. The minute she walks in the door of her house, she wants to know where they're going. She absolutely wears my dad out. My dad gets relief by taking her to daycare three days a week.

She's starting to forget the people close to her. I have to remind her that I'm her son. Sometimes she thinks I'm her husband. It's a sad deal.

Hate to read this stuff after my mother-in-law's bout with it that I posted about previously. Now a friend of ours has it and is going through the same thing. Prayers for your family's stamina and making peace with the situation.
Sooo Tennessee goes winless in the SEC the year prior to Jeremy Pruitt.... we win two SEC games last year under Pruitt as a first time head coach and somehow the sky is almost falling? Give me a freaking break already good lord.
I think you should read my post again, the team quit on Butch. The last two games the team did the same with Pruitt, many of those being Butch recruits. So the answer is get Pruitt recruits.

To this point we have finished no better than mediocre, middle of the pack. As we know that won't correlate to competing in the SEC. With few recruits in the fold heading into the season the staff's ability to bring guys in will be determined largely part by the product we put on the field. Another repeat of last year and our ability to close may be affected, which is the reason for concern.

Like I stated before, the sky isn't falling but there is reason for concern. The past decade has turned me into a "show me" guy. I don't trust any longer.
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Truth be told I don't think the team quit on Pruitt. I think it was legit endurance, for whatever reason the rotation on defense was slim the DL specifically had a very small rotation. And with an offense that never found it's ability to churn out long drives the team (who was still lifting during the season) seemed to fade more than quit.

Dooley & Butch both absolutely lost their teams. I think Pruitt just didn't have enough horses in the stable.
Hey just saw this. He’s about the same. Several recent falls. Broke his ankle. What’s worse than Alzheimer’s? Someone with Alzheimer’s and walking with use of a walker. Or should I say using a walker as a weapon???😳

He asks me every time I talk to him if “that new guy is going to win or not”. Not sure if he’s talking about Pruitt or Butch or Doug Dickey
All the prayers.
Mom can't remember she ate immediately after we've eaten. She can't remember anything 2 minutes removed from it. Her short term is completely gone. She can't sit still. If she's out she wants to go home. The minute she walks in the door of her house, she wants to know where they're going. She absolutely wears my dad out. My dad gets relief by taking her to daycare three days a week.

She's starting to forget the people close to her. I have to remind her that I'm her son. Sometimes she thinks I'm her husband. It's a sad deal.
All the prayers for you also.
I don't disagree with you but I think the only guy we really have to worry about replacing on the DL is Kyle. I thought he was pretty disruptive and as you suggest Solomon might be the best to be that guy. Total individual production by the guys on the DL is obviously almost always going to be affected, among other things, by the number of snaps a guy is playing. I think the DL prototypes that Pruitt & Co. have recruited for the last 2 years and are developing are different body types from the guys we had been recruiting for our 4-3 scheme. Oh, and I'm suspecting Emerson will be a utility guy on the DL this year if all else works. If Solomon doesn't get his waiver I'm thinking Butler moves up.

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that's a lot of size. hope they're mean and fast as well.
I'm excited for the ORN get. With Bone most likely gone, Grant is probably 70% out the door and Walker I also think gone he needs to add a few more for this 2019 class. Went from getting 3 and having 0 spots, to now potentially having another 3 spots open.

ORN was a former PG and has grown to 6'8"-6'9" range with a lot more muscle mass on frame. He's 240ish already, should be ready to play this year and could be the next Admiral type, only better length and height.
I'm really excited about the new guys coming in for the DL. I think if we can just find one that is far enough along to make a significant contribution we should be fine. jmo.

This video suggests that we're off to a good start at finding at least one guy who will be up to the challenge. I don't know which one it is but I'm betting on the guy with the Gap shirt on. Rocker just needs to teach them what to do. We should be okay once we gain a little experience. jmo.

I think you're right. I just can't envision our defense 'humming' this season, at least not until November when the schedule lightens up and we get some experience.
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ball control aint winning much these days, at least for championships. Too many points being put up. Ask Meechigan. Even Harbaugh is abandoning his old offense. Never thought Id see that. Nor Saban doing the same. we should win more just having a more experienced oc, but if we want to ever win real big we'll either have to modernize or amass talent like never before.

I don't mean ball control for ball control's sake. I mean ball control for the sake of a few long, successful drives per game that allows our defense to rest. Quick strike offenses are great, until your defense gets gassed.
Mom can't remember she ate immediately after we've eaten. She can't remember anything 2 minutes removed from it. Her short term is completely gone. She can't sit still. If she's out she wants to go home. The minute she walks in the door of her house, she wants to know where they're going. She absolutely wears my dad out. My dad gets relief by taking her to daycare three days a week.

She's starting to forget the people close to her. I have to remind her that I'm her son. Sometimes she thinks I'm her husband. It's a sad deal.
Today would have been my grandmas birthday. Her battle with Alzheimer’s ended three years ago. Really tragic disease. Luckily “Gi” still remembered her family up to the end, but mannn it’s a weird thing how they revert. It will always be with me though, how just before she died I had a 5 minute conversation with her (our last) and she had more clarity and wisdom in that conversation than ever before. It was as if the hazy, confused, repetitive, “normal” for her at that point just completely disappeared and her spirit came through unfiltered. I’m thankful to believe that sickness is only temporary, in the grand scheme of things.

Sorry for the Facebook post :) have a good day y’all!
Truth be told I don't think the team quit on Pruitt. I think it was legit endurance, for whatever reason the rotation on defense was slim the DL specifically had a very small rotation. And with an offense that never found it's ability to churn out long drives the team (who was still lifting during the season) seemed to fade more than quit.

Dooley & Butch both absolutely lost their teams. I think Pruitt just didn't have enough horses in the stable.
It was said that some of the players actually quit. I think Drew Richmond was one that quit....
Random GoT questions:

1) Why is Cersei always called cersei lannister and not cersei baratheon?

2) Why didnt the red lady just birth another black smoke monster to kill the Night King?

3) Is the 3 eyed raven the lord of light?

4) is azor ahai ever mentioned in the show or only a book thing?

5) why is tyrion wrong about every move he makes these days? it's like hes become a fool ever since joining dany.
I don't know what they are doing, or why anymore.
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