Recruiting Football Talk VII

It's not taught. It's how to tackle. It's existed since the creation of football. It was just called tackling. Last year, the current group of pansies running the destroying the game of football decided to carve out a new name for it. Then, they can ban it and continue their crusade to rid the game of any semblance of defense.
Exactly, it's freaking tackling. No one I have talked to, many good football people, has ever heard of a"hip drop" tackle. Nobody's been to a clinic on that technique or read an article on it, it's bogus. I compared it earlier to the "polar vortex" term used by the tree huggers, it's f****in' winter.
And it's not about liability, the NFL has never been and never will be sued over a leg injury. If that is the case then they need to ban blocking by the offensive line, tons more injuries happen there when a lineman gets rolled up on. Maybe the linemen should have to pick a spot to stand and when the ball is snapped they have to just stand there. Even then there would be injuries.
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They can't make a rule that violates the laws of physics. When a ball carrier is taken down from behind their legs trail behind them and the tackler is going to often land on them. Unless the ball carrier is standing still it is going to happen. So now a tackle from behind will be a shot to the lower body which is much more dangerous and still doesn't prevent the ball carriers legs from being rolled up on.
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The NCAA is lying. And Baker is intentionally deceiving the public. This is yet another attempt to swindle the naive and misinformed into believing that the NCAA is in any way necessary and to cover the tracks of the politician Charlie Baker.

The states are banning prop bets. Just like the states are the ones who have been required to protect college athletics from the thoroughly corrupt NCAA. The fact is that by means of its enforcement double-standards, the NCAA is itself the stronghold of corruption and outcome-manipulation in college athletics.

Charlie Baker signed the bill legalizing prop bets in Massachusetts. Links: Baker signed the law. Baker's law included prop bets on college athletics. The latter was changed only after Baker was out of office and lacked the power to protect the prop bets he legalized.

Charlie Baker -- as he was planning to legalize sports betting -- accepted campaign donations from gambling interests, including a donation from DraftKings toward a party to celebrate his inauguration.

Charlie Baker is the leading proponent of the NCAA getting directly involved in sports betting to "enhance its revenue steams." See also here.

Baker has been the leading advocate of the NCAA weakening the penalties on college athletes who bet on sports. He calls stiff penalties "Draconian."

Every time this politician or Saban open their corrupt mouths, they lie.
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I agree with him. Get gambling away from college athletics.
Until pretty recently it has been illegal except for a few places, and it still went on. Gambling can not be stopped by making it illegal. Organizations (NFL, MLB, NBA, NCAA) can protect themselves from it by holding accountable (punishing) their members who are involved or associated with gambling or gambling elements. But they won't because they are making a lot of money off gambling.
The NCAA is lying. And Baker intentionally deceiving the public. This is yet another attempt to swindle the naive and misinformed into believing that the NCAA is in any way necessary and to cover the tracks of the politician Charlie Baker.

The states are banning prop bets. Just like the states are the ones who have been required to protect college athletics from the thoroughly corrupt NCAA. The fact is that by means of its enforcement double-standards, the NCAA is itself a stronghold of corruption and outcome manipulation in college athletics.

Charlie Baker signed the bill legalizing prop bets in Massachusetts. Links: Baker signed the law. Baker's law included prop bets on college athletics. The latter was changed only after the Baker was out of office and lacked the power to protect the prop bets he legalized.

Charlie Baker -- as he was planning to legalize sports betting -- accepted campaign donations from gambling interests, including a donation from DraftKings toward Baker's inauguration.

Charlie Baker is the leading proponent of the NCAA getting directly involved in sports betting to "enhance its revenue steams."

Baker has been an advocate of the NCAA weakening the penalties on college athletes who bet on sports. He calls stiff penalties "Draconian."

Every time this rogue politician or Saban open their corrupt mouths, they lie.
TBH, at this rate, anything the NCAA is against, I’m automatically for. I don’t trust them to have the best interests of the athletes, their schools, or anyone associated with them. They’re crooks and always have been, in my eyes.
I agree with your statement to the fullest extent. I just feel like this is actually a good rule. It will give refs another vantage to control game outcomes unfortunately.
It's not a good rule precisely for that reason. Just wait until they butcher this up and games start being lost.

For some reason watching made me think of Tyler Baron...what a f'n idiot. He could have went out a VFL...instead he is going to playing in a crap stadium for a crap program that has a crap fanbase that will never really give a crap about him.

It ain't where you start your's where you finish...and he walked away from all that a VFL legacy brings for the rest of your life...just for a lil more money now.

Money is important...but in 20 years he will never remember what he did with that money...I guarantee you he would ALWAYS remember going out a VFL.

Louisville won't ever give a crap about him or love him like we do Bru McCoy for example.

It is actually sad.

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