New Polls are Out

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VolNation's Grand Poobah
Staff member
Oct 22, 2003
18 in Coaches Poll
19 in AP

At least we are moving back in the right direction.
How high do we NEED to be to get into a major bowl? IS it too late in the season to sneak into the BCS?
That's a great question. I can't say that I had really thought about that. I think a lot would have to happen, but I don't think it is out of the question. We've got 5 weeks left and a win over Miami would have to give us some momentum in the polls. Again, a lot would have to happen and all of the regular season champs would have to win their respective conference championship games. I have seen stranger things happen. And don't forget we still have a shot at Atlanta ourselves. Go Gators. (Did I really just type that?)
It looks like all Vol fans are going to have to say it come Saturday. What is the world coming to? :blink:

That means not only will we be cheering for the Gators, we will be cheering for Chris Leak as well. I feel so dirty. :huh:
I guess we'll just have to "take one for the team". LOL!!

If you are not a are gator bait. (Is that how it goes). :eek:
I don't know. I'm still washing my keyboard after the last post I made in this thread.

LOL!! :D :D
I think IF (huge IF) we knock off Miami in 2 weeks and UF takes care of UGA, we go to the SEC championship by the AD votes.
I really don't believe anybody can knock off Miami right now. But, stranger things have happened. Beating Miami won't do much for us in the SEC, though.
Actually it would, b/c in the event UF drops UGA, UGA will still be higher in the polls than us unless we topple Miami...then it's going to be close. On the radio they said if it goes to an AD vote, they'll probably take the higher ranked school.
Originally posted by KnoxKDX@Oct 27 2003, 05:09 PM
Actually it would, b/c in the event UF drops UGA, UGA will still be higher in the polls than us unless we topple Miami...then it's going to be close. On the radio they said if it goes to an AD vote, they'll probably take the higher ranked school.

I agree. We have two scenarios to play in Atlanta:

1. UF and Auburn beat Georgia. We win the rest of our conference games. The Miami game does not matter.

2. UF beats Georgia. We win out including the Miami game. Hope that the AD's vote us to Atlanta.
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