obama compares immigrants to pilgrims

We could come up with these what if scenarios all day. Yes they should be able to vote. Why should they be receiving a subsidy for a child they cannot afford?

Because starving children to save a few pennies from your paycheck isn't cool. I guess she should have went to Planned Parenthood and saved us all the trouble?
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Because starving children to save a few pennies from your paycheck isn't cool. I guess she should have went to Planned Parenthood and saved us all the trouble?
Well at least you are honest about your love of the government stealing from one person to pay for another's choices. I'll be honest with you and tell you that that kind of ideal is disgusting. You made the baby, you support it. Why is that concept so abhorrent for you socialist stooges?
Well at least you are honest about your love of the government stealing from one person to pay for another's choices. I'll be honest with you and tell you that that kind of ideal is disgusting. You made the baby, you support it. Why is that concept so abhorrent for you socialist stooges?

It isn't abhorrent. It just isn't going to be the case that every child is going to be born into a family that can fully support them. I don't care to help with the few pennies it costs me. I'd rather it be that way than the child be aborted or starve. But I'm the disgusting a-hole.
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It isn't abhorrent. It just isn't going to be the case that every child is going to be born into a family that can fully support them. I don't care to help with the few pennies it costs me. I'd rather it be that way than the child be aborted or starve. But I'm the disgusting a-hole.
I'd rather have the option of giving my money to St Jude or some other worthwhile charity that will actually do something with that money to benefit the intended recipients rather than your ideal socialist state doling it out to anybody with a "starving" child. And in your last sentence you were half right.
Pretty simple, if you can't take care of the baby (physically, mentally, emotionally, and financially) you shouldn't be getting pregnant. Period, end of discussion.

Why is personal responsibility, or lack there of, not at the crux of this argument? If you do not want to get pregnant, you have a 99%+ probability of making sure that it doesn't happen in today's world.
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Pretty simple, if you can't take care of the baby (physically, mentally, emotionally, and financially) you shouldn't be getting pregnant. Period, end of discussion.

Why is personal responsibility, or lack there of, not at the crux of this argument? If you do not want to get pregnant, you have a 99%+ probability of making sure that it doesn't happen in today's world.
Because liberals do not believe in personal responsibility. Do what you want, when you want, without fear of consequence because the nanny state will take care of you. Any time you bring up personal responsibility, you are heartless, bigoted, racist, uncaring, or just plain mean.
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Because liberals do not believe in personal responsibility. Do what you want, when you want, without fear of consequence because the nanny state will take care of you. Any time you bring up personal responsibility, you are heartless, bigoted, racist, uncaring, or just plain mean.

Another strawman argument. I am all for personal responsibility. It seems that this could be a concept that is extended to large corporations that have full time employees on welfare.

As for personal responsibility, I am all in. I work full time, pay taxes, own property and raise my daughter with no help from the government.
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Another strawman argument. I am all for personal responsibility. It seems that this could be a concept that is extended to large corporations that have full time employees on welfare.

As for personal responsibility, I am all in. I work full time, pay taxes, own property and raise my daughter with no help from the government.
Well then you are a proponent of government thuggery. They steal from YOU and me, and give it to those that are not willing to exercise those same responsibilities that you allegedly exercise. I get it though. You think Obola and his successors, R or D, are better at determining where money needs to go. I'd much rather give it to Marlo Thomas. More of my money goes to good things rather than bureaucrat retirement plans.

And it's not a strawman argument. The welfare office waiting rooms are full of people waiting to get "paid". You just believe in the nanny state.
Well then you are a proponent of government thuggery. They steal from YOU and me, and give it to those that are not willing to exercise those same responsibilities that you allegedly exercise. I get it though. You think Obola and his successors, R or D, are better at determining where money needs to go. I'd much rather give it to Marlo Thomas. More of my money goes to good things rather than bureaucrat retirement plans.

And it's not a strawman argument. The welfare office waiting rooms are full of people waiting to get "paid". You just believe in the nanny state.

Quite frankly, I don't believe that the federal government does anything more effectively than it could be done privately with a few exceptions. Getting people to pony up for things like roads and infrastructure would be a nightmare. Taking care of disadvantaged citizens is another necessary evil. However, the system needs to be revamped to better prevent abuse, but I do not believe that abuse is near the problem that the GOP wants us to believe. There are other hard choices that have to be made. Military spending is an easy target. Education needs to be more of a priority. The tax code needs to be revamped in manner that makes sense. There are lots of problems, but both political parties are pointing fingers at specific segments of the population when it should more aptly be pointed at the government.
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Quite frankly, I don't believe that the federal government does anything more effectively than it could be done privately with a few exceptions. Getting people to pony up for things like roads and infrastructure would be a nightmare. Taking care of disadvantaged citizens is another necessary evil. However, the system needs to be revamped to better prevent abuse, but I do not believe that abuse is near the problem that the GOP wants us to believe. There are other hard choices that have to be made. Military spending is an easy target. Education needs to be more of a priority. The tax code needs to be revamped in manner that makes sense. There are lots of problems, but both political parties are pointing fingers at specific segments of the population when it should more aptly be pointed at the government.

What do you consider a "Disadvantaged citizen?"
What do you consider a "Disadvantaged citizen?"
Those that cannot get high paying jobs. Whatever the reason.

Actually, we are ALL disadvantaged on some level or other. I cannot run a 4.4 - 40. You probably cannot safely land an airplane with an engine on fire in a snowstorm. So what does disadvantaged really mean anyway other than a liberal buzzword to incite class warfare?
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Temporary aid for people down on luck. Aid for mentally or physically disabled people.
Temporary is not for life, which is what it has become for many. Stop that abuse, and I agree with you. The problem is that the government is incompetent to do that, therefore the problem will do nothing but grow and grow and grow.
Because liberals do not believe in personal responsibility. Do what you want, when you want, without fear of consequence because the nanny state will take care of you. Any time you bring up personal responsibility, you are heartless, bigoted, racist, uncaring, or just plain mean.

Yeah only those girls/women with liberal tendencies show a lack of personal responsibility. No conservative leaning girl/woman would ever show a lack of per responsibility, not.
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Yeah only those girls/women with liberal tendencies show a lack of personal responsibility. No conservative leaning girl/woman would ever show a lack of per responsibility, not.

Been my experience. And I've known a lot of them.
Probably should pass a law only allowing families that earn less than 40k only one child.

If technology permitted, I would support means tested fertility.

Also need a constitutional amendment making property ownership a voting requirement.

Property ownership? No. If we have an income tax, net tax payer? Yes.
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What about the working couple that rents a home, the man and wife work 40 hours each at lower income jobs. Together they earn approximately* $35,000 per year. They have withholdings taken our of their checks each pay period. When they file their income taxes for the year they qualify for the earned income child credit and* will receive a return in the amount of $7,435.00 which is $4,200.00 more than they had paid in through their withholdings.

Should this couple be allowed to vote?

No. Not a net tax payer. Lose the tax credit or forfeit your vote.
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