Munich Mall Attack Underway

witnesses are saying the savages were shouting Allahu Akbar

the media naturally saying it was right wingers

the verdict is still out
Obama says "we are going to pledge all the support they may need in dealing with these circumstances".

What the hell kind of support is he talking about?

Translation: means nothing will be done so you're on your own.
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Obama says "we are going to pledge all the support they may need in dealing with these circumstances".

What the hell kind of support is he talking about?

Translation: means nothing will be done so you're on your own.

Well why send anything?

Everything is awesome remember?

Trump is just trying to scare people.
Once you've pissed off the French and Germans in the same week, you've accomplished something. They might actually be inclined to do something now that their own countries have been attacked instead of waiting on the US to carry their burden.
I'd assume it's ISIS inspired lone wolf types. Not organized enough to be the real deal. Wander out of McDonald's and fire on people sort of randomly is very undisciplined.

ISIS has shown discipline so far?
Well, you know, we can't make any assumptions yet, because it might be a Trump zealot.

Who do you think they would prefer? The woman who has been part of the drone attack, bleed their money, regime. Or the guy that is running on their platform that it's a massive religious war.
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People actually going there and training, yes. At least relative to this, it seems.

While the facts are still being uncovered in yet another attack, the fact they keep popping up in Europe and doing so more frequently is the facts in hand. So it's not a great stretch of the imagination to think this might be an ISIS inspired attack or conducted with their sanction.

You don't need a great deal of training to gun down a bunch of innocent civilians.
While the facts are still being uncovered in yet another attack, the fact they keep popping up in Europe and doing so more frequently is the facts in hand. So it's not a great stretch of the imagination to think this might be an ISIS inspired attack or conducted with their sanction.

You don't need a great deal of training to gun down a bunch of innocent civilians.

One of those innocent civilians was a 15 yo girl.
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Once you've pissed off the French and Germans in the same week, you've accomplished something. They might actually be inclined to do something now that their own countries have been attacked instead of waiting on the US to carry their burden.

Not going to happen.
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