*****Pick the score contest Georgia State

Tennessee 62
GA St 13

340 yards passing for JG

Edit 8/29 at 8:30 AM - Decreased GA St score from 20 to 13
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Guys and gals, it's that time again--the time we've all been waiting for. It's officially game week! And what better way to kick it off than with the world famous VolNation pick contests.

How it works:

Pick the score for each team of the Tennessee game. You must pick the winner of the game to win the contest. The smallest score differential will win.

Example (first game)
Prediction: TN 45 Georgia State 10
Actual: TN 38 Georgia State 3
Differential: (45-38) + (10-3) = 14.

This weeks tiebreaker is total passing yards by JG.

The winner will receive a $25 Amazon gift card. Good luck and thanks for playing.


*****SEASON PICK CONTEST: I'm working on some things for the season pick contest but will have it posted later today or tomorrow so be sure to check back. We don't pick Thursday games in that contest so you'll have until Saturday morning to enter your picks.

Vols 72
GS 5

passing yards by JG 47, since he'll be sitting once we get up by 21

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