No American Flag?

Public University system. Board of Regents should tell them to stfu. If the state permits this to happen, any federal funding for their UC systems should be cut off.
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If the U.S. flag offends you so much that you cannot stand to look at it, don't. No public university should allow such nonsense.
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It represents both. How can you disagree with that?

It represents the U.S. all of the good and bad. If you cannot accept mistakes made and the few bad deeds done under the banner, don't accept the charity and good will either.
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Assuming the council takes down all national flags, I kind of get what they're saying.

But, that's the problem with philosophy and social theory. At times you lose connection with the real world in order to create some sort of egalitarian fantasy world.

If you really need a flag-free zone in order to communicate with others, your biggest problem is not a flag.
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I can hate the government but still love America (and the flag). I can hate other Americans but still love America.

But hate America and you can just gtfo.

I dislike a lot of our government but I do hate a lot of many dumb people! Luckily though through my travels I've realized stupidity knows no borders so I hate most people.
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Assuming the council takes down all national flags, I kind of get what they're saying.

But, that's the problem with philosophy and social theory. At times you lose connection with the real world in order to create some sort of egalitarian fantasy world.

If you really need a flag-free zone in order to communicate with others, your biggest problem is not a flag.

:good!: :clapping:
It represents the U.S. all of the good and bad. If you cannot accept mistakes made and the few bad deeds done under the banner, don't accept the charity and good will either.

Why not? Taking money from their parents and giving it back to them in the form of a sociology degree isn't exactly charity.
Assuming the council takes down all national flags, I kind of get what they're saying.

But, that's the problem with philosophy and social theory. At times you lose connection with the real world in order to create some sort of egalitarian fantasy world.

If you really need a flag-free zone in order to communicate with others, your biggest problem is not a flag.

Well said.
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Assuming the council takes down all national flags, I kind of get what they're saying.

But, that's the problem with philosophy and social theory. At times you lose connection with the real world in order to create some sort of egalitarian fantasy world.

If you really need a flag-free zone in order to communicate with others, your biggest problem is not a flag.

The last comment says it all..... Good post
Why not? Taking money from their parents and giving it back to them in the form of a sociology degree isn't exactly charity.

How much you want to bet that most of the complainers are on some form of aid or grant?
I have no problem with them not flying the American flag, as long as they have no problem surrendering any federal funds they currently receive. It would be hypocritical to accept funding from a govt you're basically refusing to recognize.
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Maybe they are anti government not anti country. The flag does represent a government that has done terrible, terrible things. You may choose to ignore them. I have very conflicted feelings about the flag. It represents some great things as well.

There's not one world power whose government hasn't done some horrible things.
So then I cannot celebrate my heritage as a Southerner? How very intolerant of them.

Are you a Southerner first and then an American or vice versa?

It's your right to celebrate your (LOL) heritage? It's also my right to verbally disparage you for doing it.

It's hilarious to hear people use this excuse for flying the confederate flag. It also reflects their ignorance
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Are you a Southerner first and then an American or vice versa?

It's your right to celebrate your (LOL) heritage? It's also my right to verbally disparage you for doing it.

It's hilarious to hear people use this excuse for flying the confederate flag. It also reflects their ignorance

What about this flag? Could I fly this one without being verbally disparaged by you?

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Are you a Southerner first and then an American or vice versa?

It's your right to celebrate your (LOL) heritage? It's also my right to verbally disparage you for doing it.

It's hilarious to hear people use this excuse for flying the confederate flag. It also reflects their ignorance

Irony is ironic..
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Are you a Southerner first and then an American or vice versa?

It's your right to celebrate your (LOL) heritage? It's also my right to verbally disparage you for doing it.

It's hilarious to hear people use this excuse for flying the confederate flag. It also reflects their ignorance

In answer to your first question, yes.

As an answer to your third sentence, yes you do.

Your last paragraph to me indicates a confused liberal child who on one hand will lead the fight for the term African American yet is scared of Southern Heritage. In your childish ignorance you liken everyone that ever lived in the South to rich plantation owners when in reality a majority of the South were simply trying to get by. Do some research on slavery, it might surprise you. The Stars and Bars mean many things to me, not one has to do with race.
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