Recruiting Football Talk VII

It was definitely a factor for Miami...good call. I have some friends from out of state in for the weekend and they are NFL people so we watched the game.
Even if we weren’t crippled with injuries, I still think we lose that game and Tua playing in that weather would be a key reason why. He was definitely the person that was most affected by it for either team.
I don't think there will be another season of the Curse based on how the 1st season ended.

Probably the oddest series I've watched.
There may not be, and ill be cool with that. But...

"There’s a lot more fun to be had in this world. It’s not off the table. There are ideas, but it’s definitely too premature to put them out into the world."

That's Benny Safde, co-creator

So many layers to it, I love it...trying to find the layers I may have missed...the messages that flew right past me on first viewing.

Emma Stone is the best of her generation, as well.
I'm enjoying the beginning of it. I'm about 2/3 through epidode 1. So far, it's setting up to be along the lines of Criminal Minds, which I loved.
Criminal Minds was pretty good, especially with Patinkin; but, it was nowhere near as bold and heavy as True Detective. Glad you're enjoying it so far.
There may not be, and ill be cool with that. But...

"There’s a lot more fun to be had in this world. It’s not off the table. There are ideas, but it’s definitely too premature to put them out into the world."

That's Benny Safde, co-creator

So many layers to it, I love it...trying to find the layers I may have missed...the messages that flew right past me on first viewing.

Emma Stone is the best of her generation, as well.

Not the biggest fan of hers, but she was very good in this
Speaking of UGA... why the bleep are they so damn insecure? I've never encountered a fanbase quite like it though some Mizzou fans are trying to give the Dawgs a run for their money. When Tennessee was dominant I never once felt the need to have others affirm that. I knew we were good and felt good about it. I didn't care if others got good I simply wanted us to be better - to win. When BAMA was on really rolling under Saban they didn't either. But UGA fans? They've become more insecure with success. It's bizarre. And for the love of God, Auburn needs to get better. In the absence of an actual rival, UGA is pretending we're theirs. It's annoying and makes me feel sorry for Auburn fans.
Yeah...but you're expect us to always win, and then act like you don't givacrap when we don't..and that is not normal.

I absolutely loathe losing...but I know we are going to sometimes, so I have to make peace with it somehow or I would be one of these wretched Idiot Margin negatroll fools.

I do give a crap when we lose, but at the end of the day, it’s just a game. Winning doesn’t change my VFL status. Losing doesn’t change my VFL attitude.

Prior to having children, I lived and died with the Vols games. Once I had kids, I put sports in perspective. That’s just me though.

I’m always going to be

16-0 🤠
😂😂 I’d die if josh handled the call in show like this.

Happy Sunday.

January 14, 2024: This will be a season when you can overcome and forgive yourself for mistakes of the past and move into a phase of creativity and productivity beyond what you could have imagined. Rejection must be a thing of the past and not something that defines your life. Philippians 3:13-14 Brethren, I do not count myself to have apprehended; but one thing I do, forgetting those things which are behind and reaching forward to those things which are ahead, I press toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus.

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