McDonald's All American Game

Man if Diamond stays we will have about 4 players with great court vision. DD,Westbrooke,Hayes,and Cooper has superior passing skills. Im glad we have Westbrooke and not Uconn. She has that 'IT' factor. I just pray, pray their game don't regress under Holly. Evina is definitely a future AP All American.

Nice post. :thumbsup:

Dear Lord, please do not let the freshmen regress under CHW. Amen. :worship:

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I expect it will be through rigorous practice aided by instruction. Repetition against much more talented players will help a lot. There is a reason that coaches say the biggest improvement occurs from year one to year two. If the Lady Vols are to return to past greatness next year, they cannot afford to wait the normal amount of time for that improvement to occur. Faster development will be required which means a lot of gym time.

But who's going to develop & instruct them?
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One of the twitter pages that cover women basketball just tweeted "My sources say it looks like Diamond DeShields will stay for her senior season." Their page is @hoopism on twitter
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One of the twitter pages that cover women basketball just tweeted "My sources say it looks like Diamond DeShields will stay for her senior season." Their page is @hoopism on twitter

I've been trying to tell you all.....Diamond is staying. I wish she'll go ahead and announce it already. I'm praying for a healthy year for the ladies. We're going to be in good shape come this time next year!
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Are you kidding me? I suggest that you learn math if you're going to try to look smart by citing numbers. But you know the saying..."Better to keep silent and be thought a fool than to speak out and remove all doubt." I believe me, there's no doubt here.

Alexa shot 39% from deep. That is a solid number, considering she takes a lot of them. And she shoots more threes because she is statistically more likely to make them than Diamond or Jordan. Duh! Common sense. The rest of the team shot 32% (NOT 34%, because that includes Alexa's statistics). So that's 7 percentage points,, which is an improvement of 21%. THAT is a significant increase.

But sure...Anastasia's 1-3 shooting, 1 assist, 4 turnovers, and 1 steal tonight is definitive proof that she's the PG of the future :crazy:

I think the only one seemingly willing to judge a player's potential off this game is you.

People believe in Hayes because some of us have seen her play for 3-4 years in High School and AAU. She was the best player on a team that was considered to be the top team in High School this year.

She shot 58% from the field this year. People who have actually followed also know that her 3pt shot will need work as she shot 29%. But her bread and butter is getting to the lane and finishing over anyone.

Rennia shot 42% from 3. She only attempted one today because they had her playing the 4. She shot 66% from 2. This was against a national schedule full of top ranked opponents.

Evina too will need to work on her 3pt shot but she has significantly improved every year on it. I believe she went from low 20's her soph year to 38/39% her senior year.

Rennia will be hard to keep off the court because I believe she won't struggle with consistency. Her mechanics are solid on her shot and that's usually half the battle with getting high school players to become more efficient.

The good news, especially if Diamond comes back, is that these guys will all have to time to adjust versus being forced to do more than they are capable of.

Diamond and Evina on the court together though... that could be something special. Evina could help bring out the best in Diamond.
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Alexa averaged 8 ppg for Tennessee, led the team in 3 pt makes, and did fine against the SEC. If you think an inexperienced HS player is going to take over from her on day 1, I'd say that you're the one who doesn't know anything about basketball. Hell, you think minus ATO Te'a Cooper is a good point guard, so...
Alexa better work on that defense she gets outmatched on the defensive end alot which is why Holly normally sits her. What I saw from Hayes and Westbrook on the defensive end tonight is something we've been missing. A couple of those steals from both players lead to layups for them. Defense is what wins something Middleton doesn't have. On the offensive end Middleton has them but those girls are going to come in and compete DAY 1 you can tell its in their DNA.
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I think the only one seemingly willing to judge a player's potential off this game is you.

People believe in Hayes because some of us have seen her play for 3-4 years in High School and AAU. She was the best player on a team that was considered to be the top team in High School this year.

She shot 58% from the field this year. People who have actually followed also know that her 3pt shot will need work as she shot 29%. But her bread and butter is getting to the lane and finishing over anyone.

Rennia shot 42% from 3. She only attempted one today because they had her playing the 4. She shot 66% from 2. This was against a national schedule full of top ranked opponents.

Evina too will need to work on her 3pt shot but she has significantly improved every year on it. I believe she went from low 20's her soph year to 38/39% her senior year.

Rennia will be hard to keep off the court because I believe she won't struggle with consistency. Her mechanics are solid on her shot and that's usually half the battle with getting high school players to become more efficient.

The good news, especially if Diamond comes back, is that these guys will all have to time to adjust versus being forced to do more than they are capable of.

Diamond and Evina on the court together though... that could be something special. Evina could help bring out the best in Diamond.
Thank you I've been saying the same thing like do they understand this is a just for fun game that doesn't even count. All 4 girls coming in are going to do amazing things for us their first year. Can't Wait!!!!!
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All I know is that was the most unimpressive mickey D's game I've watched ever.

the announcers were horrible, the overall level of play was horrible, and no stand outs on either team.

And even the lack of fouls called was horrible. Some of those east team girls should file assault charges on the west. :)
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just one game...can't make any future projections from this...I'm just glad these girls are sticking with their commitments....:thumbsup:

PS. So "Lady Vols" are so old (out of date)...guess that's why morals and ethics in this country are also...a rose by any other name smells as sweet...NOT...:shades:...:)

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Are you kidding me? I suggest that you learn math if you're going to try to look smart by citing numbers. But you know the saying..."Better to keep silent and be thought a fool than to speak out and remove all doubt." I believe me, there's no doubt here.

Alexa shot 39% from deep. That is a solid number, considering she takes a lot of them. And she shoots more threes because she is statistically more likely to make them than Diamond or Jordan. Duh! Common sense. The rest of the team shot 32% (NOT 34%, because that includes Alexa's statistics). So that's 7 percentage points,, which is an improvement of 21%. THAT is a significant increase.

But sure...Anastasia's 1-3 shooting, 1 assist, 4 turnovers, and 1 steal tonight is definitive proof that she's the PG of the future :crazy:

Don't forget to mention Anastasia was 6-6 from the line because she was attacking the basket. Something Middleton can't do because she is too slow to get by defenders. She is basically a spot up shooter with terrible defense.
on my "gotta see" list for sure...a win for Lady Vols, and,

PS. come on John Currie...reinstate Lady Vols to all female sports teams...guaranteed to win you some support...:)

Absolutely.Hartless took Al! The Lady sports apart from the inside this new AD better step up or he's next on our list for all our petitions ,emails, calls. He's going to catch hell, so will Bev. Go Lady Vols
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"Ladies" is an outdated term. If you don't get that--and being Southerners I suppose I should understand that you don't--I don't know what to tell you. If the rowing and soccer and volleyball coaches thought Lady Vols was still relevant, they'd have wanted to keep it. It isn't except to a bunch of women's basketball diehards who are still pining for the PS era. We'll see how the next women's basketball coach feels about it; I'm afraid he or she will have no choice as old people in orange sweaters will descend on him or her like locust were a decision to be made to scrap the name. If Lady Vols was adopted in 1976, that makes it more than 40 years old. It's OLD. The logo is likewise OLD and weak-looking. Look at the Power T and look at the Lady Vols logo. Big differernce. One strong, the other weak. Things change in life...A LOT of women's programs put the word Lady in front of their nickname in the 1970s and 1980s--and I'm quite sure a lot of Lady names at other colleges have been phased out. I've never said a word about a nickname having any relevance to a program's performance. It doesn't. It about image and identity in 2017.
....."Ladies" is an outdated term....... the power T is also, can't use the word men anymore it outdated. Can't sing Rocky Top it outdated, might as well shut Tennessee sports down.
Just looking at the rosters for the Mc AA game.

Observation: we have Four AA playing!
LSU : Farley-Clark
TA&M: Carter
Rest of SEC schools: ZERO

Louisville- two
Texas - Two
Baylor- Two
Stanford- Two
Uconn - Two
USC- *Littleton* and *Clark*

*. Will they stay or transfer?
UConn two

They will join the already team of AA players with 2-3 NCAA championships.....
You are incorrect about a number of things in your statement. One, both the rowing team and the soccer team were Lady Vols. I'm not sure if the rowing team changed until Dave Hart made the move against the Lady Vol moniker, but the soccer team started to slowly change when Angie Kelly left and Hart brought in Brian Pensky. That was an indication of things to come under Hart!

And, Lady Vols wasn't a 50's name to begin with. Pat didn't become the head coach until 1974. Originally, the moniker was Tennessee Women's Basketball. Sometime before Pat took over the moniker for all of the women's teams became the "Volettes". In 1976 Pat made a move to change that moniker and after consultation with the team proposed the adoption of the name "Lady Vols". This was adopted throughout the athletic department and, in fact, the volleyball team was the first to officially use the name since their season started before the basketball team.

One thing that is important here is that the Lady Vol moniker was adopted by the ladies themselves after meeting and discussion and not forced on them by a male administration, like was done by Hart and crew! While I am a proponent of the Lady Vol name, I would be accepting of the change if the teams had been given the opportunity to consider and make the ultimate decision.

And, if as you state at the end of your comment, the name will make the difference in relevance to the program, why hasn't Pensky taken the soccer team to the top of the standings since he and Hart made the first move to eliminate the "outdated" name?


Nice to see someone who knows history of UT sports, unlike many who post here. The trouble with your post and many more written for this site, is it uses more than 20-30 words. Most on here don't seem to take the time or want to be troubled with facts and knowledge. They are just attracted to social media BS..
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Just to play devil's advocate again.
Aren't you a diehard women's basketball fan? Obsessed with the past? You have been one of the most vocal and repetitive posters advocating the firing of Holly. You recite our failures of the last x number of years. You are unhappy mainly because of what the Lady Vols accomplished in the PAST. The last 5 years don't live up to the PAST but if we had sucked for 30 years the last 5 years wouldn't be so bad, would they? :unsure:

If you don't know where you've been, how do you know where you are going??
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After today game Tennessee has 3 point guards. Te'a Cooper, Evina Westbrook and Anastasia Hayes. :thumbsup:

Or figure out some way to play them at other positions. To a be point guard coming to UT is to never be heard of again. Just figure out ways to make them less than fair players.
I think the only one seemingly willing to judge a player's potential off this game is you.

People believe in Hayes because some of us have seen her play for 3-4 years in High School and AAU. She was the best player on a team that was considered to be the top team in High School this year.

She shot 58% from the field this year. People who have actually followed also know that her 3pt shot will need work as she shot 29%. But her bread and butter is getting to the lane and finishing over anyone.

Rennia shot 42% from 3. She only attempted one today because they had her playing the 4. She shot 66% from 2. This was against a national schedule full of top ranked opponents.

Evina too will need to work on her 3pt shot but she has significantly improved every year on it. I believe she went from low 20's her soph year to 38/39% her senior year.

Rennia will be hard to keep off the court because I believe she won't struggle with consistency. Her mechanics are solid on her shot and that's usually half the battle with getting high school players to become more efficient.

The good news, especially if Diamond comes back, is that these guys will all have to time to adjust versus being forced to do more than they are capable of.

Diamond and Evina on the court together though... that could be something special. Evina could help bring out the best in Diamond.

Bring out the best in "a" player. This seems to be the thought process now days. How bout we have a "team" of players that work as a team for the team and not just the best of any one player?
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Don't forget to mention Anastasia was 6-6 from the line because she was attacking the basket. Something Middleton can't do because she is too slow to get by defenders. She is basically a spot up shooter with terrible defense.

Yeah...except the second half of SEC she drove the lane made layups and nifty passes. She improved a lot but i am sure you were not at games or watching and were busy trashing players and coaches as if!
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I say the same thing but Holly has a perplexity to defer to upperclassman a lot and because Middleton knows the system she will get every chance to play herself out of a starting spot. (she'll get the Jordan Reynolds treatment)

Not sure i wouldn't think about 500 times not starting a freshman point guard come big dance time. Anyone remember a team having great results with that lately? Nope didn't think so. Middleton will average 20 minutes a game all year. No way we dont have two solidly prepared pgs and neither will be freshman...not at point.
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What I saw out of the game was a tremendous amount of help for the Lady Vols next season. As a group they were 9 of 19 from the field and hit 10 of 10 free throws. All our recruits were willing to pass the ball and that could not be said for several of the other players. As a group they only played 64 minutes which would be 16 minutes a player. If they could put on their Lady Vol uniforms and give us the same 30 points that they contributed in this game I will be overjoyed.
The Big three averaged 49 points so add 30 to that a game and were in territory scoring wise we were seldom in this season. Actually the next four players for the Lady Vols scored 23 points in 96 minutes played. I think these players can easily match that when they are actually getting open shots and are in a game setting.
Davis had 8 points and 6 rebounds plus 3 steals and never got one pass from anybody she did it all on the offensive boards and defense.
I hope Diamond comes back this would be our best offensive team in years. If she doesn't we'll just plug in Cooper, Middleton or one of the freshmen at the two.
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Yeah...except the second half of SEC she drove the lane made layups and nifty passes. She improved a lot but i am sure you were not at games or watching and were busy trashing players and coaches as if!

Middleton's biggest issue is her quickness, especially on defense. she is not able to guard anyone with a small amount of quickness to the basket. unless chw gets smart (doubtful) and plays and practices a zone,:eek:hmy: Middleton will give up a lot more points than she scores
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Are you kidding me? I suggest that you learn math if you're going to try to look smart by citing numbers. But you know the saying..."Better to keep silent and be thought a fool than to speak out and remove all doubt." I believe me, there's no doubt here.

Alexa shot 39% from deep. That is a solid number, considering she takes a lot of them. And she shoots more threes because she is statistically more likely to make them than Diamond or Jordan. Duh! Common sense. The rest of the team shot 32% (NOT 34%, because that includes Alexa's statistics). So that's 7 percentage points,, which is an improvement of 21%. THAT is a significant increase.

But sure...Anastasia's 1-3 shooting, 1 assist, 4 turnovers, and 1 steal tonight is definitive proof that she's the PG of the future :crazy:

Thanks for correcting my math. And I will give you that Alexa is our best three point shooter at 39% (your numbers) but hardly bragging rights on this team. You are proud of her 42 made three pointers for the year... let's look closer!

Preseason she made 24 of her 42 threes for 57% of her total in preseason!

That leaves 18 more threes for the regular season. She made 15 of the 18 against (you guessed it) the bottom six teams in the SEC. WHAT does that tell you!

Let's look closer at threes in which games!
James Madison- 4
Navy. - 6
Troy. - 7
Florida. - 3
Florida. - 3
Alabama. - 3
Arkansas. - 3
For a total of. 29 made threes of her 42 = 69% of her threes made against six teams in seven games!
*** WHAT HAPPENED IN THE OTHER 25 GAMES *** This tells me that 78% of the games she plays in she is not a dependable three point shooter which is the best part of her game! In 13 games she made 0 threes... or 40% of the time she makes 0 threes. But if she makes one she can shoot with a 39% accuracy. I will give you that her percentage is good.

But you cannot depend on her threes in 78% of the games she plays in. Just Saying!

You may want to check my math. I may have looked at some Collums and stats wrong?
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