Pick the Score Contest: Tennessee vs Auburn

Auburn is a bad match up for the Vols on both sides of the ball. This game will not be close.

Auburn's offense is predicated on getting the ball to the corner in the running game with misdirection back to the middle mixed in. Vols will need to play assignment defense which involves lining up correctly and going to the right spot. Not a strong point of this group. Auburn also wants to get the ball to their play makers in space in the passing game which requires a defense which is athletic and tackles well in space. The lack of speed at LB and DB will be exposed big time.

On offense, Auburn has a strong, athletic front 7. Vols will struggle to block them in the running or passing game. The offense's struggles will keep UT's defense on the field too long and the mismatches will be magnified.

Better days are coming, but it won't be this day. Auburn 38 Tennessee 9

17 completions.

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