More Climate BS...



Talk Dirty To Me
Nov 8, 2004
EXCLUSIVE: Biden mileage rule to exceed Obama climate goal (

So, IMO, EV's create more climate damage by causing further deforestation to clear the way for more mining to strip the earth of more metals to make batteries for EV's consumers can't afford to replace every 5 years. One of necessary benefits of forestation is to filter the atmosphere and reproduce oxygen. One of the primary fringe benefits is a more stable climate (atleast to us since the climate varies on it's own over the planet's existence even before industrialization). If we ravage the planet to mine more battery metals, in essence EV's cause more climate issues than fossil fuels.

Also on
Hasn't Earth warmed and cooled naturally throughout history? | NOAA

Trust the Science ??

If we reduce vegetation on the planet to harvest minerals and metals, do we not deplete the earth's natural ability to cycle through it's warm and cool phases ?? Is government science not fighting, and contradicting itself, by trying to phase out one issue in order to create another ??

What would be the comparison of today's climate in South America, specifically the rain forest regions, today verses the climate pre-mega deforestation there ??

And not just the amazon basin:
Before and After: Devastating Deforestation in Photos | The Weather Channel - Articles from The Weather Channel |

Uncontrolled deforestation has caused more climate issues worldwide than anything the government is currently shoving down our throats. Gas vs. Electric Vehicles is but an ant in a sea of elephants.
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EXCLUSIVE: Biden mileage rule to exceed Obama climate goal (

So, IMO, EV's create more climate damage by causing further deforestation to clear the way for more mining to strip the earth of more metals to make batteries for EV's consumers can't afford to replace every 5 years. One of necessary benefits of forestation is to filter the atmosphere and reproduce oxygen. One of the primary fringe benefits is a more stable climate (atleast to us since the climate varies on it's own over the planet's existence even before industrialization). If we ravage the planet to mine more battery metals, in essence EV's cause more climate issues than fossil fuels.

Also on
Hasn't Earth warmed and cooled naturally throughout history? | NOAA

Trust the Science ??

If we reduce vegetation on the planet to harvest minerals and metals, do we not deplete the earth's natural ability to cycle through it's warm and cool phases ?? Is government science not fighting, and contradicting itself, by trying to phase out one issue in order to create another ??
By eliminate the parasites do you mean kill them? If so is it ok for a woman to eliminate a parasite in her uterus?

Would you prefer: Relocate them to reeducation camps? Perhaps the Pol Pot solution - let them learn to live in nature?
By eliminate the parasites do you mean kill them? If so is it ok for a woman to eliminate a parasite in her uterus?
You didn’t ask me but, as a misanthrope and borderline Malthusian, I fully support a Darwinian thinning of the herd. I say that with the full understanding that I am not exactly a shining example of “fittest.”
BTW, US population growth is basically at 0% now if you discounted immigration. In most of the developed world, the same trends apply. Europe is actually losing native population. ALL of the world population growth is in developing nations that will largely be exempt from carbon controls anyway. Please explain to me the logic in THAT? 😮
BTW, US population growth is basically at 0% now if you discounted immigration. In most of the developed world, the same trends apply. Europe is actually losing native population. ALL of the world population growth is in developing nations that will largely be exempt from carbon controls anyway. Please explain to me the logic in THAT? 😮

We're supposed to give them a break while they develop irrationally and irresponsibly? The two biggest populations (China and India) fall into that category - and also into the largest baby maker category, and considering the population, the positive increase in population is alarming - just not to the climate change folks. Logic and manmade global warming do not coexist.
We're supposed to give them a break while they develop irrationally and irresponsibly? The two biggest populations (China and India) fall into that category - and also into the largest baby maker category, and considering the population, the positive increase in population is alarming - just not to the climate change folks. Logic and manmade global warming do not coexist.
Yup, all we do is cripple our own economy, which, as the world’s most advanced, is the one most likely to develop alternatives to fossil fuels. So co2 controls on the us only 1) affect only a non growing population and 2) hobble the best bet for reducing CO2 in the countries that ARE growing. Pure madness
speaking of which, where are all of the new ZERO CARBON FOOTPRINT nuclear plants? Wouldn’t that help a lot of global warming were occurring?
Yup, all we do is cripple our own economy, which, as the world’s most advanced, is the one most likely to develop alternatives to fossil fuels. So co2 controls on the us only 1) affect only a non growing population and 2) hobble the best bet for reducing CO2 in the countries that ARE growing. Pure madness
speaking of which, where are all of the new ZERO CARBON FOOTPRINT nuclear plants? Wouldn’t that help a lot of global warming were occurring?

I'm not sure the investors will ever fund US nuclear plants again, and I don't think Joe and the dems are including them in the infrastructure bills. It's going to get real if .gov and the other backers really get the number of electric vehicles on the road the are trying for - like would you like to live in a house with lights, AC/heat, and appliances or drive you new toy kind of real.
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What absolute drivel. and fear mongering.

Is Biden Screwing This Up? (

“I think the summer of 2021 will be remembered as the summer that the American people saw with their own eyes that climate change is no longer happening in some far off future,” says Raad. “It’s happening in communities right now, all across America, and people are dying.”
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The issues are known and have been for a long time.

Livestock is the #1 contributor to emissions and global warming. The gigatons of methane they burp, the transport of them, the deforestation to raise them and the exorbitant about of crops they consume are a massive drain on society.

Next up is coal burning power. It's dirty and full of greenhouse gasses.

The solutions are simple: lab grown meat and efficient nuclear power.

We've known it for decades, but the politicians are way too lazy to educate people.
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The issues are known and have been for a long time.

Livestock is the #1 contributor to emissions and global warming. The gigatons of methane they burp, the transport of them, the deforestation to raise them and the exorbitant about of crops they consume are a massive drain on society.

Next up is coal burning power. It's dirty and full of greenhouse gasses.

The solutions are simple: lab grown meat and efficient nuclear power.

We've known it for decades, but the politicians are way too lazy to educate people.

The only thing you said that’s not batshizz crazy is the need for more nuclear power.
The only thing you said that’s not batshizz crazy is the need for more nuclear power.

Batshizz crazy is about COVID
Bullshizz crazy is about Climate Change..

The issues are known and have been for a long time.

Livestock is the #1 contributor to emissions and global warming. The gigatons of methane they burp, the transport of them, the deforestation to raise them and the exorbitant about of crops they consume are a massive drain on society.

Next up is coal burning power. It's dirty and full of greenhouse gasses.

The solutions are simple: lab grown meat and efficient nuclear power.

We've known it for decades, but the politicians are way too lazy to educate people.

<chuckles in Paris Treaty avoiding Chinese>

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