


Bringer of Rain
Sep 24, 2015
I think it's painfully obvious CBJ and Co can't compete at this level. Shoop gets a pass this year because of all the injuries however this cliche machine that has become UT football makes me sick. We lost to a team tonight that is awful.

For all of you sheeps I realize that you still want to believe and that's okay. Ask Michigan how their bricks are building.

I like Butch. I really do. I want him to be the guy. He just isn't. Clearly.
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Realism would be coming to terms with the fact not many coaches could have done better with the sheer number of injuries we have had this season. Neither the offense of Defense has been able to get an identity because neither squad has been able to put the same 11 guys on the field 2 games in a row all season. Heck most of the season we have been able to put the same 11 on the field for 2 consecutive halves. It is not just the number of injuries it is who is getting hurt. Hurd and Kamara both out 3 of our top 3 DT's out top 2 corners out. One of our top 2 safeties out then berry gets hurt and his replacement get roasted for a TD 2 of our top 4 LB's out. Kelly has to step out after a huge play and his backup causes a fumble.

Next man up is the thing but only so long can you realistically expect it to be enough. Its one thing to expect second string to step up but 3rd and 4th? not even Alabama could recover from losses of this scale.
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Shoop doesn't get a pass for the first 3 games. Shoop is pretty good at 2nd half adjustments, but that's really the only area of improvement that I see in him over Jancek. We still struggled on defense against inferior teams. DB and DL, even when healthy was questionable at best.
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I think it's painfully obvious CBJ and Co can't compete at this level. Shoop gets a pass this year because of all the injuries however this cliche machine that has become UT football makes me sick. We lost to a team tonight that is awful.

For all of you sheeps I realize that you still want to believe and that's okay. Ask Michigan how their bricks are building.

I like Butch. I really do. I want him to be the guy. He just isn't. Clearly.

Thats where I'm at.. I really like Butch, I love seeing him get fired up and happy. I have been a HUGE Butch Jones supporter, but after tonight I'm losing hope.

With USCs stats that game should not have been close. I know anything can happen in football, but its not the loss that kills's how we played..

Two weeks to get ready to play and we looked flat and highly underprepared.
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Realism would be coming to terms with the fact not many coaches could have done better with the sheer number of injuries we have had this season. Neither the offense of Defense has been able to get an identity because neither squad has been able to put the same 11 guys on the field 2 games in a row all season.

You don't lose to a TRUE FRESHMAN making his first SEC start after a bye week. Period.

Not to mention, a terrible SC team.
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Realism would be coming to terms with the fact not many coaches could have done better with the sheer number of injuries we have had this season. Neither the offense of Defense has been able to get an identity because neither squad has been able to put the same 11 guys on the field 2 games in a row all season.

Our 3rd string should of beatin South Carolina. We were out coached tonight......
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Realism would be coming to terms with the fact not many coaches could have done better with the sheer number of injuries we have had this season. Neither the offense of Defense has been able to get an identity because neither squad has been able to put the same 11 guys on the field 2 games in a row all season.

In denial ^
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Realism would be coming to terms with the fact not many coaches could have done better with the sheer number of injuries we have had this season. Neither the offense of Defense has been able to get an identity because neither squad has been able to put the same 11 guys on the field 2 games in a row all season.

Then that's a failure in recruiting.
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Not sure if I'm buying the "injury" bug excuse anymore. I get they get hurt and that's part of the game, but the people they have behind those players don't seem to be in any way, shape or form ready to play the position they are in the two-deep to play.

The drop-off in talent is evident with this team, why? Is it coaching and development? Some have been in the system long enough for it to be second nature to them but they look lost.

The disparity between #1 and #2 on this team is huge, that is coaching. If you're making the kind of money these folks are to coach then you know everyone is one play away from being the guy. Seems to me our guys aren't prepped for that.
Our 3rd string should of beating South Carolina. We were out coached tonight......
that is a ridiculous statement. the game was lost on the field. We lost this game because of penalties at the wrong times and too many turnovers. that is execution not coaching. Almost all of those penalties were the result of some 3rd or 4th string guy missing an assignment or making a boo boo. Look at the scores and big plays SC made all picking on backups. the biggest mistake in the game hands down was because a backup bumped Dobbs' arm.

we are talking 4th string guys here not 2nd not third but 4th string guys.
Not sure if I'm buying the "injury" bug excuse anymore. I get they get hurt and that's part of the game, but the people they have behind those players don't seem to be in any way, shape or form ready to play the position they are in the two-deep to play.

The drop-off in talent is evident with this team, why? Is it coaching and development? Some have been in the system long enough for it to be second nature to them but they look lost.

The disparity between #1 and #2 on this team is huge, that is coaching. If you're making the kind of money these folks are to coach then you know everyone is one play away from being the guy. Seems to me our guys aren't prepped for that.
these are not backups these are the backups of the backups. Fills-Aime is 4th string. Buchannon, Martin and Warrior are 3rd stringers. We are looking for any fat guy on campus to play DT at this point. These are not cases where one guy got hurt and then the backup comes in these are cases when the starter is out then the backup is out then that next guy is also out.
Realism would be coming to terms with the fact not many coaches could have done better with the sheer number of injuries we have had this season. Neither the offense of Defense has been able to get an identity because neither squad has been able to put the same 11 guys on the field 2 games in a row all season. Heck most of the season we have been able to put the same 11 on the field for 2 consecutive halves. It is not just the number of injuries it is who is getting hurt. Hurd and Kamara both out 3 of our top 3 DT's out top 2 corners out. One of our top 2 safeties out then berry gets hurt and his replacement get roasted for a TD 2 of our top 4 LB's out. Kelly has to step out after a huge play and his backup causes a fumble.

Next man up is the thing but only so long can you realistically expect it to be enough. Its one thing to expect second string to step up but 3rd and 4th? not even Alabama could recover from losses of this scale.

You sound like one of those sunshine pumpers who kept defending Dooley when he was here
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Was at the game in SC section, and was painful to watch a freshman in his second start out-duel a senior veteran captain. But was a team loss with frustrating penalties and lack of execution everywhere. Then in 4Q, we decide to get aggressive and we start making plays, as has been the pattern in every game but Bama. Why not start the game in a fury as if there's 4 minutes left and we're behind two scores? I just can't stand this way too predictable offense. How many 3rd and shorts did we run the same play for no gain? Why not try the I formation...jet sweep...something. Bottom line is we're not scaring anyone in passing game, so teams put a spy on Dobbs and pack the box...pretty simple to scheme against.
How many times must we make the same mistakes over and over. We get screwed with kiffin. Get raped with Dooley and now we have made excuse after excuse because we truly want Butch to be the guy but he is not. Period.
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I get the injury justification...but you can't tell me we still don't "out talent" SC. But, when you play undisciplined football, have so many penalties and turn the ball over...and have an OC who must be a right winged republican because he is so conservative, it's going to be tough to win. Will will lost at least one more game, maybe two...unless they tighten up the ship quickly. SEC East is on the line, and we play and coach with the enthusiasm that we're playing for the Liberty Bowl.
i think it's painfully obvious cbj and co can't compete at this level. Shoop gets a pass this year because of all the injuries however this cliche machine that has become ut football makes me sick. We lost to a team tonight that is awful.

For all of you sheeps i realize that you still want to believe and that's okay. Ask michigan how their bricks are building.

I like butch. I really do. I want him to be the guy. He just isn't. Clearly.

You guys realize that we are playing 3rd stringers at many positions due to injury, right?

You realize a third string freshman qb looked like a third or fourth year starter with little talent around him tonight, right?
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You guys realize that we are playing 3rd stringers at many positions due to injury, right?

Was it a 3rd stringer who bounced a number of passes to receivers, threw behind a number of receivers, threw an awful late INT under virtually no pressure, etc, etc? Were the players taking the field tonight showing almost no energy or excitement made up entirely of seniors? Were all penalties committed by freshmen?

Tonight's game was embarrassing considering the team was coming off a bye week, were playing against a freshman QB making his first SEC start (who should still be in high school btw), and were playing against a 3-4 SC team. They showed little energy and were undisciplined in their execution. There are no acceptable excuses for the play tonight. It is time for the leaders of this team to step up and lead. It starts with the coaches, the captains, and the upperclassmen.

It takes more than saying, "We need to play better." There was something fundamentally wrong tonight and they need to get it fixed.
Realism would be coming to terms with the fact not many coaches could have done better with the sheer number of injuries we have had this season. Neither the offense of Defense has been able to get an identity because neither squad has been able to put the same 11 guys on the field 2 games in a row all season. Heck most of the season we have been able to put the same 11 on the field for 2 consecutive halves. It is not just the number of injuries it is who is getting hurt. Hurd and Kamara both out 3 of our top 3 DT's out top 2 corners out. One of our top 2 safeties out then berry gets hurt and his replacement get roasted for a TD 2 of our top 4 LB's out. Kelly has to step out after a huge play and his backup causes a fumble.

Next man up is the thing but only so long can you realistically expect it to be enough. Its one thing to expect second string to step up but 3rd and 4th? not even Alabama could recover from losses of this scale.

look at my sig...

not even at that at this point.

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