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President Joe Biden - Kamala Harris Administration

This admin is a giant steaming pile of 💩.
I wonder who will end up paying for the massive tax increases on these companies?
Biden's new minimum tax could hit Amazon, Berkshire Hathaway the hardest, study shows
Warren Buffett's Berkshire Hathaway led the way with $8.33 billion owed, followed by Jeff Bezos' Amazon with $2.77 billion owed, based on their 2021 earnings. Other companies that would have paid more than $1 billion in tax are Ford Motor ($1.85 billion), AT&T ($1.55 billion), eBay ($1.33 billion) and Covid-19 vaccine maker Moderna ($1.22 billion).
The coal industry would face the heaviest burden under the book tax minimum, seeing a net tax hike of 7.2% of its pre-tax book income. That would be followed by automobile and truck manufacturing, which faces a 5.1% tax hike.
In dollar terms, the industries that would account for the largest book minimum tax liabilities are utilities ($43.3 billion) and communication ($30.6 billion).
I hate these good for nothing swindlers
What is the issue with the he amount those companies are projected to pay?
Is this real life!!!

Someone tell me that was edited to make him look even worse than he actually is and not an actual statement.
It's old anyone making an issue out if it is either uninformed, a moron, or a **** stirrer. By old I mean years old . Which are you?
And there it is -

Fixing what Donald Trump and the Republicans broke isn’t an overnight, wave your magic wand operation. It is a skilled, sustained effort that will take time and money to succeed, money we wouldn’t have had to spend but for the disaster caused and exacerbated by Trump and Republicans. Fixing what Republicans broke isn’t free. It wasn’t free in the ‘90s when it was ‘the economy, stupid.’ It wasn’t free after the Bush Great Recession. It isn’t free to fix the Trump Error.

The State is gonna answer all your questions and solve all your problems - we just need more money.
Nobody that's honest & works on his staff tells this idiot POS the truth of what goes on & he says things like this that make him look dumber than usual & way out-of-touch with reality.

I can tell you have a little disdain for Red Skull.

I hope this moron didn't recently make this comment.

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