Pivot East

Li Zhanshu, Director of the General Office of the Communist Party of China, and chief of staff of Chinese President Xi Jinping Open Letter to Vladimir Putin

Before my departure, I went especially to see President Xi Jinping and asked him what he wanted to pass on to you. He told me to say that today, Chinese-Russian relations are going through their best period ever in our history.

Today, our relations are deservedly called an example of relations between great powers, characterised by cooperation and mutual benefit. Today, our relations are very solid, mature, and are distinguished by strategic cooperation and a lasting nature.

He also said that despite the serious changes in the international situation, we will continue to work with you unfailingly adhering to three constants, namely: regardless of the circumstances, we will not change our policy of deepening and developing our strategic partnership and cooperation; our policy, based on joint development and prosperity, will not change; and our joint efforts to defend peace and justice and promote cooperation in the world will not change. These were the words of President Xi Jinping.

Russia is the world's largest oil producer and a nuclear super power. WTF are you talking about?

It's a paper tiger. The lack of modernization of their military capabilities is laughable at best. They're trying to spend to upgrade hardware but are still using Soviet-era machinery. Having nukes obviously serves as a deterrent but there's not really an imaginable scenario in which they would be brought into play.

Their economy depends entirely on oil exports. That in itself makes it weak, it fluctuates massively.
With Italy No Longer in U.S. Focus, Russia Swoops to Fill the Void

In Rome, Mr. Trump left behind an embassy without an ambassador, and forfeited a geopolitical playing field that Moscow’s ambassador in Rome, Sergey Razov, is exploiting.

A deliberate, gray-haired career diplomat, Mr. Razov has been plugging away at building relationships with Italian politicians, organizing concerts for Italy’s earthquake survivors and visiting Italian regional officials who lament the “unfair” sanctions on Russia — which Moscow dearly wants lifted.
Are some of you people beginning to see that the world is growing tired of us and our meddling and shenanigans?
It may as well be official at this point. Turkey is out of NATO...

"What Did They Expect?" Turkey Pivots From NATO, Signs Russia Missile Deal

what weren't you just hating on Erodogan a couple months ago? This is what I love about you Ras, so consistent. Just like Trump, as soon as someone says something nice about Russia you are preening them, as soon as they say something negative its right back to the American leash.

frankly I don't give a darn. Turkey wants closer ties with Russia, go for it.
Are some of you people beginning to see that the world is growing tired of us and our meddling and shenanigans?

so one of the least NORTH ATLANTIC nations in NATO is considering a deal with Russia and its clear sign to the fall of the American machine? Wake me when something changes.
so one of the least NORTH ATLANTIC nations in NATO is considering a deal with Russia and its clear sign to the fall of the American machine? Wake me when something changes.

Hey Einstein, in less than two years, Turkey has gone from supporting ISIS and shooting down Russian fighters that (allegedly) invaded its airspace, to now they are allied with Russia in brokering a resolution in Syria and signing arms deals.

You can't downplay that kind of pivot.
Turkey has no business being in NATO to start with.

Their entire reason for being there was to be a staging ground for any assets to be used against Russia. So much so, that NATO has one of their largest air bases in Incirlik.

Now that Turkey has turned to Russia, that is a devastating blow to NATO. The very country that Turkey was supposed to be used to help attack is now allied with Turkey.
Hey Einstein, in less than two years, Turkey has gone from supporting ISIS and shooting down Russian fighters that (allegedly) invaded its airspace, to now they are allied with Russia in brokering a resolution in Syria and signing arms deals.

You can't downplay that kind of pivot.

and during that same time Erdogan went straight crazy dictator. have fun with the bed you made. this is like the football coach you "hire away" from another school and yet you never hear that school complain. have Turkey and the crazy islamists that come with it.

only thing it would signify IF they do switch is that Turkey has finally hit that point on the crazy/hot scale where they aren't worth putting up with. however Russia is desperate enough to deal with said crazy.
Their entire reason for being there was to be a staging ground for any assets to be used against Russia. So much so, that NATO has one of their largest air bases in Incirlik.

Now that Turkey has turned to Russia, that is a devastating blow to NATO. The very country that Turkey was supposed to be used to help attack is now allied with Turkey.

Turkey turning to Russia has more to do with Russia's acceptance of brutal dictators than anything else.
Turkey turning to Russia has more to do with Russia's acceptance of brutal dictators than anything else.

It has more to do with Erdogan watching which direction the wind is blowing. He's an opportunist, no doubt. But he sees that the future of the world is moving east, not west.

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