Official Jon Gruden Thread XXI

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Dude don’t get personal with me. If you have something to say PM it pal. I’ve been on this board 6 1/2 years and haven’t attacked anyone nor have I been attacked. This I will not stand for. Got it?

I don't care if you've been here for 10 years scooter, your post is dumb, the guy didn't deserve to have his personal information thrown out there.
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I didn't mean over there.
I was also asking if anyone has confirmed that Hutch is in Cindys family or just taking his word?

That’s what I’d like to know. Is he really a relative or is he that moron who calls into the local radio shows acting like he’s the most intelligent person in the world.
I understand this post is futile but you all should really consider dropping the topic altogether, for the sake of you-know-who's privacy and to keep other folks from snooping around. I reset my password just for this.
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MIT - if you’re still reading this and there is any element of truth to what was implied earlier today - either manually go delete all of your posts in these threads or seek out a mod to do so (it might not be a bad idea for a mod to reach out to him first to see if that’s what he’d like). There’s nothing but bad that can come from them if your identity was compromised.
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I just want to say that all I have done to try to figure out the beav's identity is look at all the cars in the publix parking lot. I also went through a friend's Facebook friends looking for the initials that someone else submitted. Certainly it has been a big riddle to me, but, as you are implying, that is what he was setting up.

That's creepy
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I'm not saying who he is or isn't. If he's who hutch7 said he was he's big time.

Maaaaaaan that is wild I've been on this forum since Bryce brown decided to come here and I stay mostly in the RF but this whole situation is one for the books I love this place man volnation is one of a kind to say the least...but I don't have an account to see who's name he said so I'll just keep it moving lol
No. People are guessing MIT’s identity based on the information he chose to share about himself on here.

Hey Boro, DTO, ATL, others.

Is Jon Gruden our #1 ?

If he is, as all have said, GREAT!

We're going after him. My opinion is we need to support our VOLS, and quit trying to pry into people's personal lives.

Hire Gruden
Im hopping in shower. A HOT SHOWER to calm these COLD CHILLS I'm getting from all this Gruden coming seeming legit.
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This is exactly why you share tidbits and not devulge too much

Also, always deny your source. People like to talk and when they talk, they want to stay confidential

People will trust you with info if they know you won't out them
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