Opinion on the rest of the season

Hopefully this is like last year, when we barely survived SCe. Although the following week were struggled a bit with North TX, due to lack of execution and ball control offense by NTx. Not sure where we will be on the injury front by the KY...if I had to make a guess I think since we're at home well get by a much improved KY team, blow the doors of Mizzou, and then struggle and win close at Vandy. But I have my doubts, for the most part this team has played sloppy, save second half against VT and Florida. Always waiting for the other shoe to drop. This is a litmus test for Butch and BSIA...its there job to make sure the team is prepared and focused. Given our lone road game is Vandy (partial home game) we should win out.
If we had won our first 3 games convincingly, and then had to be canny and tough for the next two (even with losses), I would have said A.

But I just don't have any faith that our team will come out fighting, and that our coaches will be creative and aggressive. They just haven't shown me yet that they're for real.

So I hate to say it, but C.

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