Official Memphis vs. UCLA Thread



Mar 14, 2008
I thought I'd start this up.

Honestly, I think UCLA will control the pace, and their solid defense will keep either CDR or Rose in check (not both). Not as low scoring as their last tilt two years ago, but I think UCLA wins by 3.

Your thoughts?
I thought I'd start this up.

Honestly, I think UCLA will control the pace, and their solid defense will keep either CDR or Rose in check (not both). Not as low scoring as their last tilt two years ago, but I think UCLA wins by 3.

Your thoughts?

Did you hit your head again ?

Memphis by 8 :crossfingers:
Love will wonder what the hell hit him and will question his manhood after the game.
Like I said Kevin Love will be questioning his manhood after the game, are you trying to join him before the game even starts? Nice use of color... Hey freak, can we get an interior decorator smiley added to the list?
Like I said Kevin Love will be questioning his manhood after the game, are you trying to join him before the game even starts? Nice use of color... Hey freak, can we get an interior decorator smiley added to the list?
Whats wrong with rooting for UCLA!
Knight and Vitale just virtually picked Memphis as their picks to win the whole tamale..
I love it when Vitale amps up one team saying all the stuff they do good....and then picks the other team because of a "feeling" /having Vitale pick you is like the kiss of death by the way
If it were a cheerleading/dance squad competition, UCLA would blow Memphis out of the water. Heck, anyone would beat Memphis in a cheerleading competition. Some of those girls are hideous.

Dude the memphis pom squad just won the national championship

IF you are speaking of looks....yeah, no contest
If it were a cheerleading/dance squad competition, UCLA would blow Memphis out of the water. Heck, anyone would beat Memphis in a cheerleading competition. Some of those girls are hideous.

anyone would beat Memphis in a cheerleading competition? Wow..:huh:

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