More drama from Butch Jones era

I 'm wondering if Butch's notion of discipline and enforcement shattered that team. If he encouraged informants, that could have caused a polarization in the team. Did someone set up Butch and/or the police to "bust" up a party? ( I'm just speculating here.)While I am tired of the story of Butch, I am really curious what caused the apparent disintegration of "team 121" .
With not much going on this morning I read this article. Let me say IMO this stuff is about as pathetic attempt to slander a man as I've read. NONE of it made any sense whatsoever. In this day and time of political character assassination and fake news this is the byproduct you create. Playing a little game of "it must be the police fault" or the authority figures fault. The one thing that's clear...this kid is about as lost as one can be. If he's still playing somewhere his coach needs to ban this kid from tweeting while he's playing for him....Actually this stuff is a sad state of affairs....I for one would be in favor of never posting this garbage again. Not censoring mind you but using decent common sense.... but long as there's the LET'S HATE BUTCH JONES crowd running amok I doubt it will stop....
Dear Mr. Saban,

Please do not believe what you read on these boards, Butch is not a bad guy! In fact, I firmly believe you should promote him quickly and allow him to take control of the Alabama offense and player development.

Best of luck to you (youā€™ll need it),
Why the blue font? I would love for Saban to do that!
With not much going on this morning I read this article. Let me say IMO this stuff is about as pathetic attempt to slander a man as I've read. NONE of it made any sense whatsoever. In this day and time of political character assassination and fake news this is the byproduct you create. Playing a little game of "it must be the police fault" or the authority figures fault. The one thing that's clear...this kid is about as lost as one can be. If he's still playing somewhere his coach needs to ban this kid from tweeting while he's playing for him....Actually this stuff is a sad state of affairs....I for one would be in favor of never posting this garbage again. Not censoring mind you but using decent common sense.... but long as there's the LET'S HATE BUTCH JONES crowd running amok I doubt it will stop....
You know your rightšŸ§, I probably shouldnt Have posted it. I did because I wanted to see if anyone knew if there was really something to this. After further researching, it looks like this kid is probably full of it. But ya know, there might be truth to some of the bizarreness with Butch and this story. He comes off as a power trip.
If this story is true, what an arrogant moron. I already know he canā€™t coach a football team, but to have that much of a power trip to where you call the KPD ā€œmy police officersā€ this guy was a joke. I wonder what else if anything will come of this...
MyKelle McDaniel calls out Butch Jones on Twitter
The only thing obvious to me from these tweets, is conformation why kids should not b passed to the next grade just because they're good in sports. See J J Petersen. Does anyone actually believe J J stays academically eligible even if he makes it here? Not unless a. tutor takes all his test for him. FYI, anyone who knows me, knows I also despise BJ. I pubically called that clown out as a fraud 3 games into year 1.
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I'm not ready to call Mr. McDaniel a liar, but some of his story doesn't make sense. Primarily, if this guy was such a bad ass on the field, why would an ACL injury make Jones want to get rid of him? I feel like half the team had ACL injuries during the Jones era, or an injury just as bad. Even Jones wouldn't have been dumb enough to get rid of a potential star player over a common ACL injury.

Also, the cops were afraid of him because of his hair? Not because of his size or the fact that he could probably bench press two of them? I have a hard time believing cops are afraid of hairdos, and if they are, they need to find another profession.
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Butch may or may not have done any of the things mentioned in this twitter rant.

But one thing's for sure: every head coach, every company commander or first sergeant, every manager of a medium to large business, in fact every leader everywhere with dozens to hundreds of folks in their outfit ... they all have at least one knucklehead like this at some point in their years leading.

We learned absolutely nothing about Butch or the program here. What we learned is all about this young man, who needs to pull his head out of his butt, stop blaming other people for his bad decisions, and make something productive of his life.
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we had the first bi-polar coach ever to coach in the SEC at Tennessee...just lucky, I guess...:rolleyes:

we had the first bi-polar coach ever to coach in the SEC at Tennessee...just lucky, I guess...:rolleyes:


Roller, dude. If you think anybody recent was the first bipolar coach in the SEC, you haven't been paying attention. That "first" probably got establish before the Second World War. Just saying...there's no shortage of unstable coaches in American football history. :)
If heā€™s telling the truth, I wonder if UTPD went to the dorm room at the behest of Jones so he could have a reason to kick him off the team. There have been plenty of stories about how Jones tried to get rid of players so he could make room for an upcoming class.

Agreed. It is really not that big of a leap.
Iā€™m ready to talk football, but after reading the article I felt I needed to post it. Kind of a bizarre story!

What got me was the writer interpreting his tweets. Reminded me of Airplane, "Excuse me stewardess, I speak jive."

Major difference was Airplane was funny.
I find hard to believe the campus police would pull a gun in a dorm. If they had it would of been news at the Waffle House an hour later.

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