Recruiting Forum Football Talk III

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I’m about to lose my toys if I don’t say a couple of things: I have never been told the name of a coaching target. My friend does not represent the person who is the source of his information. That’s my disclaimer.
Personally, I’ll add two more things: I really don’t want to be the guy known for pulling the wrong string that unwinds the confidentiality in this thing. As I’ve said before, I’m not an insider. I won’t be “sharing” for years to come on topics where I don’t have value. Usually I’m just the snide guy who pokes holes in logic of others, and goes back to work.Look at my history. I don’t post insider information, because I’ve never had any. I don’t live my life on this forum, and I don’t plan to cash any e-cred checks anytime soon. I have a pretty clear indication that the booster who is sharing with my friend, is sharing with one other person on this board too, based on an evidence trail. I think that booster will be asked to be quiet this morning, and that’ll result in me knowing less, and knowing later.
The boosters know target one because he has been a target for weeks. They don’t know other names below that. I stand by everything I said yesterday, and have said in the past. Two candidates have been notified that they are finalists. One is in a back and forth as of last night. I know the key problem is the perception that the NCAA issues are reputational issues that damage the perception of the job. I don’t know that they can fix that with money or length of contract. Barring two strikeouts, I still believe they will be in a deal today. Yesterday my friend said they’d have a coach by midday. I know DW wants to tell team before anyone else. I know every local media person has been told to sit in a corner until there is news. While they will do a national release through regular channels, the national sources have not been told who the targets are. While we could have already closed this, or may very soon, it could take a few hours to be released. I crossed a line last night, and said too much. I said some details about a friend that were beyond what I should’ve shared. I’m not going to delete or change anything from those posts. It’s my mistake. It’s on the record with everything else. We are indeed in a negotiation with our top target. I feel rock solid about that. No matter what they say about the order of events, I’m confident that they made a big offer to a candidate that we’d normally perceive as not in our reach. I think we’ll all be happy if that closes. If not, key constituents believe in DW (and therefore the other finalist) whether the fans will or not. I still believe we’re near the finish line. I’m not going to guess coach names. I don’t know, but I know enough to cause trouble.
At least Chris Low throwing Franklins name out there isn’t based off any info he’s heard. Looks like @Atlanta VOL was meaning that, when the news breaks, it will be national guys first. But as of now, nobody knowsssss.
UT's inner circle on this is four people-- four very close-mouthed people. Then you have outside noise from agents and media, fueling speculation that's generally agenda-driven.

IDT this was intended to be a broad search. I think it has been very contained with a specific profile of the kind of guy UT wants. By the time legit news "leaks," UT will be buttoning it up with an announcement soon after. And staff announcements will start coming soon after that.
I think this is great.
But it's killing me.
I’m sorry but Franklin is in a class by himself. It’s ironic that he has the best public image because what he did would’ve landed most people in jail. It is akin to had Schiano had ordered tapes of the rapes burnt rather than just being accused as having witnessed something by someone who was told that by another reliable party.

Freeze is a VERY distant second if we stretch the limits of what we think he was doing with all those hookers.

Lane isn’t on the same planet as the other two. He was cadding around left us but not without warning our AD before he was even hired that he would leave UT for USC should it open. He was open and honest about it. I think he was a wild child for a number of years but sticking him on a list with either Franklin or Freeze is unfair and unwarranted.

I would absolutely not hire Franklin. However, there’s nothing but hurt feelings when it come to Kiffin’s alleged flaws. Freeze, otoh, is a POS but he ain’t the kind that has been accused of telling his players to delete evidence of gang rape. I’d hire hire him with the right clauses and reassurances. Kiffin shouldn’t be a part of this conversation and only is because fans are upset that he left even though he’d told Hamilton ahead of time what his situation was with regards to USC (Hamilton didn’t bother telling the fanbase the truth until years after it all went down).
None of that is proven and the DA disagrees that what you allege happened. At least have the decency to not parade around like that's a fact. It undercuts your argument.
We should if any Baptist preachers are available, the thought that D1 Football coaches are a beacon of morality is laughable. Come on duds

Didn’t say they were. I know they aren’t cleaner than a preachers sheets but I can not support any coach that is connected to rapes. It happened under his watch he knew.
@SLICKYINC put him out there yesterday....but yeah, no buzz there.
It was either last year or the year before, he was one of the coaches doing the coaches room deal during the NC game. Listening to him during that is what really made a huge impression on me. Then watching him coach up purple Vandy guys sold me.
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A hire on the level of Will Healy or Tony Elliott is certainly realistic to me, but what I think it would show is both the coaching community and our new athletic department believes the sanctions are going to be pretty bad and we are years away from coming out of it.

Hiring one of those guys tells me there is an assumption we are three to five years away and we will let them grow here. And I don't mean that as a negative thing either.

I hope, no matter who is hired, that we give big money and a long-term, guaranteed type deal. Signal to everyone - the fanbase, the coaching staff, the national media, that we are 100% behind our guy and we won't be wavering on him any time soon.
.......unless he wins 3 games in his 3rd year, then we are certainly not behind him.
Didn’t say they were. I know they aren’t cleaner than a preachers sheets but I can not support any coach that is connected to rapes. It happened under his watch he knew.
He knew about it? You mean he found out about it. He cooperated with the investigation and was cleared of any wrong doing. Its a lazy take, if you're going off the Tennesseans version or what happened in Nashville then AJ Johnson is guilty for that matter.
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