Pick the UAB score, win a gift card

Anyone claiming victory before I double check to see if utmba93 is the winner?
It looks like this is, in fact, the winner. (32-28) + (29-24) = 9

This entry was a close second.

(32-31) + (29-20) = 10

Congrats utmba93. Please PM your full name and preferred email address to me.

Sweet deal!! I can't believe folks think I'm a negavol when I clearly predicted the Vols would get 28 more yards than they did. My streak of optimism must end. :dance2:

What other 'truly objective' fans are in this 'pick the score' championship club? :hi:
You cheated. You clearly went over your NCAA allotted contact time with the mods.


I did get a warning for name-calling this morning, but that was after this pick.

It could be a disqualification for next week, though. PJ would have banned me (he's chomping at the bit because I'm such a strong supporter of whomever the Vols pick as HFC, starting with Fulmer), but BigDaddy cut me some slack.

I have one 'get out of ban' promise from Beecher that I haven't used yet, either.

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