Non-Lady Vol Basketball News 2023-24

Oh, so a couple of times in a decade. Ok. Definitely a trend there.

Shoes don’t stretch and people don’t change.

There are issues there.

He’s also no better than Harper. He too is about a 65% win coach and 55% in the ACC over his tenure.

Kentucky basically just made the same hire we did 5 years ago based on a couple successful seasons. I don’t think it’s going to go well for him at UK long term.
Again, I missed the drama except about AO, a known drama specialist. Have there been more.

Speaking of family on the roster - Gaineys.

Speaking of Family on the roster - Darbys

If Edie had been anything other than a walk-on we would have all lost our minds.

It’s different when it’s a parents child on the team. Coaches have a hard time separating being a parent and a coach.

I do think Coach Abe balances that well with her daughter. You really cannot tell they are mother/daughter during games. Looks very professional.
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Don’t love that one either to be fair. I do my best to be consistent with my self-imposed standards.
What I don't like about the family restriction is it feels like us swimming upstream against the tide. Coaching couples are everywhere, as are other family tie ins. Once again, we're limiting our options right out of the gate.

Would we turn down Vic Shaeffer bc his daughter Blair is his assistant?
Speaking of Family on the roster - Darbys

If Edie had been anything other than a walk-on we would have all lost our minds.

It’s different when it’s a players child on the team. Coaches have a hard time separating being a parent and a coach.

I do think Coach Abe balances that well with her daughter. You really cannot tell they are mother/daughter during games. Looks very professional.
This makes zero sense. Either you're morally opposed to nepotism on it's face or you're not. You're ok with it as long as you can't tell or didn't know? That's also an ironic stance for you since I've long said when it wasn't pointed out that Jon was Kellie's spouse no one knew. Or cared.

Jon was a whipping boy to the bitter end and apparently will always remain so.
This makes zero sense. Either you're morally opposed to nepotism on it's face or you're not. You're ok with it as long as you can't tell or didn't know? That's also an ironic stance for you since I've long said when it wasn't pointed out that Jon was Kellie's spouse no one knew. Or cared.

Jon was a whipping boy to the bitter end and apparently will always remain so.

You get so emotional so easily. It’s wild.

I clearly said I don’t like it.

I did offer one example where it seems to work ok and mostly goes unnoticed. Doesn’t mean that’s what I want for my team, ever.
You get so emotional so easily. It’s wild.

I clearly said I don’t like it.

I did offer one example where it seems to work ok and mostly goes unnoticed. Doesn’t mean that’s what I want for my team, ever.
So, just trying to understand. Is that our new restriction? No family?

To me that's a huge restriction, and will only get bigger in the future.

I was hoping for no restrictions this time.
So, just trying to understand. Is that our new restriction? No family?

To me that's a huge restriction, and will only get bigger in the future.

I was hoping for no restrictions this time.

Uh seems like White doesn’t like it either. Since he has started he has dismantled both the husband and wife coaching duos at UT. The Weekly’s were old enough one could retire and not cause a big stink. The Harper’s just both had to do. Don’t seem white being interested in any husband wife duos.
Uh seems like White doesn’t like it either. Since he has started he has dismantled both the husband and wife coaching duos at UT. The Weekly’s were old enough one could retire and not cause a big stink. The Harper’s just both had to do. Don’t seem white being interested in any husband wife duos.
So much for unrestricted hiring. As I've said, I don't think this restriction is a small one. In fact, it's growing. Eventually could be as consequential as the old gender restriction.

All I'm asking is for once, just hire the best damn coach. Unrestricted.
So much for unrestricted hiring. As I've said, I don't think this restriction is a small one. In fact, it's growing. Eventually could be as consequential as the old gender restriction.

All I'm asking is for once, just hire the best damn coach. Unrestricted.

You’re like talking to a brick wall. Not interested in learning or accepting any new information. Just bonding everything off that doesn’t make you feel warm and fuzzy.

These men coaching on their wives staff are a bunch of betas riding the coattails of women in a women’s game. It’s pathetic.
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Speaking of Family on the roster - Darbys

If Edie had been anything other than a walk-on we would have all lost our minds.

Actually, I remember at least one well-known poster losing his mind when Teonni Key didn't come here. Used it as a slam against Harper.

You just can't please some folks.
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You’re like talking to a brick wall. Not interested in learning or accepting any new information. Just bonding everything off that doesn’t make you feel warm and fuzzy.

These men coaching on their wives staff are a bunch of betas riding the coattails of women in a women’s game. It’s pathetic.
Not sure what that even means. I'm simply asking if the one restriction you want imposed on this hire is that no family can be on staff. And you sure anwered, and said exactly why. Him working for her just bothers you. You're totally entitled to that opinon.

And I'm entitled to think that's a random restriction is that is likely to harm us going forward as much as the "blue hairs" gender restriction. That's all.
Not sure what that even means. I'm simply asking if the one restriction you want imposed on this hire is that no family can be on staff. And you sure anwered, and said exactly why. Him working for her just bothers you. You're totally entitled to that opinon.

And I'm entitled to think that's a random restriction is that is likely to harm us going forward as much as the "blue hairs" gender restriction. That's all.

It’s not a “random restriction” it’s widely acceptable that nepotistic hiring practices are good for nobody, least of all the hiring organization.

As we now pay two coaches in the same family to leave Knoxville…
What I don't like about the family restriction is it feels like us swimming upstream against the tide. Coaching couples are everywhere, as are other family tie ins. Once again, we're limiting our options right out of the gate.

Would we turn down Vic Shaeffer bc his daughter Blair is his assistant?

No, because that would mean being consistent and non-hypocritical.

If we were making Final Fours and winning championships, anyone complaining about spouses on staff would be laughed off the board.
It’s not a “random restriction” it’s widely acceptable that nepotistic hiring practices are good for nobody, least of all the hiring organization.

As we now pay two coaches in the same family to leave Knoxville…

Would we be paying them both to leave even if they weren't related?
Would we be paying them both to leave even if they weren't related?

They might not even be leaving if she had a proper assistant instead of her husband.

It’s widely accepted that nobody knew what Jon really brought to the table. Dad jokes? That’s about it based on what the players said.

The number of eye rolls and brush offs I saw from players after he talked to them showed they did not respect him at all. Don’t think they disliked him, but from a coaching standpoint they did not appear to take him seriously.
It’s not a “random restriction” it’s widely acceptable that nepotistic hiring practices are good for nobody, least of all the hiring organization.

As we now pay two coaches in the same family to leave Knoxville…
But increasingly a less widely acceptable restriction as the practice spreads throughout college basketball.

I agree nepotism has inheirant pitfalls for sure. I just continue to think we're swimming against the tide on this one and likely to miss out on good prospects due to it. I've seen several names already thrown around, Fortier, Shaeffer, etc who would be disqualified by it. Also, either Gainey the son needs to leave or Gainey the coach.

Last time, I just don't want restrictions this time.
But increasingly a less widely acceptable restriction as the practice spreads throughout college basketball.

I agree nepotism has inheirant pitfalls for sure. I just continue to think we're swimming against the tide on this one and likely to miss out on good prospects due to it. I've seen several names already thrown around, Fortier, Shaeffer, etc who would be disqualified by it. Also, either Gainey the son needs to leave or Gainey the coach.

Last time, I just don't want restrictions this time.

Out of 351 DI programs there are maybe what, 10? It’s not as common as you’d like to make it out to be.

So we are looking at around 3% of DI colleges having a husband and wife in staff.

It’s also never been proven to work at a high level.
Out of 351 DI programs there are maybe what, 10? It’s not as common as you’d like to make it out to be.
There were three family coaching situations in the SEC alone. Will stay at 3 next yr when Vic and Blair get here, speaking of working at a high level.

But dead horse, your restriction is your restriction. And I still think it's an unnecessary and harmful one. Agree to disagree, like always
In my opinion, wife-husband coaching teams will always appear to be more about the wife making a hire based on what's more convenient for her personally instead of doing what may be best for the program professionally.

Even if the husband/assistant is a good coach, the wife/head coach can't deny that it leaves at least the appearance that there was never going to be any chance that another amazing assistant coach could have been hired and could have added something amazing to the coaching lineup. It always makes me think, "Was the husband really the very best basketball mind/skills teacher she could have hired, or was it simply more important to her to not have to worry as much about childcare?"

Somehow, every single male coach of every single men's basketball program that has ever existed, has somehow managed to have a family without EVER, NOT EVEN ONE OF THEM, ever feeling like maybe he should hire his wife as an assistant coach for every single head coaching job he takes so child care would be easier.

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