Please tell me Jones didn't say this...

We have lost 3 games by a total of 12 points. That is improvement. If he says he sees improvement, improvement is present. He is our coach, respect him. EJB.

So I just need to accept it....because he is the coach?


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Im really not sure which team is harder to be a fan of bro! lol UT is my alma mater, so it is what it is...bleed orange and will be here forever. But my Lions, hell, I got friends that have turned their backs on them and are not fans anymore...truly sad lol
Im really not sure which team is harder to be a fan of bro! lol UT is my alma mater, so it is what it is...bleed orange and will be here forever. But my Lions, hell, I got friends that have turned their backs on them and are not fans anymore...truly sad lol

Well, your problem got yourself a dad-blamed Georgia Quarterback. That's no good son!
You do understand that the analogy isn't to the team but to Jones, right?

If you want to claim he has "improved" the program then that's fine. In many respects, I agree.

But he is STILL earning a big, fat F when it comes to Saturdays.

Pure BS. No one asked for a "natty". We asked for tangible improvement ON THE FIELD... as measured in WINS.

He has HAD time. Enough for a championship? Not likely. Enough to win the 3 games he's lost this year? ABSOLUTELY... or at the absolute bare minimum one of them.

I'm sorry but all across CFB you see proof after proof that it doesn't take 4, 5, 6... years to see REAL improvement in wins.

So moral victories are good enough, right?

Sorry, I just don't agree. I don't think the standard for Jones in year three should be any lower than the one for Dooley.... many of you seem to.
Understand said analogy, just don't think it goes.

Never did I say moral victories were enough.. I am referring to an obvious improvement of a football team. We will have to agree to disagree here..

What were Dooley's standards in year three? Guess our memories have faded over the years of so much trauma from getting kicked around. That's not happening anymore.. Just gotta finish the games.

Let's not forget we haven't played a bunch of San Jose states for the first 5 games. All three losses came in heartbreaking fashion to good football teams
Because Butch is a loser.

Nothing matters but wins... and if he is to dumb to realize that, then it just reiterates how stupid our AD is for hiring him.

Don not know if Butch is a loser but easy to tell what posters are by their posts.
When was the last time Tennessee could compete with any game on this schedule? I understand we lost some games but damn people we are a much better team. If you put the blame on butch for poor tackling, poor passing and receivers not getting open you're an idiot. Simple as that. Our fans must think Rome was built overnight.
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Dumbass fan base. Any intellectual football mind can see progress in this team since the day he has taken over

I have no issue with focusing on the lead indicators (competitive games, recruiting, on the field progress?) that lead to the lag results (wins). I don't pretend to know what those specific areas of focus should be. However, any time you put a process in place there has to be an end game where the lag becomes the ultimate measure of success. Otherwise, you have been focusing on the wrong indicators along the way. In my mind, we are quickly approaching the cliff where you can no longer point to the "progress" while ignoring the results. At what point do you call BS 4 years, 5 years?
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"Sometimes you see results that maybe outside people don't see because you're gauged on wins"

If so, I'm about ready to lose my mind. Why win when you can just prattle on about some nonsense regarding "progress",then tell everyone they can't see it, but I can?

Obviously what Butch meant was that people who do not understand the process and who only care about wins do not see the progress. Those of us who know where we were 3 years ago, love the game of football, understand all the elements of the game and who really care for our players can in fact see progress we are making.
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Has anybody noticed since the OU game that anytime "for some god awful reason" they put jumper in the game..............TEAMS run directly at him and score
Dumbass fan base. Any intellectual football mind can see progress in this team since the day he has taken over

Excuse me for not celebrating Lyle's slight superiority over Dooley.

Yes we've made progress, but to leave it at that is intellectually dishonest. The truth is that our coach doesn't begin to compare favorably to any real, worth-half-a-damn coach.

A parallel can be drawn to patriotism. Yes we can celebrate the fact that America is better than Somalia and North Korea, but I like to compare us to first world countries, since that's what we purport to be. The reality in that case isn't pretty, just as Butch isn't worthy of leading this allegedly top-tier program.
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"And I get that". If you are going to use a quote for the sake of piling on, at least use the entire quote.

I see progress, I guess those that want UT be the team of 90s were either not old enough to understand what it takes to get to that point or don't understand the magnitude of building a program from basically scratch. Two kind of fans, the glass is half empty or half full........I have come to the conclusion that no matter what CBJ does or says will never please everyone, so, as one fan I am happy with the progress. YES I want more wins, but I also want this program repaired for the long haul not just one season. If he did what most are doing and take anyone regardless of their past or academic record and cut corners with Junior College players.....then it will always be a up and down program. CBJ has always said it will take more that two recruiting classes and that this program was a long way from being were it needs to be......but I guess those half empty people ignore that and only see that we have freshman and sophomores 4 and 5 stars that should be playing like Ohio State, Alabama, Florida State. I give you a big example......look at Auburn....he filled it with a bunch of Jr. College and Academic questionable players and now were is that team? for the fair weather fans, see you in a couple years singing praises of the players and coaches.

Go Vols!!
Here are some statistical rankings:

Total Passing ----- 95th NCAA ----- 11th SEC

Total Rushing ----- 19th NCAA ----- 3rd SEC

Total Offense ----- 53rd NCAA -----7th SEC

Total Defense ----- 93rd NCAA ----- 7th SEC

Run Defense ----- 78th NCAA -----

Pass Defense ----- 88th NCAA -----

Last year, same stats

Total Passing ----- 65th NCAA
Total Rushing ----- 83rd NCAA
Total Offense ----- 83rd NCAA

Total defense ----- 32nd NCAA
Run Defense ----- 63rd NCAA
Pass Defense ----- 27th NCAA

So, our defense has struggled, but it's missing Curt Maggitt and a middle linebacker presence. Losing AJ hurt pretty badly, but it was going to be okay because Curt was still here. Now Curt's hurt, and the defense has been pretty bad since then. But overall offense is way up from last year. It's very clear that defense is the issue, but the defense is pretty hampered with injuries. I think using statistics to say that the team hasn't made progress is not a good idea, because it kinda backfires when you take into consideration how much better the offense is with pretty much the same players.
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Excuse me for not celebrating Lyle's slight superiority over Dooley.

Yes we've made progress, but to leave it at that is intellectually dishonest. The truth is that our coach doesn't begin to compare favorably to any real, worth-half-a-damn coach.

A parallel can be drawn to patriotism. Yes we can celebrate the fact that America is better than Somalia and North Korea, but I like to compare us to first world countries, since that's what we purport to be. The reality in that case isn't pretty, just as Butch isn't worthy of leading this allegedly top-tier program.

Yeah I find the whole better than when he got here argument funny. People in one sentence talk about how terrible we were before, and that its so honorable that he was able to do better. I'd hope he would do better considering how bad off we were.

Before I get bashed by anyone, please scroll back to my previous comment above. It's long, but gives my opinion. Not that my opinion matter to anyone(not saying it should), but if you want to quote me here thinking it's my whole opinion on the matter then there's more to it.
he sees his team every day in practice. The media doesn't. We don't. He's entitled to make that statement. It may be a truthful statement.

You're mad if he uses coach speak and cliches, you're mad if he gives an honest opinion. What do you want from him?

Because Butch is a loser.

Nothing matters but wins... and if he is to dumb to realize that, then it just reiterates how stupid our AD is for hiring him.

You got that right brother! Wins ! That's all that matters. Rapes? Who cares. Call the girl a whore and keeping on butt-chuggin'! Flunking out of school? not our concern sweetheart, 'cause it's all about the wins! Players robbing people and doing home invasions? Screw it! it comes with the territory when you have a winning program!:clapping: It's all about dem W's!:good!:AmIright?
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Last year, same stats

Total Passing ----- 65th NCAA
Total Rushing ----- 83rd NCAA
Total Offense ----- 83rd NCAA

Total defense ----- 32nd NCAA
Run Defense ----- 63rd NCAA
Pass Defense ----- 27th NCAA

So, our defense has struggled, but it's missing Curt Maggitt and a middle linebacker presence. Losing AJ hurt pretty badly, but it was going to be okay because Curt was still here. Now Curt's hurt, and the defense has been pretty bad since then. But overall offense is way up from last year. It's very clear that defense is the issue, but the defense is pretty hampered with injuries. I think using statistics to say that the team hasn't made progress is not a good idea, because it kinda backfires when you take into consideration how much better the offense is with pretty much the same players.

Please don't make excuses for injured players as EVERY team has MAJOR injures during the course of the year, I mean our O-Line guys have been in the system 3 years now and I don't think they are any further ahead than they were 3 years ago.............but look at florida o-line as they are a bunch of freshmen and walk-ons and they are doing GREAT right now............
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If you don't realize this program is light years ahead of when Dooley was in control, you are just being irrational.

I don't think anyone would debate you on if the program is light years ahead of when Dooley coached at Tennessee. But if you don't think this football program is in trouble, your the one being irrational!

It's pain and simple Butch Jones is not an X's and O's coach. With that being said, I do feel he needs to get his act together and could be a great head football coach.

Let me leave you with this, when you start from the bottom it's not hard to show improvement. At this point Butch Jones has only shown improvement. And with Dooley droving this program into the ground he stilled did a better job in coaching with less players.
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Does anybody actually believe the program is worse off than when he got here? Has he not made improvements in nearly all aspects of the program? As long as we are moving in the right direct, however slow it is, I am on board. As soon as we start regressing I will change my tune!

You don't care how slow it is? 10 years you're ok? If so, you're more patient than me.
Too dumb*

Here's a pointer for the future: if you wish to call someone stupid or dumb, please make sure you don't in turn make yourself look like a dumba$$ because you can't pass 9th English. Thanks.


I managed to get a degree without grammar checking my volnation internet posts so I'm not worried about it. Thanks.
"Sometimes you see results that maybe outside people don't see because you're gauged on wins"

If so, I'm about ready to lose my mind. Why win when you can just prattle on about some nonsense regarding "progress",then tell everyone they can't see it, but I can?

Misinterpret it all you want--he's not saying he doesn't want--and expect--to win, but at this point, we are headed in the right direction. If you think he is saying winning doesn't matter, you are reading into his comments what you want to believe.
So I just need to accept it....because he is the coach?



Boro, you must be reading my mail. Dude, everything you have said about CBJ in this thread has been exactly my thinking. I'm gonna leave you with what I think is CBJ's #1 and #2 priorities going forward. I want to see if you agree. #1, and above all, He must fix our passing attack. It has been average at best and trash at it's worst during his tenure. We do not take advantage of one on one matchups in the pass game. On top of that, in the Arkansas game, what happened to the play action pass game that has been Josh Dobbs best friend? #2, losing Maggitt was a major blow to our defense. I think our problems on defense have more to do with injuries than coaching. Losing Gaulden probably hurts too. So, priority #2 is recruiting and developing more pass rushers!!! Barnett needs help!!! Would you agree?

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