MST3K Reboot

My favorite moment from Mitchell:

While Mitchell is at a suspect's house interrogating him:

Mitchell: (looking at a gun rack) Are these guns loaded?

Suspect: Some are and some aren't.

Tom Servo: They're randomly loaded... little game I play.
My favorite scene along with the love making scene lol.
My favorite line. "The new Chrysler Fury. The car that thinks it's a house."
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I watched it as a kid and remember it being hilarious but can't recall any specific one. There was one w a swamp creature which was funny.

They just added some to nextflix so I watched one last week: Manos: The Hands of Fate

Holy **** that was a bad movie
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One of their best segments.
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I watched it as a kid and remember it being hilarious but can't recall any specific one. There was one w a swamp creature which was funny.

They just added some to nextflix so I watched one last week: Manos: The Hands of Fate

Holy **** that was a bad movie
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I watched it as a kid and remember it being hilarious but can't recall any specific one. There was one w a swamp creature which was funny.

They just added some to nextflix so I watched one last week: Manos: The Hands of Fate

Holy **** that was a bad movie

I believe that's one of the very first episodes.

That guy made that movie on a dare.

I record them on one of the .2 or .3 channels here, they come on every Sunday night 8-10 and 10-12. My wife thinks it's idiotic so I watch them when she's asleep. I hadn't seen them on Netflix but I'll look now.
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I believe that's one of the very first episodes.

That guy made that movie on a dare.

I record them on one of the .2 or .3 channels here, they come on every Sunday night 8-10 and 10-12. My wife thinks it's idiotic so I watch them when she's asleep. I hadn't seen them on Netflix but I'll look now.
Most of the episodes are free to watch on YouTube
The reboot is officially streaming on Netflix. I'm about 20mins into Reptilicus and am loving it so far. I doubt I'll sleep any tonight.
Without movies that are so bad its good Mystery Science Theater 3000 would not exist.

I'll be watching with MST3K commentary of the Poorman's version of The Birds that is Birdemic Shock and Terror.
Also I heard about some Devil fish movie so likely a lameass creature feature movie.
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