Matt Schlapp Accused of Groping ... A Man

That is ignorant.

The "Me Too" movement involved exposing the unwanted advances of men in positions of authority over female subordinates, and how rejecting these advances often led to acts of spiteful retaliation against the female, including the blackballing of actresses from the film industry in cases involving Harvey Weinstein.

The Clinton/Lewinsky affair is missing a chief component of the movement ... Monica Lewinsky welcomed Bill Clinton's advances, and even initiated some of the sexual contact herself. She testified to this at great length under oath.
Your party encouraged people like Harvey Weinstein
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Your party encouraged people like Harvey Weinstein
A large part of the movement directly involved the right wing's most popular cable news network ... Fox News.

Roger Ailes and Bill O'Reilly were two of the more prominent offenders, along with Harvey Weinstein. In fact, Fox News signed Bill O'Reilly to a contract extension just a few months after he settled a $35 million sexual harassment suit that had been filed against him by former Fox News anchor Gretchen Carlson.

Former on-air personalities who alleged sexual harassment against CEO Roger Ailes while working for Fox News include :

Laurie Dhue
Megan Kelly
Andrea Tantaros
Gretchen Carlson
Lis Wiehl
A large part of the movement involved the right wing's most popular cable news network ... Fox News.

Roger Ailes and Bill O'Reilly were two of the more prominent offenders, along with Harvey Weinstein. In fact, Fox News signed Bill O'Reilly to a contract extension just a few months after he settled a $35 million sexual harassment suit that had been filed against him by former Fox News anchor Gretchen Carlson.

Former on-air personalities who alleged sexual harassment against CEO Roger Ailes while working for Fox News include :

Laurie Dhue
Megan Kelly
Andrea Tantaros
Gretchen Carlson
Lis Wiehl
Not sure why you would mention Fox News. Outside of the occasional Tucker or Imgraham segment I could care less about Fox News.

Do you really wanna go there?

Matt Lauer
Charlie Rose
Tavis Smiley
John Conyers
Al Franken
Andrew Cuomo
Joe Biden

And once again this is another short list.

As I said before. Democrats outrage and morality is very selective.
Not sure why you would mention Fox News. Outside of the occasional Tucker or Imgraham segment I could care less about Fox News.

Do you really wanna go there?

Matt Lauer
Charlie Rose
Tavis Smiley
John Conyers
Al Franken
Andrew Cuomo
Joe Biden

And once again this is another short list.

As I said before. Democrats outrage and morality is very selective.
Do you really not understand why I would bring up the culture at Fox News? Seriously? Are you that oblivious to what has been going on? It's not just about you and what you personally watch. Fox News has been central to right wing politics over the last 20 years. There is no denying that reality.

The misconduct of Eric Boling and Ed Henry on top of Roger Ailes and Bill O'Reilly were highly relevant to the "Me Too" movement.
Who is Matt schlapp!?
Nobody knows or cares. He's just some nobody that EL used to start a slide thread. Since there is never a positive reason to discuss Biden, these pointless threads are a good way to get people in here and distracted with whatever nonsense available. Anything to take the focus off of this failed and illegitimate president.
Who is Matt schlapp!?
One of the problems with the Republican Party. I'm personally no fan of his and haven't been for awhile now.

However I will still continue to point out the Democrat's hypocrisy and selective moral outrage.
Do you really not understand why I would bring up the culture at Fox News? Seriously? Are you that oblivious to what has been going on? It's not just about you and what you personally watch. Fox News has been central to right wing politics over the last 20 years. There is no denying that reality.

The misconduct of Eric Boling and Ed Henry on top of Roger Ailes and Bill O'Reilly were highly relevant to the "Me Too" movement.
So you're just going dismiss allegations against people like Lauer and Rose? Who were media darlings for years. I think 27 women total came out against Rose. And this was shortly after his interview with Steve Bannon where he also took cheap shots and tried lecture Bannon on morals.
Wonder if ole Billy was typing in nuclear codes while Monica was playing swallow the sausage, ya know just for fun and gags..
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I had my junk groped by a lesbian bartender once while sitting at her bar.
A large part of the movement directly involved the right wing's most popular cable news network ... Fox News.

Roger Ailes and Bill O'Reilly were two of the more prominent offenders, along with Harvey Weinstein. In fact, Fox News signed Bill O'Reilly to a contract extension just a few months after he settled a $35 million sexual harassment suit that had been filed against him by former Fox News anchor Gretchen Carlson.

Former on-air personalities who alleged sexual harassment against CEO Roger Ailes while working for Fox News include :

Laurie Dhue
Megan Kelly
Andrea Tantaros
Gretchen Carlson
Lis Wiehl

I had my junk groped by a lesbian bartender once while sitting at her bar.
Drunk out of my mind one summer night in Vegas and in the elevator outside the NY NY, I had a black hooker unzip my khaki shorts and pull them down to my knees ... when we reached the street level and the elevator door opened a middle aged couple saw us and the guy said, "I think we'll get the next one."

What this story has to do with this thread or politics, I couldn't tell you, but it was an embarrassing situation.
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