
Sep 26, 2004
All of you have talked about how bad EA is at QB. In his 3 starts whom were they against?
All ranked teams with coaches PF couldn't beat before.
Give the kid a break. He's never had encouragement from anyone. And PF let the team decide who the QB would be. When the players wouldn't put out effort for EA. Then PF should have benched them instead of letting them decide who the qb would be.
I agree. Nobody on campus supports this kid, and they never have. When you don't have the support of your teammates, your OC, or your fellow students, it has to be difficult to just play football instead of worrying about making mistakes and trying too hard.
I know I have been in the 'Support Ainge' crowd and others just either hate or cannot like this kid. But right now with the team in the mental condition it's in across the board, let's give whoever starts a break. They're all Vols no matter what. We support them, give them encouragement, and back them against UK with whatever we can give them. I don't care how lousy of a season Ainge has had or if he's a head case. Right now realisitcally he's what we have. Some of you doubters are thinking maybe there's a chance for him next year. Well let's do our part and not boo the kid if he does something wrong. Clausen tanked against Vandy of all teams so cut Ainge some slack. He did keep with Notre Dame of all teams.

Let's have some pride, what little we can gather, and support all of the team. We talk about discipline and attitude and we're here griping and whining about everything under the sun. Let's preactice what we preach and cheer the team on to victory.

:cross: :cross: :cross: :cross:
I don't get the direction of this post. Ainge just needs some maturity and to be able to handle a ton of information while he's on the field. This year has been a disaster for him, regardless of who he started against. We hyped this kid as the second coming of Peyton and guess what....WE were wrong. I hope he is able to learn how to process all the information required of a starting QB in the SEC by next fall. Some kids mature later than others. We need him to step up so we don't have to deal with yet another freshman QB next year. I certainly do not believe anyone hates Ainge. Dissapointed? yes. Hate? Hell no.
Originally posted by BHAMVOLFAN@Nov 21, 2005 9:53 AM
I don't get the direction of this post.  Ainge just needs some maturity and to be able to handle a ton of information while he's on the field.  This year has been a disaster for him, regardless of who he started against.  We hyped this kid as the second coming of Peyton and guess what....WE were wrong.  I hope he is able to learn how to process all the information required of a starting QB in the SEC by next fall.  Some kids mature later than others.  We need him to step up so we don't have to deal with yet another freshman QB next year.  I certainly do not believe anyone hates Ainge.  Dissapointed? yes. Hate? Hell no.

Agreed - comments on his play this year don't equal hate, dislike or anything of the kind. Fulmer benched Clausen for Ainge to start the LSU game - is that support? No, it's football.
On Ainge,
I was a huge supporter, last year. this year he has been pressing, trying to hit a homerun on every play instead of just taking what the defense is giving. and it is hard for a QB to develop any rythm/confidense when you throw 12 screens or 5 and outs a game. it just seems to me that his whole offseason was devoted to film study and not breaking down QB mechanics, his feet are never set and his shoulders are not squared up. i like his arm strength but think he needs to get right mentally and loose the ear ring!
Originally posted by shawnb82@Nov 21, 2005 10:19 AM
On Ainge,
I was a huge supporter, last year. this year he has been pressing, trying to hit a homerun on every play instead of just taking what the defense is giving. and it is hard for a QB to develop any rythm/confidense when you throw 12 screens or 5 and outs a game.  it just seems to me that his whole offseason was devoted to film study and not breaking down QB mechanics, his feet are never set and his shoulders are not squared up. i like his arm strength but think he needs to get right mentally and loose the ear ring!

Good assessment.

However, I hear a lot of people wondering aloud when EA will "snap out of it." He's not "in" anything. Like you said, he suffers from poor mechanics and a lack of understanding - and this breeds the lack of confidence. A funk is different from not being prepared. His brain is not in a slump.

EA is where he is. What we've seen on the field is a demonstration of how good he is. And that's how all young guys start out - raw and untrained. We someone to train the lad.
Originally posted by Liper@Nov 21, 2005 9:28 AM
Good assessment.

However, I hear a lot of people wondering aloud when EA will "snap out of it."  He's not "in" anything.  Like you said, he suffers from poor mechanics and a lack of understanding - and this breeds the lack of confidence.  A funk is different from not being prepared.  His brain is not in a slump.

EA is where he is.  What we've seen on the field is a demonstration of how good he is.  And that's how all young guys start out - raw and untrained.  We someone to train the lad.

serious question....Do you think CPF doesn't see this need of Ainge needing 1-1 mechanics coaching?....or does see the need but cant or wont provide it? Its one or the other....
Originally posted by dan4vols@Nov 21, 2005 10:45 AM
serious question....Do you think CPF doesn't see this need of Ainge needing 1-1 mechanics coaching?....or does see the need but cant or wont provide it? Its one or the other....

It makes you wonder, doesn't it? Does CPF really understand any of this? I don't know. But they have really let the kid down on one hand. On another, perhaps he's just not a quick learner or gamesman. Maybe both.
Originally posted by dan4vols@Nov 21, 2005 10:45 AM
serious question....Do you think CPF doesn't see this need of Ainge needing 1-1 mechanics coaching?....or does see the need but cant or wont provide it? Its one or the other....

Hopefully, it's a third: sees the problem but can't provide solution with current staff If it's one of the other 2 we're screwed. If it's the third, then it can be fixed (under the Fulmer regime).
One thing I know for sure, the two QB thing has never worked, not for us, Spurrier, Georgia, or anyone else. I think if we would have had to of stayed with Ainge no matter what, would we have lost some games, certainly, but he would have gained his maturity. While searching for the answer to all the problems, he got the second pointed finger.We now know the problems and we have to get behind this boy and hope he gets his confidence back. He is a Vol because he chose to be and now he needs our support more than ever, it might all it takes to bring him back to where he should be, what have we got left to lose.
LEts see he started against UAB and Memphis both unranked. He was so unproductive Ainge had to be yanked. LSU would have been a losss had he stayed in there.
Clasuen too sucked at times and was yanked. However, Ainge failed to rally ANY win in which he came off the bench due to Clausen being unproductive.
The wins we did have were from Clasuen coming off the bench against UAB, LSU, and Memphis. Clasuen played the entire game against Ole Miss.
It appears Clasuen was the best option we had to win with this year. It doesnt say alot but Ainge was so bad for whatever reason, I hope he figures it out so he can compete for the starting job again. The kid has talent. It appears he needs a sports psychologist.
I hope your both right because if Im right it isnt just the QB position its the whole team :blink:
Originally posted by tarnishedforever@Nov 21, 2005 7:58 AM
In his 3 starts whom were they against?
All ranked teams with coaches PF couldn't beat before.

Uh, I believe Fulmer has beaten Richt. He never played Miles before but if I remember correctly we won that game.

Currently there are 115 Division 1 coaches that have never beaten Charlie Weiss before (including Bowden, Spurrier, Richt, Miles, Mack Brown, Bob Stoops, Larry Coker, Frank Beamer, Joe Paterno, etc. etc. Smith at MSU and Carroll at USC are the 2 that have beaten him. :crazy:
Originally posted by volmedic@Nov 21, 2005 10:54 AM
...I think if we would have had to of stayed with Ainge no matter what, would we have lost some games, certainly, but he would have gained his maturity...

See, this is where I really disagree with the confidence stuff. It's just my opinion of course, but confidence and skill are two different things.

EA does not understand what he supposed to do out there. His confidence has faltered because he has continued to play poorly; but that is a symptom, not a cause.

The kid clearly does not understand what is going on out there, and the game looks like it is moving a 100mph for him.

So, I'm not buying this soph slump thing. I know what everyone means, but not being good enough and being in a "slump" are two different things...and I'm not referring to raw talent when I say not good enough.
Whoever the Qb is, it needs to be settled in the spring! We can't continue to experiment beyond that! It will kill us! (again)
IMO I think Ainge tried to force too many things because he wanted to keep his starting job and then to try and right the ship. But when your wide recievers can't catch a ball that hits there hands and the linemen or backs let a rusher through, this can cetainly have large impacts on a player, like nothing he does can go right. Clausen did look better at times, but when the guy has to bring out the haymaker just to get the ball 25 yards down the field...We all know the better arm was with Ainge, just the lack of confidence that led to wrong decisions.
I concure that EA had his confidence shaken. I disagree on the cause of it.

His confidence was shaken because he played poorly, and he played poorly because he doesn't understand what he's supposed to do out there.

He's not anticipating anything. He's just reacting in panic mode because it's so fast to him. Poor feet mechanics and throwing off of his back foot is partly a result of...not knowing what to do ahead of time. He looks like a hyper scared kid out there, sort of like he's the only one on the field that doesn't know what's going on.
Yep . . . When he's in there it looks like the game is moving 1,000 mph for him.
I would like to see them call some plays that Ainge can handle to get him going. What's up with all of the rollout plays they call when he's in? I know that he moves out of the pocket when he shouldn't, but some are designed that way.

Why not start him out with a screen pass or two, maybe some swing passes to the RB or FB, quick slants over the middle etc etc. Let him work the short game some before calling for the deep balls.

Like GaVol said, I agree that the game is moving too fast for him so why not counter it with some quick plays to get the ball out of his hands? Have you all ever noticed how long he holds the ball?
O&W Blood -

Yeah, he holds the ball...because stuff opens and closes so fast he can't react fast enough. Those things have to be read and anticipated. They roll him out precisely to do what you've asked for: to narrow the field and limit the decisions that have to be made. That's the thinking anyway.

I'm always flabbergasted when they go 4-wide with him in there. That just makes things worse for him.

Like you said, they need routes and throws where he doesn't have to make a lot of reads and decisions.
i think alot of this, beyond qb mechanics(which i see), is the fact that when our qb;s do make a nice throw our wr's cant catch it. we need some home grown talent that grew up loving the Vols, not mercs. not guys who are using UT as a stepping stone to the pros. people who care if we win or lose. as much as i do.
There's no question our WRs suck rhino eggs. It's incomprehensible. I'd venture a guess that if you were paid to make them as bad as possible, you couldn't make them any worse than they are right now. That's how you it's coaching and not talent - that is, there aren't 100 schools out there with better WR talent than us.

If we had home grown talent, I'm sure they'd be using it. Peerless Price was from Ohio, and he made plenty of plays. Ditto for Peyton Manning, Chuck Webb, Dale Carter, and a whole host of out-of-state players. I hear that a lot, but I don't buy it. Notre Dame has never had any trouble, nor Mich, nor USC, nor FSU...
That toss to the endzone that Meachem missed - Holy crap - I don't see how you can put the ball in a better place.

Do they catch them during practice?

Meachem has had more go off his hands than anyone I've ever seen.
Originally posted by Liper@Nov 21, 2005 11:33 AM

Like you said, they need routes and throws where he doesn't have to make a lot of reads and decisions.

They clearly have those routes - Clausen stares down a receiver like no QB I've ever seen but they still are open (or open enough).

Seems when Ainge had those same routes, he threw the ball about 10 feet over the receiver's head.

If I was defending Ainge, I'd give every receiver a 10 yard cushion - that way the ball would come right to the defender :biggrin2:

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