Official Jon Gruden Thread XIV

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He interviewed Strong and probably Fedora today. Possibly Butch Davis also, but probably nothing going on there.

Hart did not want to interview coaches that still had season games left and with UNC on probation, Louisville finished with their regular season, and Davis not coaching, Hart could interview them all.

He will apparently be interviewing Fisher and Gundy in New York. Also any other coach that may be brought up between now and then.
I guess what I'm saying is that Hubbs reported he wasn't going to interview until New York....why the change

You guys know I didn't want Gruden to begin with, and endorsed Strong like a month ago right? I think Charlie would have been great if they had never let this stupid mess drag on this long, Now I am afraid they have created an atmospere where almost no one could succeed outside of a miracle. I watched the Cards last night, and BE or whatever aside. I saw a well coached team that made multiple in-game smart adjustments. If no Gruden, I hope to goodness they get Strong or Mora. Those guys can coach.
If Gruden really wants to be the coach at Tennessee, then this deal will more than likely get done as either it already is done and this is all a massive manipulation plan (unlikely) or things are or will be worked out because Gruden will come down in his demands. Hart may be the problem in all of this, but that can and will be worked around because, if Gruden really wants to be here, the Haslams won't block it. Sure something may have happened, but if Gruden really wants it, then he and the Haslams will find common ground, regardless of Hart.


Gruden doesn't really want to be here which is illustrated by unreasonable demands and the fact even Haslam had to take Hart's side and pull the plug. This scenario doesn't mean Gruden wouldn't come, just means he's not 'all' in unless TN renames the stadium after him. Plenty of things could have happened to change Gruden's mind also.

We'll know which scenario it is soon enough. I don't like Hart, but let's face the facts the Knoxville media won't - Dave Hart is not the major player it seems in all of this. if Gruden wants to be here, they will find the common ground and Hart will comply. If his demands are so crazy as to think the Haslams would have reservations, then we have to look at this objectively - Gruden just isn't the right fit.
Strong would be perfect. Mora too. Strong would win big here within two years

You guys know I didn't want Gruden to begin with, and endorsed Strong like a month ago right? I think Charlie would have been great if they had never let this stupid mess drag on this long, Now I am afraid they have created an atmospere where almost no one could succeed outside of a miracle. I watched the Cards last night, and BE or whatever aside. I saw a well coached team that made multiple in-game smart adjustments. If no Gruden, I hope to goodness they get Strong or Mora. Those guys can coach.
I'm out VolNation, thanks for the company. If Gruden is out, then Hart should be next to go!!!

Tired of second best!!!

Believe me when I say that I see what you're saying, but we haven't come close to 2nd best anything lately. I'd take it at this point.
I want Gruden. I hope it's Gruden. When LaMonte said Fantasy; it was over.IMO

LaMonte is an agent, his only goal is getting best deals for clients. Agents careers do not rest on their "word" only on their results...and they don't have a much better repuattion for trsut then congressmen. He has zero concern for public knowledge or setting any records straight......what has been clear is certain parties did not want things to be this public this early I don't think they counted on internet explosion that has happened here and around......

Hargis has been reporting 23 years, won many awards, and very well respected...the TFP is an old school new paper, not known for edgy or sketchy reporting they tend to play it safe...yet went front page with their story. More over even after LaMontes statement they stuck by their story and Hargis even went on multiple radio shows and stood by article 100% that contradicts LaMonte's So not only Hargis is sold on his sources, but so are his editors who deffinately would want their info as well to put paper's name on line and keep pushing story.......I will trust TFP going out on a limb any day over ANY agent in the buisiness.
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Basilio has reported that Gruden came back twice and lowered his demands. Who knows if there is any truth to that.....
The wind is out of my sails but until I see someone else on the stage I am staying with Gruden. Then If its not him I will be mad a throw a baby fit like a little baby but still support my vols next season. I can except most of the coaches on the short list except Golden. I think Golden is a Dooley 2.0
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Dude do you read at all. The Hargis article says it all.He has a STAFF assembled.

What makes you think this guy knows that for sure. When everyone else says the opposite,and everybody on both sides have been wrong about everything. But this guy knows. RIGHT
hubbs is dave fart's tool

Again I saw three private jets fly over my house North of Chattanooga scadadling north about 4 hours ago flying 2 too 5 minutes apart.. on very similar flight paths but coming from slightly different directions. Just really strange and cool to see. And yes when I saw them I did say to myself dude that better new Gruden on one of those.
LaMonte is an agent, his only goal is getting best deals for clients. Agents careers do not rest on their "word" only on their results...and they don't have a much better repuattion for trsut then congressmen. He has zero concern for public knowledge or setting any records straight......what has been clear is certain parties did not want things to be this public this early I don't think they counted on internet explosion that has happened here and around......

Hargis has been reporting 23 years, won many awards, and very well respected...the TFP is an old school new paper, not known for edgy or sketchy reporting they tend to play it safe...yet went front page with their story. More over even after LaMontes statement they stuck by their story and Hargis even went on multiple radio shows and stood by article 100% that contradicts LaMonte's So not only Hargis is sold on his sources, but so are his editors who deffinately would want their info as well to put paper's name on line and keep pushing story.......I will trust TFP going out on a limb any day over ANY agent in the buisiness.

A telling part of that interview today was when he and Basilio were joking how Tony could talk gossip in the radio business while Hargis couldn't afford to do that.
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