Recruiting Forum Football Talk [RIP 9.3.2019]

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Not many expected Holly to do what Pay did but this is an abomination. She's burning it to the ground. If she was a true NFL and cared about the program, she would tell Fulmer that he needed to find someone to lead the program going forward and she would step away for the good of the program. She would stay on and finish the year or go ahead and leave whichever he wanted. I haven't seen a worse coached game since my kids played junior pro. It's pathetic and embarrassing.

I just can't wrap my head around what Holly was doing all those years under Pat when she knew she was likely to take over someday. Plus , she was a pretty good player in her own right. It is so obvious that she has no clue. I am pretty sure several of us could do better, and that is not good.
Not many expected Holly to do what Pay did but this is an abomination. She's burning it to the ground. If she was a true NFL and cared about the program, she would tell Fulmer that he needed to find someone to lead the program going forward and she would step away for the good of the program. She would stay on and finish the year or go ahead and leave whichever he wanted. I haven't seen a worse coached game since my kids played junior pro. It's pathetic and embarrassing.

I saw Holly do an interview on the last loss, 4 in a row at that point, she looked liked she aged 10 years in just a couple. I agree, I think she knows at this point she is just a shadow. It’s just plain sad to watch at this point, when there are a few of us that still remember watching Pat, Fulmer and Pearl tearing up at the same time.
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She just needs more time, roster is young, Phil will never fire her, Pat hand picked her, yada yada yada, abba dabba doo.
I just cannot think of any situation that occurs that allows Fulmer to overlook this and bring her back. I think the team has already quit on her, because they know she can’t coach herself out of a wet paper bag. I mean get torched by a .500 Bama team? Lol! Terrible! Hopefully we are lucky enough to see a resignation/forced out today!
Looks like someone on VQ is saying they’re hearing Graham is coming home
And things just keep getting better for our football program!!! Let’s goooooo!!! This is the most excitement I have had in a very long time, minus that small window at the beginning of the 2016 season, when we thought we were almost back.
Players quit tonight. If he pussyfoots around, they'll have their first losing record, players will transfer, recruits will bail, ticketholders won't renew and he'll have a very big, very public, very ugly mess on his hands. I can't even imagine the texts and emails he's getting. Well, actually, I can.
Volnation begging Fulmer...

I just can't wrap my head around what Holly was doing all those years under Pat when she knew she was likely to take over someday. Plus , she was a pretty good player in her own right. It is so obvious that she has no clue. I am pretty sure several of us could do better, and that is not good.
Now, we know why no one else hired her from Pat.
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Now, we know why no one else hired her from Pat.

Holly had several opportunities but turned them down.

I feel for her and her family. Bottomline, she has/is giving her all for Tennessee. If Coach Fulmer and Holly feels it’s the right time, then a move will be made and my hope is she will be given something within the administration to continue her involvement. She was a HOF player and her jersey hangs from the rafters.

Coach Fulmer has proven to me he has a clear direction for our sports programs. IF he decides it’s time, then I am with him. Until then, I will pull for Holly and the LV’s.

This is not a Butch Jones situation.....
I know the Lady Vol meltdown is underway, but let's look at what all has happened with the Vols since 2019 began:

- Watched Alabama get spanked in the national title game
- Landed Jim Chaney
- Landed Tee Martin
- Watched Tosh Lupoi leave UGA, leaving door wide open for To'oto'o
- Landed Deangelo Gibbs
- Men's team has killed every team they've played this year
- Jauan Jennings returned

Did I miss anything?
Can’t understate the importance of keeping Fitz! This man needs to be added imo
Just to recap some good vibes, in no particular order.

  1. Jennings is back

  2. Callaway too

  3. We lose very little talent from our previous team.

  4. The schedule eases up next year

  5. Chaney is at the very least a clear upgrade over Helton

  6. Tee Martin is now on staff

  7. Somehow, we landed Crouch

  8. We are going to land Wright

  9. Bama is losing all their coaches

  10. Which pushes To oto to TN

  11. Fitz turned down Maryland

  12. Kelly too

  13. Niedermeyer turned down someone out west
  14. 5* Solomon comes from Michigan

  15. Gibbs comes to Tennessee... where he should have been all along

  16. Our rivals are losing a ton of players to graduation and early NFL decisions
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