Peyton Manning: Legal Pot Has Been Awesome For My Pizza Business

You're an idiot if you really think religion has any bearing on morality.

Am I an idiot, too, if religion is the basis for my morality?

This is fun: weed, big pharma, politics, and now religion in one thread! It's like a one-stop blog shop!
You are fortunate then. I have seen firsthand the effects of chronic MJ use in friends and family. I have witnessed withdrawal, and let me tell you, it is real and it is scary: anxiety, depression/paranoia, nausea, vomiting, inability to eat, and trembling.

From marijuana?
You are fortunate then. I have seen firsthand the effects of chronic MJ use in friends and family. I have witnessed withdrawal, and let me tell you, it is real and it is scary: anxiety, depression/paranoia, nausea, vomiting, inability to eat, and trembling.

I have seen all of this as well
That's not exactly what I meant

I don't know how that statement can be construed any other way.

Am I an idiot, too, if religion is the basis for my morality?

This is fun: weed, big pharma, politics, and now religion in one thread! It's like a one-stop blog shop!

You may think that your morals are based on religion, but they really aren't. The majority of the world's population share the same moral boundaries no matter what their religion. It's a human constraint.
I think a lot of it has to do with location. People out in Colorado, especially people my age(I'm 25) have a totally different prospective then people down south. Many are atheists and just don't have the same morals as southern people. I know Someone who lives in Nashville who is very successful and he does smoke weed but it doesn't take over his life like the people I've described. I think California is similar to Colorado.

You're wrong. I'm more than twice as old as you are.I've lived in several places around the US, including decades in CA and TN. I've known hundreds of casual mj users. I have never known one that is/was a lazy, game-playing, do nothing. Maybe when you get out in the real world, away from the dorms, you might get a little wider perspective.
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You're wrong. I'm more than twice as old as you are.I've lived in several places around the US, including decades in CA and TN. I've known hundreds of casual mj users. I have never known one that is/was a lazy, game-playing, do nothing. Maybe when you get out in the real world, away from the dorms, you might get a little wider perspective.

You sound line you're not too keen on the real world yourself.
Not one? That seems a little far-fetched.

Adults over the age of 30? Not one out of maybe 100+ people I know. Teens and college kids and young adults? Of course. If someone is a middle aged adult sitting around without a job and playing video games, weed isn't the problem.
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Sad to hear. Never heard of that happening to anyone I know or heard anyone else ever mention such a case.
Then again, there have been ice bucket challenge deaths so anything can happen.

Cannabis withdrawal is well-documented in the literature and well-known to primary care, psychiatric, and emergency room practitioners. Anything with potent neuroactive properties has the potential to cause abuse, dependence, and withdrawal effects. Because of the longer half-life of THC, it is a more delayed-onset phenomenon, but the physical effects can be crippling.

Much is still being learned, as the rates of addiction and ill-effects have increased with the dramatic increase in the THC content of MJ over the past couple of decades.
There is withdrawal from anything if it's used too much then you stop. Food, drinks, tv shows, life drama, texts, websites...Hell, if govols couldn't berate casual smokers or black people on here, he'd go thru major withdrawals.
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Why do you think so?

Because I have known so many. They are not all jobless and stuck playing video games (although some are), but they have trouble finding/keeping jobs, are habitually late/unreliable, have trouble in relationships, and often don't take care of themselves.

I know that there are plenty of people who use MJ and still function very well and are successful. However, there is a real risk of abuse and addiction, and there is increasing scientific evidence that MJ use can lead to mental illness, a concern I have had for years due to firsthand accounts.

I will let this topic rest, but I hope that I have at least opened a few of you up to the idea that MJ may not be as innocent as you might believe. I devote much of my life caring for children and transitioning them to adulthood; my intentions are nothing but well-intended.
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If someone spends their paycheck on weed, the weed isn't the problem, it's the lack of economic sense.
There is withdrawal from anything if it's used too much then you stop. Food, drinks, tv shows, life drama, texts, websites...Hell, if govols couldn't berate casual smokers or black people on here, he'd go thru major withdrawals.

Lol, good point.

But, if you argued that drinking didn't carry some risk of abuse and addiction, you'd be portrayed as quite the fool.
So are you referring to adults or children and mj use? Children is a different bird. And I have no idea how you know so many loser adults without jobs that sit around smoking.
There is withdrawal from anything if it's used too much then you stop. Food, drinks, tv shows, life drama, texts, websites...Hell, if govols couldn't berate casual smokers or black people on here, he'd go thru major withdrawals.

Lol. What the hell is a casual smoker? Is it a a cool way that a dope head in denial describes themselves? Seems you had a little thread about Memphis where you were berating blacks pretty aggressively.

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