OWH's Topic That Will Never Die XXII

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Hot dang! Son just called to see if we wanted to meet him and daughter-in-love and grandbaby for dinner. What a stupid question. Of course we do!!!
Hot dang! Son just called to see if we wanted to meet him and daughter-in-love and grandbaby for dinner. What a stupid question. Of course we do!!!

Enjoy. Its close to work time here!
You can't make this stuff up.

We go to dinner. The waitress asks if it's one check and I tell her yes, and get the look from my son and daughter-in-love (you know the one, Mom you shouldn't we can pay our own way, look.) After I signed the check, and she took it and some of the plates away, son is counting out cash. "Did you tip her? How much?" he asks. "Yeah, $15." (I thought he was gonna check my math, but he never saw the check. It was a little over 20%.) He says, "I'm gonna tip her too. Another $15. She was really nice." I told him maybe half that (they don't make a lot, that's why I wanted to get their dinner), but he insisted on leaving another $15 and I told him "It'll come back to you. That's a sweet thing to do."

The waitress came back to get the rest of the plates and said, "Thank you so much for the generous tip. I've only had two tables tonight and we're going to be closing soon. I wasn't sure how tonight was going to go." I winked at my son as she walked off, and then he winked at me and laid his money on the table! I thought her thank you was after she got both tips, but she didn't even know he was going to leave his!

It was one of the most perfect moments ever.
How's your mom been volly?

It's weird Nerd. The first round of the new stuff went pretty good. The second round, her fatigue at one point was so bad she couldn't get out of bed. The third round (the one she's on now) is somewhere in the middle. She hasn't missed a single Sunday at church, but two weeks ago - during the second round - she could barely stand for more than five minutes before being completely wore out.

Her CA125 dropped 130 points after the 1st round. YAY!! Then it went up 12 points after the 2nd. BOO!! So we're still not exactly sure how well it's going to work. We'll know more after she gets tested after this third round in a couple of weeks.

Thank you for asking. :)
It's weird Nerd. The first round of the new stuff went pretty good. The second round, her fatigue at one point was so bad she couldn't get out of bed. The third round (the one she's on now) is somewhere in the middle. She hasn't missed a single Sunday at church, but two weeks ago - during the second round - she could barely stand for more than five minutes before being completely wore out.

Her CA125 dropped 130 points after the 1st round. YAY!! Then it went up 12 points after the 2nd. BOO!! So we're still not exactly sure how well it's going to work. We'll know more after she gets tested after this third round in a couple of weeks.

Thank you for asking. :)

I know she will continue to fight hard.
Good morning folks. I've kind of sit in a corner by myself all night thinking about things. Its been a rough few months, I've list a couple of uncles, broke my leg, and now my sister had a stroke. Despite it all I just wanted to pop in and say, God is still good and in control.
G'mornin folks. Time to go tear down and old fence and put up a new one. It's the chain link fence at my parents house. Been there 35 years. It couldn't contain me as a kid:)
Good morning folks. I've kind of sit in a corner by myself all night thinking about things. Its been a rough few months, I've list a couple of uncles, broke my leg, and now my sister had a stroke. Despite it all I just wanted to pop in and say, God is still good and in control.

hang in there Joe
Mornin' all.

Joe, hope you get some rest today. I know it was a long night for you.
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