Moving Violation Arrests



It takes wisdom to understand wisdom.
May 12, 2010
Interesting article. I'm sure our coaches mention this, but players' heads these are granite encased in titanium. My take on this is players probably need to be bluntly, cold-bloodedly told:

--You have an opportunity with your NIL the majority of students don't get. College with ample pocket cash.
--Cash that gives you an early start to put into savings or invest toward future long term financial security.
--Cash toward a head start to retirement if a pro career escapes you for whatever reason, injury, undrafted etc.
--Cash to either enhance your life, if you make stupid choices, fork up your life.
--Your azz doesn't care if you ride in a Chevy Malibu, Ford Edge, or Rolls Royce, it will sit on whatever is under it.
--Fancy fast cars = cop attracting-fast time tickets/arrests-fast kicked off the team-fast career ending injury or death.
--Being a cash-flasher encourages being robbed, shot, lured among false friends, and becoming broke in no time.
--Doing "friends" and such favors, is stray dog feeding, they'll just keep coming back for more, and more. Pretty soon, they won't leave at all.
--If you really want to learn anything, read up on, or watch videos of big lottery winners, movie stars, pro players who lost their fat wallets in record time.

OK, knowing that the truth is unwelcome except when it flatters one self, or condemns those one doesn't like, I'm ready to be condemned, having bricks thrown at me, and generally villainized.
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Hopefully, they won't follow the example of that Kansas City player who crashed his Lamborghini in Texas causing mass mayhem.
Hopefully, they won't follow the example of that Kansas City player who crashed his Lamborghini in Texas causing mass mayhem.

Ugh. Don't even get me started on that mess. Screwed up traffic royally.

Funny thing is the idiot was probably within sight of the Lambo dealership where he leased the car.
Only John Adams could write an article about how Tennessee players need to stop screwing up behind the wheel after a notable run of Georgia players get arrested.

Adams says he didn't get smart until after he turned 26. I think he's still waiting.

Go Vols!
Only John Adams could write an article about how Tennessee players need to stop screwing up behind the wheel after a notable run of Georgia players get arrested.

Adams says he didn't get smart until after he turned 26. I think he's still waiting.

Go Vols!
I've never cared for Adams either, but in this instance at least he did contrast the Georgia situation from ours in the second sentence of his article.
If they couldn’t leave the weed alone or not act just plain stupid long enough to earn an NFL payday, how many of you think straight cash is going to change?
Interesting article. I'm sure our coaches mention this, but players' heads these are granite encased in titanium. My take on this is players probably need to be bluntly, cold-bloodedly told:

--You have an opportunity with your NIL the majority of students don't get. College with ample pocket cash.
--Cash that gives you an early start to put into savings or invest toward future long term financial security.
--Cash toward a head start to retirement if a pro career escapes you for whatever reason, injury, undrafted etc.
--Cash to either enhance your life, if you make stupid choices, or fork up your life.
--Your azz doesn't care if you ride in a Chevy Malibu, Ford Edge, or Rolls Royce, it will sit on whatever is under it.
--Fancy fast cars = cop attracting-fast time tickets/arrests-fast kicked off the team-fast career ending injury or death.
--Being a cash-flasher encourages being robbed, shot, lured among false friends, and becoming broke in no time.
--Doing "friends" and such favors, is stray dog feeding, they'll just keep coming back for more, and more. Pretty soon, they won't leave at all.
--If you really want to learn anything, read up on, or watch videos of big lottery winners, movie stars, pro players who lost their fat wallets in record time.

OK, knowing that the truth is unwelcome except when it flatters one self, or condemns those one doesn't like, I'm ready to be condemned, having bricks thrown at me, and generally villainized.
I agree 100% with your post.
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Only John Adams could write an article about how Tennessee players need to stop screwing up behind the wheel after a notable run of Georgia players get arrested.

Adams says he didn't get smart until after he turned 26. I think he's still waiting.

Go Vols!
John Adams is a snake oil salesman. He needs to go back to Louisiana...

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An article about 4 speeding tickets issued over a 6 month period. Damn Knoxville sports news report hitting new lows.

My great nephew read the post and said OK, Boomer! The kid is 12 next month.
Maybe tell your brilliant great nephew to read up on: Henry Ruggs, Donte Stallworth, Leonard Little, Josh Brent, Matt Prater, and Boomer laugh at the innocent folks who died in the other car these imbeciles smashed into. I mean really laugh about it, a roaring guffaw, not his fault no one is seriously talking to him about the result of choices you make now, or in the future. But I hope our coaches try with our players anyway. Doing what their parents should have done starting very early in their lives, during their teens as well. Could make a difference if only one really listens and follows through. The rest, I suppose, can laugh it off. Oh, shoot! Pardon my rant, went on too many police rideouts, saw too much. Talked to a cop saying they know a baby was in the mangled thing that used to be a car, but can't find it. Tow comes, lifts front end to haul car away, crunched baby falls out of the front right wheel well. How was that even possible!!?? Nevermind, it's booming funny after all, eh?

Dayum! I got triggered by this? Shame on me.
Interesting article. I'm sure our coaches mention this, but players' heads these are granite encased in titanium. My take on this is players probably need to be bluntly, cold-bloodedly told:

--You have an opportunity with your NIL the majority of students don't get. College with ample pocket cash.
--Cash that gives you an early start to put into savings or invest toward future long term financial security.
--Cash toward a head start to retirement if a pro career escapes you for whatever reason, injury, undrafted etc.
--Cash to either enhance your life, if you make stupid choices, fork up your life.
--Your azz doesn't care if you ride in a Chevy Malibu, Ford Edge, or Rolls Royce, it will sit on whatever is under it.
--Fancy fast cars = cop attracting-fast time tickets/arrests-fast kicked off the team-fast career ending injury or death.
--Being a cash-flasher encourages being robbed, shot, lured among false friends, and becoming broke in no time.
--Doing "friends" and such favors, is stray dog feeding, they'll just keep coming back for more, and more. Pretty soon, they won't leave at all.
--If you really want to learn anything, read up on, or watch videos of big lottery winners, movie stars, pro players who lost their fat wallets in record time.

OK, knowing that the truth is unwelcome except when it flatters one self, or condemns those one doesn't like, I'm ready to be condemned, having bricks thrown at me, and generally villainized.
I read this... and immediately thought of this...
Maybe tell your brilliant great nephew to read up on: Henry Ruggs, Donte Stallworth, Leonard Little, Josh Brent, Matt Prater, and Boomer laugh at the innocent folks who died in the other car these imbeciles smashed into. I mean really laugh about it, a roaring guffaw, not his fault no one is seriously talking to him about the result of choices you make now, or in the future. But I hope our coaches try with our players anyway. Doing what their parents should have done starting very early in their lives, during their teens as well. Could make a difference if only one really listens and follows through. The rest, I suppose, can laugh it off. Oh, shoot! Pardon my rant, went on too many police rideouts, saw too much. Talked to a cop saying they know a baby was in the mangled thing that used to be a car, but can't find it. Tow comes, lifts front end to haul car away, crunched baby falls out of the front right wheel well. How was that even possible!!?? Nevermind, it's booming funny after all, eh?

Dayum! I got triggered by this? Shame on me.
You took apples (speeding tickets) then mixed in oranges (NIL advice). The two don't mix.

Now you add in worst case scenarios. Why, because a Tennessee football player was one of 63 ticketed that day for speeding. Yep they were running radar.

Speeding is an issue but not just for players. I personally don't like it when players are singled out when they goof up. I don't want any Vols, no make that anyone to be involved in a fatal accident.

My brilliant great nephew actual comment was OK, boomer, who are you to give them advice on their money. My bad for not being clear.

We have a team full of coachable players not a a bunch of players' who heads are granite encased in titanium. Will some make mistakes, yes but even fewer will be getting their life advice off VN.
You took apples (speeding tickets) then mixed in oranges (NIL advice). The two don't mix.

Now you add in worst case scenarios. Why, because a Tennessee football player was one of 63 ticketed that day for speeding. Yep they were running radar.

Speeding is an issue but not just for players. I personally don't like it when players are singled out when they goof up. I don't want any Vols, no make that anyone to be involved in a fatal accident.

My brilliant great nephew actual comment was OK, boomer, who are you to give them advice on their money. My bad for not being clear.

We have a team full of coachable players not a a bunch of players' who heads are granite encased in titanium. Will some make mistakes, yes but even fewer will be getting their life advice off VN.
Argument hunter, must be a political forum refugee. I'll grant you your wish. You win, I lose, shame on me for posting the thread. How horrible of me for daring to do so. Thus, I sing your holy praises.

I don't wanna fight, don't wanna talk with, you any-
I don't wanna fight, don't wanna talk with, you any-
I don't wanna fight, don't wanna talk with, you anymore

I don't wanna argue, I don't wanna argue
I don't wanna argue, you won, you won
OOOHHH, glory be to thee, to thee forevermore.

Man, oh man, I just love Volnation.
I did not have a free ride to college or any money while in college, but when i got out and got my first job, I was terrible with money. I cannot imagine being 18-20 with notoriety and $$$ and being stupid and horny and well you get the picture. kidz be kidz just like always.......
Only John Adams could write an article about how Tennessee players need to stop screwing up behind the wheel after a notable run of Georgia players get arrested.

Adams says he didn't get smart until after he turned 26. I think he's still waiting.

Go Vols!
I can't stand Adams and I agree with you...but I'm also kind of glad he wrote it. We've got a lot of young guys with fast cars due to NIL and maybe this slightly negative piece gets back to the team and helps prevent some of them from doing something stupid. It's a good reminder that some in the local media are eager to write about even the most minor of transgressions and a good reminder to Heupel that he's got to stay on top of guys about being smart on the road.
Argument hunter, must be a political forum refugee. I'll grant you your wish. You win, I lose, shame on me for posting the thread. How horrible of me for daring to do so. Thus, I sing your holy praises.

I don't wanna fight, don't wanna talk with, you any-
I don't wanna fight, don't wanna talk with, you any-
I don't wanna fight, don't wanna talk with, you anymore

I don't wanna argue, I don't wanna argue
I don't wanna argue, you won, you won
OOOHHH, glory be to thee, to thee forevermore.
View attachment 631838

Man, oh man, I just love Volnation.
You take your medicine this morning?
1) John Adams thinks he is a sportswriter and a good one.Wrong.2)The Knoxville city cops have for over 58 years ,have looked for any reason to pull over,harass,or otherwise do anything they can to give a UT athlete a hard time/police arrest for any kind of charge.They do this also to the regular student body.3) Cas Walker still roams the hills in and around Knoxville with his "...Don't sell floride toothpaste because it gives you cancer"and hot dogs that dogs wouldn't eat.The everlasting theme for K-towns police is "go to jail or join the police force"
1) John Adams thinks he is a sportswriter and a good one.Wrong.2)The Knoxville city cops have for over 58 years ,have looked for any reason to pull over,harass,or otherwise do anything they can to give a UT athlete a hard time/police arrest for any kind of charge.They do this also to the regular student body.3) Cas Walker still roams the hills in and around Knoxville with his "...Don't sell floride toothpaste because it gives you cancer"and hot dogs that dogs wouldn't eat.The everlasting theme for K-towns police is "go to jail or join the police force"
The history of relationship between the Knoxville Police Department and the University of Tennessee's athletes began years and years ago when the price were Calle to an incidence near the river. The police arrive and while investigating the incident, their police car ended up in the river, assisted by some of athlete's who were present. That happened many years ago, but the history lives on.
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