Recruiting Football Talk VII

Have you seen an Ophthalmologist to make sure no eye issues? (I definitely don’t know jack about eyes).
If it’s a optic nerve issue, or even a visual cortex problem that presents itself as a visual problem, have you seen a Neurologist.

I’m assuming that you have seen both.
Have you been checked for a B-12 or Folate deficiency? Both are associated with cases of Visual Snow Syndrome.

This sounds like it is a form of nerve pain or neuralgia. Even nerve injury.
I would recommend taking two course of action
1. Take vitamin B6 100 mg daily, vitamin B12 1,000 mcg daily and Super B complex one daily. I like Nature Bounty but mainly because Kroger’s has it 2 for 1 all the time.
Do not take more than 100 mg of B6 daily. It’s the only water soluble vitamin that can be toxic at higher doses. 100 mg is definitely safe. I had tinnitus (auditory nerve damage issue) Was told nothing could be done. It rarely bothers me anymore by doing the above vitamin mix.

2. Neuropathic pain modulating meds can help any neuralgia type issue. One I frequently prescribe is Sertraline (it has been shown to help with Visual Snow Syndrome in some patients. There are two families of medications that can help with nerve pain, dysfunction issues. Anti-seizure meds and antidepressants. I treat nerve pain frequently with these meds. The nice thing is once your Visual Snow Syndrome resolves, you can stop the medicine that helps you. The most important thing is not to go high dose. For seizures and depression, it takes a higher dose than it does for nerve related issues.
If the medicine doesn’t help you, don’t let the doc just keep going higher if it isn’t helping. If it’s helping at lower doses, then trying a higher dose is reasonable.
I will list the ones that I have the most success with:
Anti-seizure meds: gabapentin, pregabalin, oxcarbazepine
Make sure that the doc stays low dose. Remind them that they are not treating seizures.

Anti-depressants: Sertraline, paroxetine, Effexor, Celexa, Cymbalta, trazodone.
Older meds can help too, but take longer to help: amitriptyline and nortriptyline
Make sure that the doc stays low dose. Remind them that they are not treating depression.

lamotrigine Has shown promise and helped some patients (I know nothing about that drug) but found it looking for something to help.

Find the nearest Neuro-Ophthalmologist as they have probably treated VSS before.

VSS has been associated with ocular migraines. Find a medication that helps your migraines and it may get rid of the VSS too.

I hope that helps.

To the rest of VN, this is the very reason why I can’t just skip ahead to catch up…

*On behalf of the RF and everyone you've helped along the way.....

THANK YOU for all you do.

You're a VN saint, Doc!


Panthers trade best Defensive player to Giants . Brian Burns
Refused two firsts from Chicago a couple of seasons ago and could’ve saved a draft pick in the deal if they had thrown him in instead of Moore. Let him go to the Giants for a second and a fifth. 😏 Had to make room for that IOL.
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One thing I think a lot of people neglect to consider is that WBB has gotten a lot more competitive in the past 10-20 years. When Tennessee and UCONN were totally dominant, WBB was not nearly as competitive or popular. Even Pat wouldn't be Pat today. Pat paved the way for what is happening today. She made WBB relevant showed the way. She would still be great today but not the only show in town, she would have to battle her own success.

Pat would be the coach she was regardless of when she was coach.
You never ever bad mouth a Tennessee legend.

Not sure how that 💩 entered your mind, but best stay there. I will drag you to Waffle House and throw you to the Yetis. 😡
Then work happened and I am so far behind…if y’all could do me a favor and just post boring stuff then I could catch up. Maybe a weeks worth of who is the greatest in any sport, or endless discussion about professional players contracts, you know that drivel that is easy to scroll on by.

Thanking you from the past.
I will be in a guest role in the next season of Lost in Space 😂
I got your back, Doc

I'll start a thread about sneks. That will distract this crowd until you can catch up

Hey gang... seen a copperhead lately???????
Has anyone ever purchased A5 Wagyu steaks online before?

Trying to find a reputable site that won't just send me some super thin A5 or American/Aussie Wagyu knockoffs.

Birthday coming up and I'm ready to

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Honestly, for that level of beef, I really don't like it to have been frozen. Prime and above I prefer fresh.

And wagyu is soooo rich, it's a chore to eat a whole steak. Find a local place to get it fresh even though it costs more, get a little bit less to break even.

And research how to cook it if you're not a pro. All that fat needs to be rendered, can't just medium rare quick like a normal steak.
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