
Honest question: How do you know that "the militias are being eerily quiet"? Where does one go to see what "the militias" are saying?

They issue statements which are picked up by the press. At the very least Drudge would have a link to something. There were articles nearly every day about what the militias were doing and what they wanted until LaVoy Finicum was killed. It looks like they've stopped communicating with the press. I really do think some of them are going to get violent.
Let's hope the militias wait for the results of the review process for the incident. It's possible they could be vindicated in the courts as of now.
Analog all the way! I got no time for digital. Only fools like Dink rely on that.

My new one I just ordered is digital but it's for play time anyway.

I do have a tube type amp though. I've talked from Oklahoma to Florida with it. You know, just to test it out. :)
My new one I just ordered is digital but it's for play time anyway.

I do have a tube type amp though. I've talked from Oklahoma to Florida with it. You know, just to test it out. :)

Nice. I actually have a handheld a technician license, but I've never talked on it. It's just for emergencies.
Back in my day, popping pills and knocking up trannies wasn't used to brag about having a "social life." But, congrats on both. :thumbsup:

You know, I've imbibed a great deal of things, but I've never once taken a narcotic pill for recreational purposes. I'll leave that for your ex girlfriends.

So, how does one get a drag queen pregnant? I'm curious on the source of your wit here.
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Ham and CB's are the original social media.

It's fun too.

And if you have a major catastrophe like a tornado that knocks down cell towers, it might be one of your only sources for communication. Just a good idea to have in case of a real emergency.
Satellite phone, check.

While those are cool and all, I wouldn't rely on anything satellite related for a backup. With ham radios/cb's you can still transmit/receive as long as you have a battery. That's the beauty of them.
And if you have a major catastrophe like a tornado that knocks down cell towers, it might be one of your only sources for communication. Just a good idea to have in case of a real emergency.

There was a tube type, 10,000 watt amp for sale the other day. 2500.00 bucks.

You could talk around the world with that

I've got 3 cobra 29 classics peaked and tuned with mosfet finals. Dead key 2 watts and swing 25-28 watts.

The new one has two carriers. 2 watt and 15 watt. Swings 75-80 watts. :)

I'm going to be heard.
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While those are cool and all, I wouldn't rely on anything satellite related for a backup. With ham radios/cb's you can still transmit/receive as long as you have a battery. That's the beauty of them.

It's bailed me out a couple of times. Not just due to its reception, but also its portability.
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Maybe if you were trying to make a homemade sequel to frequency starring you, the family dog, and Dennis Quaid since his ass is out of work.

Ummmm no.

I use one daily for work. They are great for traveling.
(Have one in my pick up)

And it's a lot of fun to see the hipsters face when I come through on their stereo in their car.
Breaker Breaker, calm your titties there, Funkybunch. Over.

I love how this started as me joking about dave having a HAM radio, and he actually does.

I have one too.

You weren't just joking. You were trying to make fun of folks who have them.

Mine is open on all channels where his is most likely not.
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