Neyland Among Most Hostile SEC Environments Per Opponents

For decades, teams scheduled to visit Neyland have prepped for the noise level. No sound system, even one blaring the pre-launch run up of F-14 engines comes close. Many factors contribute - the design, the layout, the surrounding terrain, the altitude, etcetera, but, it's us, the 102k+ fans who explode from a whisper to a deafening roar that impress visitors.
I've been a Tennessee student/alumnus/fan for more than 4 decades. One thing that I've noticed is that, noisy as we can be, with rare exception, Tennessee fans are good-natured, generous, and hospitable. We do not abuse our guests. We do not spit upon them, shout curses at them, pelt them with projectiles, or otherwise shame ourselves and our University. Many visiting fans of our opponents have remarked to me how hospitable we truly are and how they enjoyed their visit to Knoxville, UT, and Neyland. Loud? Oh yes. Mean spirited? Never. This is a reputation I wish to endure. Forever, I want visitors to Tennessee to be as pleased by their experience as they are to have us as guests. We are as welcoming as we are welcome, forever and ever, amen.
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Labeling fans one way or another, based on a limited sample size is part of the logical fallacy known as the 'sweeping generalization'. It's human nature and everyone does it - including me.

True. I have sat beside gator fans at 2 different UT home games recently one was a father and son combo, as nice as any UT fans I have ever been around. The other involved a water bottle hitting my brother in the back by someone we didn't even sit beside.

There are great fans at any school and turds as well.
Most hostile environment on Saturday Night - Tiger Stadium aka Death Valley (Baton Rouge)

Least hostile environment on SaturDay - Church Quiet Stadium (Baton Rouge)

I've been a Tennessee student/alumnus/fan for more than 4 decades. One thing that I've noticed is that, noisy as we can be, with rare exception, Tennessee fans are good-natured, generous, and hospitable. We do not abuse our guests. We do not spit upon them, shout curses at them, pelt them with projectiles, or otherwise shame ourselves and our University. Many visiting fans of our opponents have remarked to me how hospitable we truly are and how they enjoyed their visit to Knoxville, UT, and Neyland. Loud? Oh yes. Mean spirited? Never. This is a reputation I wish to endure. Forever, I want visitors to Tennessee to be as pleased by their experience as they are to have us as guests. We are as welcoming as we are welcome, forever and ever, amen.

I've seen our fans be absolute jerks to other fans for no reason. One I remember vividly was a couple of UT fans throwing packs of ketchup at some Georgia fans who weren't doing anything. They absolutely ruined their clothes. All fanbases have people that don't belong in public, and that includes us.
Most hostile environment on Saturday Night - Tiger Stadium aka Death Valley (Baton Rouge)

Least hostile environment on SaturDay - Church Quiet Stadium (Baton Rouge)


I will say one of the funnier moments between fans for me came with a night game between UT and LSU in Knoxville.

We were walking towards the stadium before kickoff (can't remember the street) but there were 2 LSU fans in front of us on the sidewalk. Both were drunk with one being in worst shape than the other. To give a description neither were over 5'10" and neither weighed more than 190. The one that was winning in the drunk dept decided to turn around and walk up the sidewalk backwards while carrying his beer (in a solo cup) and talking to his friend. Eventually he turns around (in a non gracefully manor) and his cup of beer slams into the chest of a UT fan walking the opposite direction, with the entire contents of the cup now being either on the UT fans shirt or on the sidewalk. Instead of "Im sorry", you hear "you made me spill my beer!" At this point the UT fan (being about 6'4" 240 ish) takes a step forward and the next words you hear and see come from the less drunk friend "he is extremely sorry!" while dragging his friend by the shirt the opposite direction. The only thing the UT fan said (and it was to someone walking with him) "he should be glad he has a good friend".

Good times.
The OU player comments ring loud and true. I have been to a lot of games in Knoxville over 30 years, that one was a sustained loud for the majority of 4 quarters more than any other Ive been to.
The OU player comments ring loud and true. I have been to a lot of games in Knoxville over 30 years, that one was a sustained loud for the majority of 4 quarters more than any other Ive been to.

I was there too. It's such a fing shame we didn't win that fing game.
I have to ask which years you attended a game in Gainesville

I was there in 98 & 00. Both times saw bad things. Left early in 98 afraid for our safety. One guy in his 70's did not deserve what was directed our way, verbally and physically. I apologize for the f#*k Fla directed at the gators 2 yrs ago. Not on Nat TV. Frustration from the streak by the students. I won't go back to Gainesville anymore. Was in the USN during the 70's- went to several games then. Never saw that type of action. This is a game. Sure, you want our team to win, but don't deride the visitors like this. Only breeds discontent. Golly, this sounds like one of my Sr English papers
I've seen our fans be absolute jerks to other fans for no reason. One I remember vividly was a couple of UT fans throwing packs of ketchup at some Georgia fans who weren't doing anything. They absolutely ruined their clothes. All fanbases have people that don't belong in public, and that includes us.

Did you report this behavior to security? Intervene in some other fashion? Offer to make amends in some fashion to the Georgia fans? Otherwise be a stand-up guy?
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I was there in 98 & 00. Both times saw bad things. Left early in 98 afraid for our safety. One guy in his 70's did not deserve what was directed our way, verbally and physically. I apologize for the f#*k Fla directed at the gators 2 yrs ago. Not on Nat TV. Frustration from the streak by the students. I won't go back to Gainesville anymore. Was in the USN during the 70's- went to several games then. Never saw that type of action. This is a game. Sure, you want our team to win, but don't deride the visitors like this. Only breeds discontent. Golly, this sounds like one of my Sr English papers

Maybe it was 99 and 2001. We played UF at Neyland in 98 and 2000. I was there, I was drunk, but do remember I didn't have to drive to Gainesville.
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In the article when talking about hostile environments, no where did it mention cussing at, throwing trash on, or trying to intimidate opposing fans in the stands. Make so much noise that it's impossible for an opposing QB to be heard by his teammates, but don't embarrass the University of Tennessee by being a jerk to opposing fans.
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in the article when talking about hostile environments, no where did it mention cussing at, throwing trash on, or trying to intimidate opposing fans in the stands. Make so much noise that it's impossible for an opposing qb to be heard by his teammates, but don't embarrass the university of tennessee by being a jerk to opposing fans.


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