Post something, about the poster above you..

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Grease is the word, its the word that he's heard its got groove, its got meaning. Grease is the the time, its the place its emotion, and Grease is the way he is feeling.
Is pretty much shamelessly waiting for somebody to compliment him on his new really cool icon, but doesn't want to talk too much about it because certain females on this board have a problem with 1. booze; and 2. males having fun- which, these days, are basically the same thing...
He used to play with his hoola hoops, now he tells his problems to therapy groups, uh huh, but he still knows nothing can stop the Sins of MeMphisto.
Either has a knack for taking candid pictures of buxom girls exercising and therefore will never starve, or is a great honking pervert with a picture-phone, and therefore will, likely, make his first million before his first battery runs out.
I didn't do it, either. This is the first time I've been on the board all day. :dunno:

Could somebody have accidentally checked some threads and moved stuff in here by accident because they didn't uncheck them?
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