Official Jon Gruden Thread XV

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I'd take Gundy over Bielema, honestly.

Granted, if they got Bielema and we get Strong/Fedora - I am equally as sick as before.

Beliema has won at least a share of his conference three straight seasons. Plus, his teams play like SEC teams.

The Big XII is better than the B1G, but not by leaps and bounds.
I'd take Gundy over Bielema, honestly.

Granted, if they got Bielema and we get Strong/Fedora - I am equally as sick as before.

To each his own, but Bielema is a much better fit for the SEC. There are a dozen teams that would fire their coach tomorrow if they thought they could hire Bielema.
Beliema has won at least a share of his conference three straight seasons. Plus, his teams play like SEC teams.

The Big XII is better than the B1G, but not by leaps and bounds.

I would argue it is better by leaps, bounds, and even more bounds. The Big 10 is freaking horrendous.
Boomer, can you expound a little bit on the comment you made about Hart hasn't played his role yet, because it sure seems that he is playing a role right now?

I think if Strong stays at Louisville, then it will begin to become VERY clear that the Gruden noise was and is very true! You mentioned this and I had thought about it shortly before...I'm guessing that once Strong "decides to stay at Louisville", we will start to hear another list of names, and these may not be as exciting as Round 1 (think Kent St HC and the like). This gains us at least another week to 10 days. Then, we are "real close" to finalizing and announcing with another up and comer...VN starts to meltdown!! Here's where Hart saves the day...he decides to make one "final push" for Gruden...excitement starts to build again. Gruden is announced shortly after. This will probably get us close to the magical date of December 22nd. VN EXPLODES!!!
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Beliema? That came out of left field. Arky kept his name real quiet... Just like Tennessee is trying to keep Gruden's name real quiet!
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Sorry this is quite long, but here is my expalnation.

I am going to try to play back the major things that have happened in the past week and try to explain what happened. No sources here other than what i read on here and in the news. Also want to disclose that I work for a PR firm (this will help to explain and reaffirm a few things). I also believe Gruden is still coming.

First, we get wind that Gruden does in fact own land in tennessee.
Jon Gruden Owns Land In East Tennessee : Outkick The Coverage

His kids were reported checking out schools. He was reported to be on campus. A few media outlets including people who are putting their career on the line say it is a done deal and we should know soon.

The above it a nightmare for anyone trying to control the press and the leakage of information who does not want it to be leaked. Why wouldnt Gruden want the info leaked? Because he still has quite a sweet gig at ESPN at may want to keep the job a few more weeks, at least to see out the remainder of the season. He also may be working out a deal with ESPN to close out his contract. We dont know the clause of his contract, and anyone that has had a job before knows (in most contracts) that it is conflict of interest to have two jobs such as his analyst gig and as a head coach - in essence you would be fired.

People start to get more information on the situation - such as years and amount of money on the contract, as well as coaching staff he has contacted. This gives validation to ESPN that he is either close to a deal or has on in place. See above paragraph.

This is when the agent comes out of the woodwork and says so off the wall stuff. From someone who writes press releases for a living, this is clearly not the type of wording discussed to be released. Which, leads me to believe that Gruden and his agent talked and Gruden, expressed his frustration. The agent quickly releases a message, because his client is pissed, off hand to try to dispel rumors. I know the agent is flashy and brash, but you would think he has more respect for all parties involved to at least release a statement hashed out by his client, himself and the pr firm that represents the agency (if the dont have one in house).

Next, the number of coaches that have been discussed as our next coach is reaching arky hiring levels. Each time we say we have an interview with someone, someone else comes out and says it isnt true, and vice-versa. UT is clearly a top 10 program, and anyone that doesnt 'think' so is ridiculous. That being said: Gundy, Gruden, Fisher, Stoops, Strong, Mora jr, Tressell, Briles, Fedora, Tressel, Smart, Paterson, Peterson and Davis at one point or another have said they havent been contacted by or interviewed with Tennessee. If we are a top 10 program then some of these coaches are clearly lying to themselves, that they have better jobs. It wouldnt behoove them to stay at their current position - even if UT is willing to pay out their buyouts (see fisher, strong, gundy).

My final point is that we havent hired a coach yet. And by yet, i mean a coach should be in place before the quiet period for recruiting begins (which i believe is the 14th but i could be mistaken). You want your coach to have as much time as he can to talk to recruits, lay out his plan, and possibly flip some. Unless, and this is my point, the coaches name (i.e., Gruden) is large enough to turn heads, ears and signatures just by the name alone. The longer we wait the more likely it is to get Gruden.

yea, yea tldr i know - Sorry, but i thought i would throw it all out there.
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