Recruiting Forum Football Talk [RIP 9.3.2019]

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Hey Invol how is your mom? Its your mom right that has Dementia? Hospice has come in and they put my dad on some really strong meds trying to keep him calmed down as he is getting more agitated now more than ever but they made me stumble alot and he fell a couple of days ago hit his head on an marble top end table and split his head open. They sent him to the ER and he got 4 staples. They took him off of those now and looking for something else. My mom found this wonderful lady who has worked with Hospice and Dementia patience for over 40 yrs. She is really good with him and has taken a lot of stress off of my mom and me as I am over there almost everyday taking care of them both. I hope things are going good for you well as good as things can go in these situations.
Thanks for asking, Studs. My mom does have Alzheimer's. She's holding her own but slips ever so slightly every day. As I posted a few weeks ago, my dad flipped over his ATV and broke 7 ribs on his left side. He is my mom's primary care taker so between my sister and I we had to take care of them both. My dad has recovered nicely. He still has some pain but he's almost back to normal.

I'm so sorry about your dad. The medication is key and I pray you and your dad's doctors hit on the perfect combination. It's a blessing when you find someone that can help care for your loved one. It takes a huge toll on the spouse of a dementia patient. I went to a informational meeting about caring for a loved one with dementia. I forget the exact number but many spouses pass away from the stress of caring for their partner before the dementia patient. Take care of your mom (I'm sure you know that). Prayers to you and your family for strength in getting through this. I hope all of you have a blessed and restful Thanksgiving holiday.
Probably true. The problem for the Haslams is that the fanbase really does not give a rat's behind that Fulmer won't return Hyams' texts. In fact, most of us are applauding it.

I used to have a little bit of respect for Hyams, being an old school check-your-sources journalist. Boy, is that in the rearview.
Over highly touted Stanford graduate transfer Keller Chryst?

Are the Cardinals playing over their heads right now? Cause the way the announcers are talking they are rebuilding and really aren't suppose to be that good yet. Not saying they don't have good players but announcers making it sound like they make have a tough year with all that has happened.
Chris Mack is a very good coach.
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