Official Jon Gruden Thread XV

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It would mean that! Pretty amazing really. I am totally speculating here to be clear, but...hell, nothing else makes any sense so I'm grasping at straws.!!!

I keep going back to this [insert beating dead horse emoticon here]... It is nearly unfathomable to me that the JG deal fell out of bed like that given what we had been told and how recently we had been told it. I'm on a pilgrimage for truth here. :)

Continue your search! Inquiring minds want to know.
WTF is happening

Strong rumors are proving to be just that, rumors.

More rumors (confirmed?) That Gruden was in fact at the HoF ceremony tonight.

Even the local media said Hart would do one final interview tonight/tomorrow before deciding on a coach.

It's setting up to play into the narrative presented, almost perfectly.
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I think that 1) you are exactly right and 2) you're the only person to ever defend Hubbs here

Just trying to be nice. I am confused about what people pay for on those sites that we dont get here and elsewhere though. He said tonight conflictin things and that he has no clue. That's fine to ay that, just dont charge for it. Used to defend Rucker, but got impossible.
The Raiders of the 70s were a very entertaining to watch.

And when I remember "Boz" Bozworth stepping up to stop Bo, I smile.

Got a L.A. Raiders Tshirt. Never wear it. :)

To bad Freddie got the good stuff banned from sports, I've said all season our WR's could have used a gallon or two... Rofl
Believe it or not...this makes some sense to me. Not saying so bc im speculating. Because the little bit of info I got this weekend when I asked what happened, the answer was basically paraphrased, "That's the thing. Nothing happened. That Hart is one tough cookie." I've thought about that long and hard. Didn't understand it. There was a little more and I suspected it meant that he wouldn't budge, meaning in some way Hart got in the way. But...

Could it be? Just covering the bases. Maybe he put Gruden to the test? Hmmm

One of the problems with that is Hart isn't in Gruden's league or his agents.
How about "Larry, Moe, Curly, and Barney: The Secret of Being Misled to Success"

Barney is there leader man so you have to put him out front anything he says they take it and run with it and tarnish dragnets good name i have officially been hating those folks since they came out and threw him under the bus.
I'm not for sure about tomorrow but by the weekend I would think this is over.

i say espn knows already and i think, seriously , if money is no object, i dont think they give a crap if he stiffs them, they would \ hire a guy like that back. i dont think he did that, but i think theres an agreement already in place(just speculation). espn is not stupid.
I just told you that there will be three denials from three coaches. Then it will leak that Gruden will be here. How hard is that to understand?

Told the same thing this morning.
It's happening, or this is the biggest troll job since the Greeks pushed a horse into the gates of Troy.
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One of my regulars comes into the bar last night with a guy I've never met before. They are both UT fans and we start the usual "who's gonna be the new coach?" conversation. We talked about Strong and Gundy for a little while and right before they leave the guy who I just met says that he is privy to some Gruden info. He proceeds to tell me that UT has a big booster who used to be in the railroad business (Norfolk Southern I think he said), but now the guy owns his own alarm company or security company (anybody have any idea who that would be?). Anyway, the guy tells me that he was in the room when his boss, who is friends with the unknown booster, is on a speaker phone call with said booster. This was Friday or Saturday, after the Gruden **** storm went down. The booster tells his boss that Gruden is still in fact coming. That the money for assistants isn't a problem because the boosters, himself included, have agreed to pay whatever is necessary. He then says that Gruden wants to finish out MNF and that after that he will in fact be our next coach.

Again, I don't know this guy at all. I really don't know why he would make this up, considering he brought up Gruden, not me. But there it is. Take it with a grain of salt.

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I am so scared right now that there are no smokescreens, That maybe Tennessee is just not the place that coaches want to be. I mean if we can't even get a Charlie Strong, WTF?
Is there anything that would be able to tell us if Gruden was actually at the HoF Induction? Or what is leading us to believe that?
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