Recruiting Forum Football Talk III

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Thought of an interesting idea going forward. If we want to return to greatness we have to start emulating other successful programs. We could be like Ohio State and Clemson and give out helmet stickers, instead we give a clown sticker every time a players has a drop, missed assignment, etc. Imagine JGs humiliation having to run on the field Saturday, would be epic! God we suck!!!!
“Interesting”...great debut. 😏
Jay is gone. Would not be surprised if that’s announced fairly quickly.

Tee might be salvageable - I guess it depends how fast this Kentucky process moves.

I know Tee turned down a Co-OC role at Louisville to come back here. Satterfield might call back.

Is Jay tired of Pruitt and his ways?..or is he just trying to find a better environment
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If we're losing half the staff, and a significant portion of that is attrition as opposed to purge why keep the coach? It makes zero sense.

My Saturdays in the late summer and fall will be wide open. I've got plenty to do around my property. Tennessee should absolutely fire Pruitt, I know they won't though. When we get around to the inevitable next year we'll get our hopes up again, then come crashing back to earth when reality hits us.

Eventually one of these 2nd or 3rd tier coaches will hit and we'll be competitive again. I fully expect by the time that happens I'll only have a few marbles left rolling around in my brain.
Just speculation here but it comes with some talks I’ve had with some mid level people back home recently. They don’t know if Fulmer will make a move and he was dead set on keeping Pruitt.... but Tee and Jay not wanting to stick around and maybe being unhappy paired with the pay cut issue and a lot of the feeling around the facility has opened the door to it in his mind.

So here is the speculation from me.... Fulmer was fired mid season. He knows how that feels and knows personally how hard it is for you to watch your team, basically your family from the outside. I don’t think he would ever do that to any candidate. He didn’t do that to Holly and i don’t think he would do it to Pruitt.

With that being said, there is a big rush of rumors coming out for several of our assistants potentially leaving or wanting to leave....maybe Pruitt/Fulmer has told them to go ahead and get a head start on throwing your name out there because you won’t be coaching here in 2021.
I really hope you’re right. It’s sickening to think of Pruitt being the head coach here any longer
I respect the posters here that relay info from inside the program, and I’m not claiming to have inside info here, but Pruitt’s done. He’s not coming back next season.

This thing is unraveling before our eyes, and in such a way that makes Pruitt’s failure inevitable. Fulmer, Boyd, and the boosters may not want to do it, and it might not be convenient for them, but their hand is about to be forced. I hope they have a good succession plan.
They don't, because they didn't see this coming.
Hopefully if Graham is leaving, it's after the ESP. And hopefully Brown and Evans sign during the ESP.
Sounds like he will get to Beamer as soon as he can. I'd imagine he would want to before the ESP to try and sway these prospects.
This feels worse than 2017. Way more hopeless because it’s nearing the end of the year and there’s an overwhelming sense that they’re gonna try to give this loser another chance.

On the field product is the worst I’ve seen, recruiting was once promising but it’s now collapsing, and Pruitt is making VFLs want to leave their alma mater to coach at rival schools. It’s depressing, frustrating, and embarrassing.
Sounds like he will get to Beamer as soon as he can. I'd imagine he would want to before the ESP to try and sway these prospects.

It's normally considered a no-no for coaches to recruit players they previously recruited at another school like that. I'm sure it happens, but it's frowned upon.
So we are firing the VFL’s who took pay cuts to help and keeping the dudes that didn’t, not to mention the bammer in charge.

Lovely. Just UT stuff.
Not firing. He's saying they're leaving by choice.
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For real...
Man, it's hours and hours of maybes, what ifs, and bull crap and then BAM.... "TN is losing 80% of it coaching staff". I'll be ok, there were several days that I pulled all 3 shifts in the Gruden Threads, but there's some on here not conditioned for that kind of marathon. VN coaching searches are dangerous and not to be taken lightly.

Rest up folks.... there's a storm coming. 🤣
Man, it's hours and hours of maybes, what ifs, and bull crap and then BAM.... "TN is losing 80% of it coaching staff". I'll be ok, there were several days that I pulled all 3 shifts in the Gruden Threads, but there's some on here not conditioned for that kind of marathon. VN coaching searches are dangerous and not to be taken lightly.

I’m here for it though. Much more exciting than the product on the field.
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