Recruiting Football Talk VII

You live in Maryville?

It happened in the Eastern time zone, so I can claim it as being nearby.
For anyone that needs it. I know peace can be hard to find alone.

February 9, 2024: When issues of life seem to be overwhelming, be still and wait for My leading, says the Lord. Know that I am with you to bring you through every challenge and show you the way to victory. Refuse to allow fear to be the force that moves you. Be at peace. Psalm 46:10 Be still, and know that I am God; I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth!
Thanks bro. Needed to read this today. Tough going the last few months.
The district probably didn't want to have to pay your mom cause the graduate was cheaper if I had to guess.
What is the point of the union then? I agree that was probably the point, but what is the union supposed to be doing if not protecting their members from stuff like that?
Was Chip Fired at UCLA?

So Chip Kelly gave up HC at UCLA to be OC at OSU🤷
No. The AD leaked that they were going to fire him, or at least that they wanted to fire him. Then they beat USC and so they kept him.

I think this is just Kelly responding to that by taking a torch to the UCLA football program. Similar to how Brian Harsin burnt down Auburn after they made it clear they wanted to fire him for over a year.

It's almost like telling a coach you don't want him around anymore but not firing him is a bad idea...
Saw the writing on the wall. He was a dead man walking at UCLA. He knew it, they didn't hide it. Guess he decided to leave on his terms rather than waiting to get the axe after next season.
He did what any employee would do if you told them you were 100% going to fire them in a year... He proceeded as if he was going to be fired in a year. Why would he not get out ahead of it?

AD malpractice. Whoever that is should be gone by the end of the day.
Imagine if you got the little possible buy out for BOB from Boston College and you are hiring his replacement for 25k cause UCLA is paying the rest. I mean you can afford whomever
It is the only way to have a level playing field...otherwise it will be just the top few richest schools blowing everybody else out of the water and we will ge right back where we seems to me that most of our fans do not understand that we are not one of those schools like TA&M or OSU that will lose their damn minds.
I think I really got it this year when AL was chosen over an undefeated FSU when someone explained the committee was focused on getting the “best” 4 teams in that would draw in the most money. They are not interested in a level playing field. They’re not interested in rewarding teams for their accomplishments.

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