Over, Under, or on Par performances

Well it ends up being par. The first 25 mins was under par then the last 15 mins over par so we end up with par!!
Some of you are so petty in here. It's so sad.

I just don't understand the point of this thread? I thought it was for everyone to vote and based on votes the OP would be updated, instead it appears this is simply a "Bruin's opinion on Over, Under or on Par Performance" thread.
I just don't understand the point of this thread? I thought it was for everyone to vote and based on votes the OP would be updated, instead it appears this is simply a "Bruin's opinion on Over, Under or on Par Performance" thread.

It's not a big deal. There's like 10 votes. Everyone had mixed feelings about the game. I think it's a general consensus that UT could have played much better, but everyone is happy. However Bruin wants to take that is up to him I suppose. No use nit picking. Lets just enjoy a win for now :hi:
It's not a big deal. There's like 10 votes. Everyone had mixed feelings about the game. I think it's a general consensus that UT could have played much better, but everyone is happy. However Bruin wants to take that is up to him I suppose. No use nit picking. Lets just enjoy a win for now :hi:

I agree, but you know the narrative, he already laid out in his OP the number of over performance and on par performances it would take to be a good season, so by him already not following his own guidelines for the thread it just seems quite clear what his agenda is. I liked the idea of the thread, if it was as he said it was gonna be, if he wants one for just his opinion and nobody else's that should've been stated. Oh well I guess.
I agree, but you know the narrative, he already laid out in his OP the number of over performance and on par performances it would take to be a good season, so by him already not following his own guidelines for the thread it just seems quite clear what his agenda is. I liked the idea of the thread, if it was as he said it was gonna be, if he wants one for just his opinion and nobody else's that should've been stated. Oh well I guess.

The last 3-4 have been par votes. The majority are mixed. I guess it's his prerogative. I don't care.
I posted every answer that there has been, majority have said par, really not even that close 67% of votes have been for par.

10 solid pars. 6 under/mixed. I don't know if we come to a consensus based on that. I guess since it's a win go ahead and put it in the par then. A win is a win is a win.
10 solid pars. 6 under/mixed. I don't know if we come to a consensus based on that. I guess since it's a win go ahead and put it in the par then. A win is a win is a win.

It was 10-6 in favor of par, ok that may not be unanimous, but how on earth does it make sense to put it as a final decision of "under par"? I'm not trying to justify why it should be par or under or whatever, I'm simply saying I thought the point of this was to take a vote each game and whatever majority was is what it would go down as, simple as that?

Once florida hit their stride in OT they were in command. The crowd sat on their hands and I can't blame those kids for playing with pathetic effort against an awful CUSA team
For most of the game.
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